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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26922216 No.26922216 [Reply] [Original]

It’s over. The Jews are too powerful.

>> No.26923599

When will you learn, the game was rigged from the start.

>> No.26923602

Dude, I have $100 just lost in fucking limbo. My sell executed, but it hasn't been added to my buying power.

>> No.26923653
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>> No.26923916

Just don't use stock market apps. Use cryptocurrency apps. :)

>> No.26924151

I sold some doge and I had the same thing happen. What happened to my money lol

>> No.26924198

relax retards. their network is bogged to shit right now, it just takes a little while for the transactions to go through. I find that their desktop site works (slighty) better.

((they)) have no interest in fucking over DOGE because their money isn't on the line. For every person who makes money off doge, an equal loss will incur on the other retail buyers

>> No.26924329

they dont have enough doge anon

>> No.26924370

we cant use binance in america

>> No.26924559

Yeah, it's being spazzy as fuck. You just have to wait a bit then it'll finally register. Nothing something we should have to be doing with such volatility like this

>> No.26924706

US Binance, brooooo

>> No.26924816


>> No.26924826

I have 400 lost in limbo for an hour now

doesn't even show like it ever existed yet it says sale filled

>> No.26924843

Sane $200 tho

>> No.26924853

same, $800, it'll show up eventually, r-right? I mean it's only been an hour

>> No.26925019

Why the fuck are we buying doge again??? Is this some out of season april fools joke? Who the fuck do you think are you screwing here?

>> No.26925139


Does anything show up in your pending orders when you tap buying power? I am kinda worried I am about to be out like 400 dollars.

>> No.26925182
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>the jews are stopping dogecoin trading just to flex their power

>> No.26925236

I'm buying more doge tomorrow, BRING ON THE 1$ BABY

>> No.26925355

No, but when i go to my transactions it shows the order as filled

>> No.26925469
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I got mine 10 minutes but it took fucking ages

>> No.26925492

Same. I cancelled a limit buy and it's still not back.

>> No.26925571

Damn, i thought i was the only one getting screwed, im out 400. Should I just buy the real thing and not use robinhood?

>> No.26925577

robinhood is shit. where do I buy?

>> No.26925586

$800 anon, nothing is pending, buying power is still $30 ish. going to the doge page it says my sell was completed. screenshotted and emailed them, maybe they'll get to it next week kek

>> No.26925746

Cancelled it and 10 mins later it posted. Fuckin app is broken. Done with them after this run

>> No.26925783

get xrp next time

>> No.26925797

Same. 13$ vanished lol
Order was filled though. Sent an email :)

>> No.26925816

Yup. I fucking warned u people. It’s rigged.

>> No.26925913


>> No.26925958

I had a Binance account years ago and just got back into trading last week. Saw that US users cant use Binance anymore. Anyway to transfer my Binance funds to Binance US or am I fucked?

>> No.26926037

>they don’t have enough dodge
there is an infinite supply of dodgecoin. genius!

>> No.26926095

All these fucking tourists using fucking Robinhood to buy DogeCoin, /biz/ really is Redit 2.0 now.

>> No.26926114


haha thats what you get for not having a wallet off the exchanges


get rekt robiniggers

>> No.26926143
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Pic related

>> No.26926230

>using Robinhood
You’re doing this to yourself desu

>> No.26926251

the state of this board

>> No.26926391

dont use their apps

>> No.26926445

I'm spooked mine all loaded after waiting a minute or two maybe refreshing the page once or twice

>> No.26926477

fundu are safu

>> No.26926585
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Stop using Robinhood to buy crypto you cucks, didn't you learn your lesson with GME?

>> No.26926864

Happened to me with $200. We got fucking kiked.

>> No.26926980

tradeogre better than binance or uniswap?

>> No.26927063
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my order was filled and it still isn't showing up

>> No.26927319

Uniswap and binance both good, but doge isn't an erc20 right so its not on uni?

>> No.26927403

Hotbit you fucking idiot

>> No.26927457

Just buy crypto using ETH/Uniswap/Loopring. Stop using cucked centralized exchanges. They just stop trading when it sucks for them.

>> No.26927559

wtf has /biz/ turned to? are people seriously saying they can't buy DOGE in 2021? you should literally buy a chair and a rope instead

>> No.26928978

retards following a small number of bot accounts and pump personalities between twitter and reddit. never doubt the genius of retail investors, especially those abroad.

>> No.26929117

Does GME sell ropes yet? I know they have other PPE.