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26909007 No.26909007 [Reply] [Original]

What you don't realize is silver is actually used in industry and there is a lot more of it to be mined. If silver went to $50 an oz there are tons and tons and tons of it in mines that would become profitable to extract where it is not profitable now.

That is the problem with sliver mooning, at anything above $50ish an oz there is nearly unlimited silver to be mined out of the ground profitably, that's why it will never go to 100 and stay there. It can spike but that's why when you see it go to about 50 it never stays there long, they can turn up the volume on mining at that price and satisfy all demand

>> No.26909377

big if true

>> No.26909574

You cant ramp physical production in days. These cycles take years. Idem with crops.

>> No.26909920

Lots o boomer rock threads on our crypto board.

>> No.26910004

no not in days, but yes in months. Not years. The big mining companies literally have the land and rights purchased and the equipment ready to go to mine that shit to take advantage of rising prices. It has happened before. Silver is not magic, it's like oil they know where it is and how hard it is to get and at a certain price there is for all practical purposes unlimited silver forever to be mined. Silver is not like gold it occurs as an oxide and there is a shitload of it on earth

>> No.26910394

my dad has SIVR like 10,000 how fucked is he?

>> No.26910440


That's not entirely true. Supply is not virtually infinite either, even if unfathomably large. But the main problem with this assumption is that production cannot change as fast as the market price. In fact, disrupting the current sources of silver with larger operations might even cause human rights concerns and require military/paramilitary action for it to go through. Let alone how volatile the entire thing might become depending on the government controlling the territory/concession of the sources at any given moment.

>> No.26910471

bought silver, already green, soon going to crypto

>> No.26910569

we have reached peak silver, and a lot of the miners are making losses at this price level, there is only 1 primary silver mining company, all others primarily mine something else

>> No.26910627

but op, we look at short term, any great increase in demand would bring the price up

>> No.26910727

it cannot change as fast as market price. But look to history, once it goes to 50 after a few months it goes back down. Every time.

Overnight it could be run to 75 or so, but silver is not going to go to 100+ and stay there for any length of time. Realistically if you buy it at the current price you will be very lucky to have that price double, that is your max realistic exit.

There is no way silver can go to 1000 or anything like that

>> No.26911254
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$50 would net me a damn nice profit though desu, not to mention numismatic shit has a tasty premium.