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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26905637 No.26905637 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26905737

That's actually a customary Cherokee response for disgust.

>> No.26905885

honestly? i think she's laughing that a bunch of wall street jews are getting cucked out of $30billion+

>> No.26907417

She's laughing at Wall Street getting cucked - Warren hates them. She made Cooperman cry on CNBC like a year ago

>> No.26907534


>> No.26907633

Does /biz/ like Warren?

>> No.26907634

First they laugh at you.

>> No.26907697

Indians are complete shysters, might as well be honorary gems

>> No.26907702

Everyone on wall street and everyone external to this situation is lmaoing at your irrationality

>> No.26907751

This. Warren is kind of a dope but her whole career has been about not liking financial elites.

>> No.26907772
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Warren? The same cunt who claims to be anti-wallstreet and that she was going to hold the bankers' feet to the fire, and what she does is put through legislation cucking retail traders by not letting anyone daytrade without having at least 25k invested?

>> No.26907852

No but she does hate Wall Street

>> No.26907882
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lol kek

>> No.26907940

>Warren Buffet is a tranny
Wtf is he implying?

>> No.26907984

Indians love to gamble tho

>> No.26908126

the best part of this will be buying the dip, because wall street still somehow hasn't figured out there's actually a long term bull thesis for GME

so we'll do this all again

>> No.26908174

I mean, that’s the act she’s putting on, but she hates poor people as much as the next politician

>> No.26908195

she that indian chick?

>> No.26908539

Didnt Warren give massive praise for Janet Yullen though

>> No.26908694

She has done nothing likable outside of unintentionally showcasing how stacked the deck is and how far you can get simply by pretending to be a minority

>> No.26909145

She is a smart economist but an unrelenting statist. Not a fan.

>> No.26909183

Politicians think you smell different too. When they get into their cars after a campaign rally they breathe really deeply cause the stench of poor people is gone.

>> No.26909186

Can someone confirm if this is possible?

>> No.26909506

Sounds plausible to me

>> No.26909707
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She laughed because that's a default response from a woman who has to feign knowledge of a subject in order to appear like they're in control. Clinton laughed all the time, it stalls for time and allows you to dismiss any actual response to the question outright. Politicians are nothing if not masterful deceivers. She's about elite as my left hand when it's cranking out one.

>> No.26910992

It’s mostly all true except it then goes for a cynical ending which assumes we are gonna free market the shit out of everything, but the reality is that it could pop at any moment due to external factors since we don’t operate in a fully free market. If shit gets out of hand they aren’t going to sit and watch

>> No.26911292

Yeah there is. But not at fucking 200 dollars hahhahaha

>> No.26911883
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it's true

>> No.26912031

>Warren is kind of a dope but her whole career has been about **appearing to** not like financial elites.
Correction anon

>> No.26912611

Does he shave the buttcrack on his/xir on purpose?

>> No.26912726

I would long GME to ~$30 but not $300. Tomorrow is the final battle for GME, fundies need to buy and autists need to sell (or have life long bags).
Personally I'm buying 1 under $300 at open and putting at sell at $600 for an easy 100%, if you have higher risk tolerance you could aim for anything from $1,000 to $100,000 but I just want to be able to say I got a cut of the pie.

>> No.26912856
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>> No.26913387

You are legit retarded if you actually believe this.

>> No.26913546

You fucking idiots really don’t understand how serious this is do you? You’re causing major institutions to lose billions of dollars and might even cause the grandparent loaning bank to go under. People will lose their homes, people’s mortgages and investments will be impacted as a result. There is a loser on every trade and mark our words at the end of the day it WILL be you

Enjoy retaining a lawyer and fighting off discovery for the next five years. Was it worth ruining your life for a 10x? Good luck explaining why you’re using words like “Jew” and “nigger” to a federal judge. Enough is enough and it’s about time someone took you man children down a notch

>> No.26913769

4/10 I chuckled.

>> No.26913822

this is why nothing ever changes. yall keep falling for the same bullshit

>> No.26913954

>People will lose their homes, people’s mortgages and investments will be impacted as a result
Perfectly legal and has been done by others for decades, if you have a problem with it write your local representative.

>> No.26914167

Possible but unlikely. GME isn't big enough of a market to provide the large enough losses to destroy banks, particularly all of them (banks like BofA and JPM are fucking gigantic with a lot of money) but could cause a wider market sell-off and huge hedge fund losses. That said, rumbling around wallstreet is that there were also hedge funds on the correct side of gamestop, so those HF gains/losses are prob more akin to winners and losers than any catastrophic widespread contagion.

>> No.26914507

then you perform a rain dance ritual

>> No.26914549

Realistically I think a couple of hedge funds get crushed until they learn naked shorting isn't an option anymore.

>> No.26914698

She's laughing because she doesn't want to say something - retard

>> No.26915346

jewish hands typed this post
They set up a game they thought was unlosable for themselves, it's time for us to win

>> No.26915727

kikes get cucked

>> No.26915745
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so buy Bitcoin?

>> No.26915948

I'm split 60/30 crypto / stonks right now, feel like it's a good place to be until we see how this SEC shit shakes out.

>> No.26916186

how have faggots not realized this is all an act and these people dont care either way

how many times must it be said to not trust any politician

>> No.26916417

>smart economist

>> No.26916667

Must be a pretty forced laugh. By tomorrow it will be tears.

>> No.26916682

i do yeah. people on here are saying she hates the little guy blah blah. but liz knows what it's like to be taken advantage of financially, she was actually on the bad end of a shady beads deal in her youth

>> No.26916803

>these people dont care either way
Oh yeah, they are all fine with their biggest donors getting cleaned out.
Remember they do have a dog in this fight and it isn't us.

>> No.26916870
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only some libertarians are fully redpilled about politicians and democracy itself. But that doesn't stop retarded bootlickers from saying "haha you can't even get someone elected you have no power" right before they continue crying about how they are getting screwed over by the people they elected and feel totally unrepresented.

>> No.26916989

she's a fucking grifter like Bernie and AOC

>> No.26917061

Only because they're not shorting it, the ones that do are probably contemplating suicide

>> No.26917433


>> No.26917710

Yep, after years on 4chan for /biz/ advice he finally succumb to the trap posts and went full trannie.