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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 164 KB, 1009x518, balance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
269043 No.269043 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.269062
File: 109 KB, 716x516, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mirin' your gains bro

how long have you've been at it?

>> No.269079

>no fees for me: $9.00
>save it for later: 107.76
>common member shares: $1.00 worth

yep, I'm broke

>> No.269085

since '04. 5 years in sales, 5 years in software dev.

>> No.269108
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>> No.269110

Do those savings1 and 2 count as separate accounts? I kind of wanted to split savings for different things, but I didn't want to open accounts just for that.

>> No.269160

yeah, they are different accounts numbers, and you can easily open up to 20 savings account with a 360 account, just a click of a button

>> No.269166


>> No.269170
File: 4 KB, 514x71, tfwpoorfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gib moni plox

>> No.269186
File: 31 KB, 769x251, 45353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Former NEET. Minimum wage slave.

My plan is to save up $5000 for an emergency fund. Then I'll try get into university (I'll need to get a high school diploma and all that shit, will take a year or two). Then invest the rest.

>> No.269193

Fellow TD, bro. What's the debt?

>> No.269209

20k was student loans, and the TD Visa Emerald is just frivolous spending. I had a 4% interest rate so I was like "Fuck it I'll spend"

I'd say I'm working on paying it down, but that is a lie.

>> No.269222


Same boat as you with the credit cards and student loans, but I have a lot more student debt...

Maybe some day I will get my shit together... At least I am graduating soon and will hopefully find a good job to start burning this debt off and saving some money where I can.

>> No.269223

is the heartbleed SSL bug still affecting online banking?

>> No.269247

lol someone edited their HTML.
No financially savvy person would hold more than $200k in a bank that can only promise to save you $200k.
By the way Platinum BofA customers have another tab at the very top for further options. Just saying.

>> No.269275

he's been saving and making money since 04

why would he lie about such things, that's a very reasonable amount to have since 04 bro

>> No.269276

FDIC insurance is for 250k

>> No.269280

How do you know he's been at it since 04?
Even then having more than $200k in a place where others use your money to make their money is not how you make your money.

>> No.269282

>How do you know he's been at it since 04?

if he's gonna try to HTML troll, I would think he would at least make his story more envious.

saving this amount in 10years is just respectable, steady hard work.

>> No.269295

I dropped out. I got a job (which I resigned from shortly after), and to make a really long story short it showed me just how fucked the job market really was. Like, really fucked.

So right now I'm coasting with my 30k/yr baseline plus 10k+ on the side, looking for a real opportunity.

>> No.270263


>> No.270860

>ITT I'm the only faggot brave enough to post his pitiful bank account

>> No.271517

how old are you?

>> No.271522
File: 34 KB, 1368x770, mahnuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only have $3k in cash total

>> No.271528

Bank of Isreal

Savings: $504,673,822.97

>> No.271564

>not 600,000,000.00

>> No.271719

So are banks where poor people keep money that isn't properly invested?

>> No.271767
File: 40 KB, 1564x143, muh shekels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 21, final year of university. I live at home, no job and get $240 a fortnight in student payments.

>> No.271782

I found Westpac's online banking to be absolutely terrible, has it improved at all?

Good luck graduating from uni. Do you have HECS?

>> No.271808

I've never had any issues, but I don't do a lot with it. Centrelink goes in, debit card to get it out is pretty much the extent of it. I do have HECS, probably about 25k once I graduate. But I'm doing a paramedic degree which pretty much guarantees me a job. I'm trying to save enough that, when added to the pay I get for the 5 week induction will be enough to move out, because I could be sent anywhere in the state.

No accounts fees for being a student is pretty good, though I suspect most banks will have that.

>> No.271837


But where I live in, I can survive almost a whole month with that.

>> No.271967

yeah pretty much
dogecoin is investing properly, right?

>> No.271972

>not having at least $1bn.


>> No.272197


>> No.272247
File: 9 KB, 156x227, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get more than $80 interest a month on my savings :(

>> No.272313

Put more money in.

>> No.272421

Le good advice

>> No.272454
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>> No.272462
File: 14 KB, 778x369, 401k1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first 401k

>> No.272466

Fellow Bank of Americaner! I have about $50k in my account (separate from my $40k retirement fund) and have been looking to do some investing.. Merril Edge seems like the obvious choice for a brokerage but I've ready a lot of bad reviews on it. I'm also looking for something fairly liquid that I could pull money easily out of if need be, without massive fees. Is it even worth bothering with Merril Edge and mutual funds or would a Money Market Savings account be a better option?

>> No.272468

lockheed doesn't appear to pay you diddly squat

>> No.272471
File: 10 KB, 831x313, tIRA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

traditional IRA

>> No.272473

I worked there for 2008-2011. Salary upon exit was $65k/yr (in Florida), which is why I left.

The 401k is mostly idle at this point.

>> No.272515
File: 30 KB, 295x389, nodebt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently got my first "real job" after working many shit jobs since graduating highschool.

>> No.272693
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We are the vanguard of your destruction.

>> No.273036
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>devry will be a good opportunity they told me

>> No.273043

Do you do anything with that except put your money in and wait?

>> No.273656

Of course he doesn`t. Long term investing is the only "real" way to become rich, the rest is gambling.

You`ll need to become an entrepreneur like Buffett if you wish to earn alot by making risky investments.

>> No.273671


Did you really do DeVry though

>> No.273693

Gj getting your shit together.

>> No.273702

Is this a bank acct screenshot or a secondary calculator?

>> No.273757
File: 73 KB, 1280x1024, niggas_be_broke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 22
>tfw no savings account
>tfw $9/hr suicide-inducing job at a call center
>tfw no idea what I want to do with my life
>tfw not even enough money for community college

>> No.274251

Can't tell if you're saying I'll never succeed or if you're saying good job for getting a job and planning on going to university.


>> No.274263


Completely broke, don't even have dosh to eat

>> No.274268


>> No.274283
File: 5 KB, 201x178, TradingFunds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a few of my accounts. Only related to trading though

>> No.274548
File: 1.47 MB, 1113x673, 1360215715680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 yr old
>6.5k in savings
>850 checking
>new car
>116k in college fund
>9k in roth IRA

All props goes to my dad for teaching me how to save money and work hard. Also my dead grandma for college fund. I still miss you tho ;_;

>> No.274553

I'll loan you $500 for 42% interest

>> No.274558

im looking at
>$1 in sum checking
>$403 in another checking
>$30 in another checking
>$267 in savings
>$11.6k in debt for student loans not even 20 y/o yet
>no car
pls kill me or guide me to financial success

>> No.274577


Unsecured loan? I'll take you up for that.

>> No.274582

>all these savings accounts
it's like you enjoy not making money

and no i'm not talking about you faggots with $200 in your savings, you're worthless anyways

>> No.274596

I have around 80K liquid in savings accounts. It's just my spending money though

>> No.274604

>this guy thinks we don't use our savings accounts as emergency funds

>> No.274610

>It's just the spending money my wife/father-in-law allowed me to have

>> No.274631

How did you manage to make quarter of a million dollars??

>> No.274634

I don't use my savings as emergency funds.

>> No.274639

Well shit, I have no idea what a vanguard fund even is. Some sort of managed index fund? That fucker added ~100k to 28k over 4-5 years without doing anything? Seems like a pretty good deal.

What about something like the next financial crash? Will they re-allocate their choices to account for that once shit starts dropping, or will it simply drop down into the hell that will be the 2014/15 financial crash?

>inb4 it'll be a bull market forever, we're only in for a small correction
Substitute it for the 07/08 crash. You know what I meant.

>> No.275124
File: 21 KB, 472x427, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rollin nigga

>> No.275150

If you don't have enough money to keep a savings account padded then you shouldn't be investing.

No one asked you faggot.

>> No.275153

Seems legit

>> No.275198

Cash on hand: ~80k
Investments: ~125k
Debts: 0

captcha: inheritance weireop
Fortunately I haven't inherited anything yet.

>> No.275228

HTML is fun isn't it

>> No.275250

Wait, wtf is a "priced investment" and why do you have so much of it?

>> No.275295


>> No.275308

I have a little over $2 in my bank account (savings) and $0 in my checking. Owe about $10,000 on student loans. Live with parents. No screenshots necessary for this shit.

>> No.275391


I had this Asian kid at my uni show me he was a millionaire. He actually was, the stupid son of a bitch.

You're problem is you need to add commas when you edit it.

>> No.275396


Wipe what's your skype.

>> No.275414

No, he's most probably got his money in a Vanguard ETF. Lowcosts, no active management, just follows the given index.

The returns are what's called compound interest and yearly returns from investments over time as the companies grow.

No, they won't re-allocate anything. It will drop down and bounce back up after the crash as every index always does as long as the markets keep growing.

>Substitute it for the 07/08 crash. You know what I meant.

No, I don't. Over time these crashes don`t really matter, the market will keep growing as long as there are resources to waste and new consumers to hook up (China, India, Africa has huge potential with almost all big European/American firms setting up shop there nowadays).

>> No.275866
File: 1.07 MB, 2688x1520, 1397320375087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laughing at you from my new Benz. ;^)

Why? Just curious before I hand out info here

>> No.276055

Bump to avoid duplicate

>> No.276074

>buying mercedes

Get some taste, pleb.

inb4 sour grapes, nah you just have shit taste

>> No.276691

Whats wrong with Mercedes?

>> No.276696

he cant buy one

>> No.276707

one thing i hate about the new benz's is the center console buttons

volvo makes it so much more simplistic

>> No.276709

Makes sense. The exterior is awesome with the bi xenon

>> No.276711

Wipe didn't buy one either, its a lease.

>> No.276713

already said inb4 sour grapes

nice try though, pleb

>> No.276714

So he likes having a new one every few years? Is that worse than owning

>> No.276717

It's a nice car if you have 70,000 to waste

>> No.276721


>> No.276724

Stop telling me how to spend my own money goyim

>> No.276740

didn't tell you how to spend it
in fact its great you're helping people stay employed

however, mercedes is still pleb tier

>> No.276754

How so? I think it's a great car for the wife (I drive the S550)

>> No.276866

23 by time you finish hs
27 by time you finish college


>> No.276875

>buying wife a mercedes

Ahhhhh, so you're pussy whipped. That would explain it all.

>> No.276980
File: 576 KB, 600x600, 1396325871928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having so much money you buy mercedes for your friends

>> No.277129

Fairly certain that was established when I married her

>> No.277160
File: 68 KB, 781x665, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18 years old, in college, living at home, $8/hr part time job

>> No.277208

Decent. How much in college loans?

>> No.277243
File: 108 KB, 581x1025, 14 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wipe, why do you dress like a gay man?

>> No.277316

>27 in a week
>No car
>Maybe $1200 in non liquid assets

Rent is the $90 transaction due tomorrow

>> No.277317
File: 72 KB, 702x258, 1397370938340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too pleb to include screenshot

>> No.277324
File: 121 KB, 713x552, 3Z4oWb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another couple hundred dollars with BMO and then another $6k or so now in a Questrade TFSA. I'm doing alright.

>> No.277612


Everyone point and fucking laugh

>> No.277622
File: 213 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 next month. High yeild account is currently getting .85%.

I need to learn a good investing plan and move most of it over. Been looking at Vangard a bit.

>> No.277628
File: 14 KB, 278x158, 1397399611490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TD, top is chequings, bottoms savings.
Payed my credit card today so owe 0.

>> No.277629

shit bro, your 25? What do you do for a living, nice gains.

this is me and im 24 :(

>> No.277642

Started working young.

Started at a grocery store early in high school. Since expense were low, almost all of it went into savings. Quit in 2008, and worked as head mechanic at a bike rental shop for a little over 4 years. (Paid in cash starting at $8 an hour, left making $12 an hour.) now working IT for a city hall, making $18 an hour. Add in all the freelance work I did over the years .

Every month I tried to bank $1000 MINIMUM. It adds up!

>> No.277646
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I also have $3400 sitting idle in a Scottrade account.

I'm not investing because serious life changes are on the horizon; I'm 25 and about to graduate with my engineering bachelors, and I anticipate I'll have a job and will be moving out within 6 months or so, will need all this money for various related expenses.

I still feel like I have nothing at all, I'm 25 and this is pretty much the extent of my assets; plus I have 22k in student loans.

>> No.277663

I have $24
>only get paid $7.50/hr
>only work two days a week
>not in school
>impossible to save even a tiny amount
>live with mother who gets paid $9/hr
>all money goes to bills

>> No.277677

Time you stepped up and worked more than twice a week. Get a 2nd job if you have to.

>> No.277686

Yeah I'm looking
Currently at a grocery
Wageslave life sucks

>> No.277697


equities. why wouldnt i?

>> No.277705

I'm too lazy to login and screenshot, but I literally have £4.45

>> No.277708

>20 turning 21 in july
>working on call but have been assured work for 2 more months 915$ after taxes every 1st and 15th.
>Owe about 25k$ for a year at school going to a private school I left when i was 19.
> 1k in a mutual fund
>Have about 800 in cash in the bank.
>Owe 1500 in credit cards.
>live with my parents.

Trying to get my shit together doing side jobs this month should earn about 2k pay off my cards. and look for a job for the summer and once the summer ends i will have my on call job call me up again. And they are suppose to hire me starting at 24k a year, then I will be trying to get back into community college to go for a financial degree or computer science.
any advice?

>> No.277816

Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.277822

>finance degree
Worthless unless you join a finance related frat and build some Badass connections to the richfags on campus.

Even more worthless. Market has been flooded with comp sci majors because the major is baby tier STEM (still worth more than geology)

Get your undergrad math out of the way. You should have Diffy Q's done by the time yiu transfer to a real uni

>> No.277825


that's how I did it, I'm a lawyer but I decided working for other people sucks - so I do manual labor jobs on weekends to support my bar fees and liability insurance costs while I build a client base and get my practice off the ground. It's hard, but it's also very freeing.

>> No.277827

>the major is baby tier STEM (still worth more than geology)

Whoa, there. Are you sure you know what you're talking about? There is a resource boom right now and geologists are being paid very, very handsomely. A geologist makes far, far more than any engineer or computer science major.

>> No.277828

How do you enjoy owning your own firm? I over majority ownership over one and it's so difficult getting clients in civil matters to pay for that shit after you take care of them

>> No.277830

I'm making fun of the rock jockeys. You're referring to those people that sold their souls to the oil industry

>> No.277842

>using BoA

Holy shit, can you pleb any harder?

>> No.277839


That's very true, I worked for this one guy who I didn't really like, but one smart thing he did was be very selective about his clients which I think is something you have to do. Owning a firm is definitely the way to go because being a junior associate sucks, you get treated like crap and they send you out on the worst cases and often won't give you time/resources to prepare properly.

I'd like to focus on criminal law just because I enjoy it but I'm getting alot of employment and estate cases, hopefully as I start building a network I can get more into criminal.

My goal is to eventually have enough money saved up so I can afford to do the big ticket civil cases where you have to hire tons of experts but also get a big payoff at the end.

>> No.277846

as for getting clients to pay it always has to be either up front retainer (pay as you go) or if contingency make sure the company pays you and you hand the client's share over to them. Anything else pretty much ensures clients won't pay because they have this perception that lawyers are rich and don't need the money + they think our job is easy/just talk so they don't feel obligated to pay you in the end.

Owning a law firm is hard, and the financial payoff doesn't justify it, but it is rewarding.

>> No.277854

>thinking Mercedes only makes pleb cars
Bougie bitches

>> No.277855
File: 23 KB, 779x241, dosh3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's a mighty strange looking Netbank you have there, friend. How old is that screenshot?

As for me... feels poor, man. At least I'm not in debt. Also have $500 or so sunk into crypto, which will most likely disappear over the next couple of months.

>> No.277863

Become a patent troll.

>> No.277900

Owning the firm isn't too difficult and I have quite a few contract attorneys/paralegals on our payroll. I adopted the "insurance law" method of payment. Where you slowly accrue more and more money over time.

Basically I find contract attorneys work (after my wife and I do thorough background/interviews on attorneys) and we take a percentage of their profit.

>> No.277980

>2k in Tax Free Savings Mutual Funds
>1k in Chequing
>14k in Savings

Graduated last year, and making only $17/h atm. Also own a side spa business. Still have 20k in student loans but managed to defer payment with no interest.

To think I had less than $800 total in my account a few years ago.

>> No.278514

Anyone else use this? Looks neat

>> No.278630

>thanks Dad for teaching me about hard work!
>gifted 100k+ by grammy
lol are you serious?

>> No.278662


get that fucking money outta checking and into savings so you can earn some interest on it.

Get an eye toward moving it outta the bank and into an investment account since your money isn't FDIC insured past $100k

When a stock loses half its value for stupid reasons like that big Mattel recall because of lead paint, buy in hard. Don't buy in for "accounting irregularities" that a death knell, like Enron

>> No.278669


Oh also, normally I'd say that collge loan is "good" debt, but you have so much cash, just invest it anyway

Obama has things so fucked you're not going to be seeing a good return anyway.

Just pay it off a little more strenuously

>> No.278673


Do you have a job? The student loans aren't a huge deal, but maybe try and get a job or an internship.

Ask your parents to give you the money to buy a trade magazine to whatever field you're in.

>> No.278677
File: 18 KB, 785x198, sigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than me

though to be fair I spent $9,000 recently on a 3 month trip to the USA. yolo

>> No.278697

>its a lease.


>> No.278713


Not sure why you have more than $2500 in checking but okay.

Keep doing what you're doing.

Once you get a real job, get a money market account, save up 6-9 months savings

>> No.278725


He said it was hard work, he didn't say it was HIS hard work, lol

and to be fair, it'll give him a leg up in life

>> No.278745
File: 15 KB, 653x238, ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saving to move out, can't qualify for much of a loan since I'm a tipped employee and don't report all of it :(((

>> No.278812

want to do business together?

i am a forex trader, could use some extra money to make more

>> No.278859

Well, the whole point of them is status, they're not particularily good everyday cars otherwise. If you're leasing one, how do you think that reflects upon your status?

>> No.278863
File: 202 KB, 480x204, check 'em.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.280538


>> No.280553

wipe how do you make your dosh?

>> No.280562

>£26k ($43k) in savings
>£10k ($17k) invested in a couple of AIM stocks

Will probably use 20k for a house deposit, and move away from single stocks and into Vanguard funds/ETFs. I'm 26, how am I doing /biz/? I... I'm gonna make it... Right?

>> No.280566

$5000 in an online savings account through Discover, about $2000 more between checking and savings at my local bank

Just finished paying off student loans a couple months ago, time to start saving properly

>> No.280567
File: 81 KB, 480x360, plaschke whammy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am a forex trader

>> No.280576

He doesn't have any himself, he married into wealth

>> No.280632

Run 3 businesses with the family. About to acquire a 4th.

Pretty sure I work 9am-1pm. You act as if I get paid to do nothing.

>> No.280633

I am £1440 overdrawn, so -£1440.

Finishing up my MA, so will be applying for graduate work in about a months time. Looking to go into a sales/commission based industry like recruitment.

>> No.280669

Time to get some green papers for providing services involving some green plants, if you know what Im saying. Either that, or wage slavery for the rest of your life. If it doesnt work out right... at least theres no rent in jail.

>> No.280941
File: 48 KB, 905x409, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still very young, i'm not even in college yet. And work as a cashier in a small corner store... And also to consider is, I buy stuffs I need and want. So in my own eyes, I'm not doing half bad

>> No.280946

You should write up a copypasta about how you decided to start your first business and then continue it on to your current time. Could help newfriends like myself who want to start their own businesses but don't know where to begin.

>> No.280952

No really that is what my netback looks like right now. Why does yours look all minimalist?

This is bullshit.

>> No.280954
File: 32 KB, 744x175, bank5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol pleb

>> No.280984

I have Bank of America for my savings account and checking account (I use my debit card for all my purchases). What bank would be better than BoA? I've heard from others that it's shit. I haven't had to many bad experiences with them personally but am always open to recommendations.

The only bad experiences I have had is that they seem to wait to show charges on my account if I have a low balance so they can charge them an hour before my direct deposit from work goes through so they can charge me the $10-$25 overdraft fee and overdraft protection fee even though it's clear I have money in my account.

>> No.281070

>tfw 27yo with £5000($8500) in the bank.
>tfw currently unemployed.
>tfw living with parents.
>tfw owe £6500 student loans but lel fuck that shit.

>> No.281086


Pay your fuckin loans

>> No.281101

step 1) be born in or marry into wealth


>> No.281112

Well to be fair they don't chase you if you're unemployed, also they get wiped off after 15 years so only 9 years to go!

>> No.281116

I noe rite? Fucking living the dream here anon, livin the fucking dream. You guyses need to get on my level.

>> No.281117

29 years old
No job at the moment, but looking for one. ( had one a few weeks ago but quit because they lied about my pay in the interview )
$50000 in my savings account

I don't know what to do with it. Deposit for my own house is what I'll likely do with it some day.

>> No.281137
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>> No.281213
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a /biz/ sticky?

>> No.281574

This is what I did to get where I'm at.

>Moved across the country to do a NASA internship
>Decided to stay and finish degree in Texas
>Work two jobs while going full-time to school
>Got a B.S., in Mathematics (Applied) w/ cert in Stats and Probability. Minor was Physics
>Networked my balls off with the Finance fags (the actual wealthy and applied ones, not the lazy "I show up for school" ones")
>Start business with their money, and my brains/people skills
>Graduate running my own business and making good money
>Meet wife and her father becomes my mentor
>Groomed me for all of his businesses
>We acquired one together, working on a 4th
>Do 7am-2am work days daily, but it's fun because the work is for me.

Basically what it boils down to is hard work/social skills. And a healthy serving of luck. My father in law would put it this way "You and I are that hard working, but it's through the grace of God that we have the luck. Because without luck, you would get nowhere".

Whether or not you believe in a God is besides the point.

>Be born into wealth
Doesn't mean you're going to be able to maintain it. I know plenty of dipshits that squandered their inheritance.

>Marry into wealth
Easier to just be born into it anon. Why would a rich person marry a poor person. Especially when the rich person is the woman

>> No.281637
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Using YNAB has literally changed my life.

>> No.281654

>Pretty sure I work 9am-1pm. You act as if I get paid to do nothing.

what hours do you work?

>You act as if I get paid to do nothing.
it's 11am now and you're posting on 4chan. actually, you post a lot on 4chan.

>> No.281665

Sorry, should have read 9am-1am is normal. Sometimes later if I make calls.

Right now it's billing for the nurses. So I sit in the office and do this. I was up until 2am last night filling out the paperwork and writing the checks.

Most of the work I do during the day is babysitting/meetings. I get everything done after hours starting around 6pm. I have an on staff M.D and nurse practitioner that handles most of the interactions during the day.

>> No.281668

I guess everybody's going to ignore the $200 million "Retirement is getting closer."-guy?

>> No.281675

Wish I knew what he did. Respectable account. He must be pulling in multi-millions a year to have that much liquid.

>> No.281684

my boss dropped out of highschool to work in his fathers liquor store and now owns 3 pipe stores and makes buku money

>> No.281731

Nepotism is the single best way to get a high paying job, bar none. That's common knowledge.

>> No.281758

Does anyone recommend banking with JP Morgan Chase? I'm a huge fan of Daimon and J. P. Morgan is possibly my favorite person in history (except for the whole, starting the fed thing).

>> No.281765

I've had good experience with them but they're completely incompetent when it comes to security.

>> No.281781
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3rd year in college, have about 5k debt. I'm getting paid the end of this week, so you can add ~another grand.

>> No.281791

lol stay mad, car, savings, and roth are all my doing

>> No.281800

My bet was on it being a fake.

>> No.281802

Anything to undermine you anon. People are like that in this world. It's very rare you'll find people who are genuine and wanting to help.

Most break down to either poor and want you to remain poor so they undermine your success. And there are the rich that don't want you you to succeed so they will do everything in their power so their club remains exclusive.


>> No.281819

~$1200 to Verizon Fios
~$3000 to mental hospital
~$1100 to hospital
~$900 left on CC

~-$10 in bank account

Get paid roughly $900 a month, spend $170 a month on gas ($730) spend $105 a month on phone (soon going to ~$40) ($625) spend $100 on credit card a month ($525) spend $32 a month on fun ($493) spend $50 on misc expenses ($443) spend roughly $300 on food a month ($143) where the fuck is that other $140 going every month!!?!?! I literally can't figure it out.

>> No.281831
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I can't even get lunch today, haha. Good thing my shift ends in 4 hours.

>> No.281838

I'm 23.
I have about 46 000$ on my savings account, and another 20 grand in stocks and investments.
I inherited some of it but most of it i earned working like a dog for 2 years straight (not a single day of vacation) while living at home and having very few expenses.
Right now i'm looking to get into the stock market.

>> No.281846

Why don't you start a business? You don't play the stock market unless you have "extra" funds

>> No.281856

Right now i've got my hands full studying my first year at university (economics) as well as working part time.
I'm really gonna look into my savings though, my money aren't doing any work for me what so ever.
I'd like to start a business but i wouldn't know where to start.

>> No.281861
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>bankers hate him

>> No.281862

Where are you going to Uni? Minimize investment risks by starting something with other students. You're a bit late to the game (you're only a year younger than I) but this is when all your networking takes place.

What state are you in?

>> No.281870

May I also add I have £14.24 in cash.
Living the life

>> No.281874

Actually i'm in Sweden. Since we have free education here the average age for people at uni is a lot older since people do a lot more traveling and fucking around before they decide what the want to do with their lives.
There are plenty of other students interested in stuff like you're talking about though, so i'll keep my ear to the ground.

>> No.281875

$800 in checking
$200 in savings.
I probably should move more to savings.

>> No.281881

Good idea. It becomes exponentially worse after graduation because everyone has already made their friends and you're the outsider.

>> No.281887

>~$6,700 in checking account
>no savings account
>~$12,000 in student loan debt
the only reason I've been able to save any money is because I live with my grandparents. I've been studying how to be a good texas holdem player so I hopefully will be able to make some gains on the weekends once I git gud. Also once I get out of school after a few years of work I'll be making $20-25/hour so I guess I'm doing okay

>> No.281898

damn what did he do

>> No.282086

How do you think I'm doing biz?

>> No.282420

So, in summation, is there any reason not to do this? I understand every investment should be made understanding the possibility of losing everything, but what's the most likely scenario in which this would fail?

>> No.282472

I'm: >>280562 plan to put most, if not everything into Vanguard funds/ETFs once I've purchased a property (to live in, not an investment). My main worry is buying in before a correction, but I feel waiting for the correction and the buying in is risking missing out on gainz.

>> No.282514
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natwest fag here too

>> No.282650

I can't really understand why you would have that money in the CD. I'm a Canadian so I don't really know that much about CDs

>> No.282698
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>> No.282756

Started at 700$ two years ago.
0 College debt. Stopped going before I finished my A.A.

Roughly doing the math, fourteen-folding my account in two years.

Hard work, dedication, and going that extra mile sometimes goes a long, long way. It didn't TOTALLY fall in my lap. I got an opportunity into warehousing out of fastfood nightshift Hell in a college town. I took it, and never looked back.