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2689260 No.2689260 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't gambling addicts just turn to investing?

>> No.2689273

it's artificially expensive to do for anyone who isn't already rich

>> No.2689286

i assume a good percentage of them do

>> No.2689291
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Gambling is low iq

Investing is high iq

>> No.2689307

>4chan invests
>investing is for high iq

Pick one.

>> No.2689308

They do, but casino gambling feels more rewarding and instant

>> No.2689312

No way man, each have their own aspects to work on. Dealing with chance is present in both.

>> No.2689330

people are too retarded and think it takes too much effort to figure out how to do it

>> No.2689393

kinda this
gambling pays off instantly (you either win or lose in seconds)
investing is gambling long-term

>> No.2689417

In the UK at least gambling winnings are tax-free, and you don't need to have a bank account either.

>> No.2689548

Most of them already do. They buy houses in pools without understanding real estate, they buy collectors items, they get hooked into some penny stocks, etc.

Casino/lottery games are more "popular" for them because the odds are actually a lot better that they win. Investing is usually a terrible idea unless you have a solid advantage over many people in that market. But for the sake of just gambling, it's smarter to bet on horses or roulette tables. "Safe investments" imply that you aren't actively doing anything and you return like 5% so what's the point for an addict?

>> No.2689560

literally this.

brought up crypto to my roommate who has a 1080 and about 5k invested in the shit company he works at, down 20% in the past year.

>i dont want to set all of that shit up

>> No.2690553

in gambling u generally have close to 50% odds of winning, your odds are generally easy to calculate

in investing u have FAR below 50% odds if you're dumb, they're also close to impossible to calculate

gambling is less risky for most.

>> No.2690684

Gambling is boring as fuck. As an addict i fucking love rolling the dice on some penny stocks or throwing money into shitcoins. It literally never stops...the money just keeps moving around, growing, shrinking. I could watch it endlessly.

Maybe its just the yid in me though

>> No.2690709
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>investing in a company
>you bullshit around and waste time at said company

>> No.2690916

I guess it is about the instant satisfaction that you get every time when you win your little amount and that one in a lifetime win, that might occur or not.

They even know that they will probably loose to the system, still they are seing it at something giving them joy in life and let's them forget about their everyday problems, just like most addicitons do.