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File: 116 KB, 1080x1075, 1498686994999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2689134 No.2689134 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW no amount of money will get you qt3.14 gf.

Why do I stress myself out with crypto if it's for nothing?

BTW, not ugly, just have no respect for women and they can tell.

>> No.2689144

No respect for women should turn them on and have them flocking to you. What they are actually detecting is a lack of confidence or desire.

Get out of your own head a bit, just go out and do some stuff and the women will come.

>> No.2689151

Have we become a popular board?
I see lots of /b/,/r9k/, virgin threads as of lately.

>> No.2689154

Tell me how she hurt you anon. You're safe here

>> No.2689161

This, but you forgot the /pol/tards

>> No.2689169

Please explain why and how you have no respect for women

>> No.2689171
File: 112 KB, 896x672, 1498318145664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know why you don't have a gf?
it's not your lack of money/success/fame/social network...
it for your lack of trying

>> No.2689177


>Why do I stress myself out with crypto if it's for nothing?

if you seriously think having a gf is more important than having money you are the worst kind of emotional faggot there is.

you came into this world alone, you will die alone. i dont give a fuck if theres anyone at your side or people who say they care about you. In the real world you will only truly ever live your life. So make money, do what you want, find something that brings you happiness even for a little while, because nothing lasts forever.

But dont fucking concern yourself constantly seeking approval from other humans, especially women. It's pathetic and counterproductive.

Seriously kill yourself if you think emotional relationships are more important than money, which has tangible uses.

>> No.2689184

Women are a meme, just forget about them. They are a depreciating asset after 18 years old.

>> No.2689199

who the fuck is this whore? i'm seeing her everywhere on /biz/ as of lately. is she some sort of /r9k/ idol?

>> No.2689226
File: 150 KB, 720x1064, 1499009327732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats where you're wrong, kiddo

>> No.2689388

Thanks anons

>> No.2690312
File: 100 KB, 1243x1059, bone law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTW, not ugly, just have no respect for women and they can tell.
is this how you cope?

>> No.2690328

thats not true. i have a hot gf mostly from being relatively rich here

just go to a third world country and you can get hot chicks no matter what you look like

>> No.2690358

>not ugly, just have no respect for women and they can tell
lmao no amount of bags can save you from autism

>> No.2690386

just started talking to a new girl after a year of downtime after a breakup. it is extremely stressful. we have hung out 3 times. how do i get out of my head at the beginning? All i can think about it is being as alpha as possible and not coming off as needy - while keeping her interest.

starting this off with girls is super hard.

>> No.2690402
File: 396 KB, 700x1050, 1405787323324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can go trough the pain of 6 consecutive losses day trading or a -75% portfolio for weeks but the >tfw no gf is overwhelming

>> No.2690412

what do incels think about getting a thirdworld wife

>> No.2690420

Woah anon what if you started respecting women

>> No.2690427

Yeah it's pretty fucking aggravating at times. I outearn most households in the US and also I have a bunch of other shit going for me I don't feel like e-statting about but in the end I'm just a bitter virgin.

It doesn't fucking make any sense...if I'm going to be born with extreme introversion and autism God could at the very least have paired it with asexuality or something. But no I have CONSTANT raging libido but I'm about as outgoing as a moose.

>> No.2690492

the problem is that your estats dont matter if you dont socialize. you sound like a prime candidate for a nice import wife

>> No.2690542

the problem is you're blaming god for your autism instead of yourself and your upbringing

>> No.2690609

Autism and introversion is genetic, everyone knows it. Compare how northern Europeans socialize to how Hispanics socialize. Every male in my family is autistic as fuck.

>> No.2690633

maybe there is genetic predisposition for severe spectrum autism, but the typical incel loser "high functioning autism" you have is probably due to your environment

>> No.2690762

Well, if u guys think you need money to get girls, im very sorry for u

>> No.2690779


>> No.2690808

the gf meme is highly overrated.
just worry about acquiring wealth, and being happy.

>> No.2690811

Because I already have cute gf. Only need money

>> No.2690837

underrated post

>> No.2690992


The confidence meme gets you thing, children before you can afford them

>> No.2691031

ur right justin beiber is def respectable

>> No.2691041

>Justin Bieber is actually a hustler who only gets hate because he released a bunch of shit songs when he was 13.

>> No.2691054

>implying that fat nigger has over 2 grand worth of ebt to his name

>> No.2691055
File: 82 KB, 1080x1080, t3_4x1qq6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is crazy.

Nowadays if you really want a girlfriend (in you're 20's and older) you'll need:

>a job
>a car
>you need to look good
>you'll need friends
>your own place
>you need to be funny

I'm not sexist nor MGTOW, I'm just saying that pussy is overpriced/overrated.

Op, any man who chases money, status and is confident all the time (even if he has to fake it sometimes) will get girls.

>> No.2691332

You can't even comprehend the depths of my family's genetic beta male autism. One of my cousins was a virgin until he got married at 45 years old. His 49 year old brother is still a virgin. My dad and grandpa are both huge betas. My brother is an incel just like me. My uncles are all either drug addicts or nerdy journalists and accountants.

If by "environment" you mean modern life, you're probably right. Betas could get wives before the 1960s. Now not so much.

>> No.2691366

>great job as a software developer
>8/10 face
>manlet with no friends or social skills
fuck me I was almost chad material

>> No.2691375

You're trying to make money from crypto for bitches?! Dude money can bring you experiences far greater than a woman can. Women and relationships aren't all they're cracked up to be. It's not like the shit you see in the movies, it's a pretty stressful experience.

My advice:

>Focus on making bank
>Do cool shit that you enjoy
>Fuck HOES (hope you know the difference)
>If you're meant to find someone to spend the rest of your life with, it'll happen with no effort on your part, if not for the love of God stay single

Again, relationships are overrated. The freedom you get as a man when you're single is far far more enjoyable than being tangled up in a relationship. Especially with the vast majority of women (95%) being absolute entitled spoiled bitches.

>> No.2691387

As a woman....you're on the wrong fucking board.
As a fellow anon....
Lack of respect for women won't stop many of them from throwing themselves at you. Here's what I would tell my son...
You will never lose women chasing money but you will always lose money chasing them.....chase money live you life women will come naturally.

>> No.2691407

Lol just grow emo bangs

>> No.2691416

ALSO VERY MUCH THIS. Even if you manage to get a girlfriend from your crypto gains, she'll very likely leave you if you were to ever lose those gains. Even though we try to pretend that we are 'civilized' in our suits and ties, the vast majority of us only pretend to be civilized and operate in a kill or be killed mentality.

No one's gonna look out for you man. Not your parents, not your friends, not your girlfriend, wife, kids, whatever. You have to have your own back, and for that you need money.

>> No.2691417


>> No.2691469

girls are superior and they deserve to drain all our hard-earned cryptogains

>> No.2691471

>no amount of money will get you qt3.14 gf.

>> No.2691493

That's a cuck lifestyle. But hey I'm not judging.

>> No.2691524

Women will only show up on your life when you cease lacking them. This does not mean physically lacking a woman, but mentally.

How do you stop lacking? Just do what brings you excitement. If you manage to be a happy single, you will also attract a happy single woman and you may have a healthy, happy relationship.

If you are to engage in a relationship whilst partaking in a fucked up mindset you will only find, if ever, a woman of a similar mindset: I lack men, hence I will indulge being with the one which is at the edges of my standards that is also in lack of women.

A recipe for disaster.

>tl;dl to find a woman to be happy with you just have to be healthy without a woman

>> No.2691643

I agree with you and believe in this kind of stoicism, but you could've helped with something constructive. Loneliness can be painful, we are social creatures after all. But if you're outgoing and get your head out of your ass, you will become a more adjusted person and will enjoy living more. And money is the skeleton key.

If anything at least work out. Money+health is all it takes to at least bag a cute girl, but that's not necessarily a quality girl.

>> No.2692283

Everyone's here for the crypto gravy train. Sam Hyde just told everyone to buy buy buy ethereum.

>> No.2692309

That could be completely explained by "culture" but I agree that beaners socialize completely differently.

>> No.2693152

he got rich because he rides the bus

>> No.2693169

you know the rules...

>> No.2693251

I'm a 21 year old virgin. I'm turning 22 in 2 months. I had almost completely given up trying to find a girl who I could truly love, and her me, that we could lose each other's virginity to and be together forever. At least until November of 2016.

I met a girl over omegle of all places, after I went on there out of boredom and loneliness one night to play guitar. We talked a bit, and then we added each other on snapchat after we really hit it off. She was absolutely gorgeous. She then tells me that she's 16, but I figure whatever, it's just talking. A few months after that, she tells me she's actually 15, and she lied because she didn't want me to stop talking to her.

We've been talking almost every day since we met 8 months ago, both over messaging and talking on the phone. We love each other but I feel bad because I'm a NEET living with my folks, whose only achievement in life is making $30k from a crypto investment. She's also on the other side of the world but we've promised each other we'll make it work no matter what and that we'll wait for each other.

I had to get that off my chest because no one knows

>> No.2693329
File: 456 KB, 957x1118, IMG_8650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the vast majority of us only pretend to be civilized and operate in a kill or be killed mentality.
>No one's gonna look out for you man. Not your parents, not your friends, not your girlfriend, wife, kids, whatever. You have to have your own back, and for that you need money.

This is the way it is but it's just so sad to me. We're all just animals.

>> No.2693360

Bruh I can't begin to tell you how much it saddened me when I finally came to terms and accepted this reality. It still saddens me, but I've come to realise that higher ideals don't necessarily help you to survive all the time. Pragmatism is sometimes needed as a way to balance the excessive idealism.

The quote 'inside every cynic is a disappointed idealist' applies to us very well.

>> No.2693388

Last time I slept with a girl was when I was 20. The same year I started browsing 4chan and since then I just can't live the normie life anymore. Some jewish girl really wants me now that I'm wealthy from cryptotrading but the /pol/-side of me is too strong.

>> No.2693393

pnd that bitch like she's DGB

>> No.2693399

Amen. She a hoe.

>> No.2693407

my dubs prove me right.

>> No.2693412

It just feels like there's this gaping emotional void in me, and it doesn't help that it seems like everyone around me is just another sheep in the herd looking out for themselves, while not thinking past a superficial level.

Or maybe I'm just a pretentious, whiny, condescending faggot.

>> No.2693422

>Or maybe I'm just a pretentious, whiny, condescending faggot
occam's razor m8, you're a faggot

>> No.2693455

Good for you anon. Keep building the dream.
And never never never give up.
t. Trump

>> No.2693501

You're not alone. What helped me was the realization that this ability to see the inner workings of society and human psychology can be used to benefit us materially. People who see things this way are actually very intelligent people but usually don't get the recognition they deserve because they don't want to fit into the mould and their ideas threaten the comfortable veil of illusion that the masses live behind everyday. We can use this gift to benefit ourselves materially. In my case I used to think I was stupid for thinking this way which made me not have much willpower to improve my life since society doesn't speak about these things, but after some life experience I realised that I'm not stupid and that that I was just told I was because my thinking was out of the ordinary.

If no one's gonna look out for ya, you gotta do it yourself. When you make it, then you can help society in a more detached way (by founding a charity for example). This way you stay true to your idealistic side but also keep enough distance from people to not get fucked over.

>> No.2693548

Lol enjoy federal prison anon.

>> No.2693587


>no respect for women and they can tell

you know nothing about women if you think they don't like that. you just have a bad personality. my guess is that you were a loser growing up and developed a chip on your little shoulder.

>> No.2693590

she's likely cucking the shit out of you with some chads at her high school

>> No.2693610


this is the most pathetic thing i've read in a while. how the fuck do you, a legal adult, hit it off with a 15 year old girl?

>we love each other

LMFAO. 15 year old girls do not know what love is, and neither do you. you're just lonely and are doomed to "fall in love" with any girl that gives you attention. i just hope you get thrown in federal prison before you're able to pass on your genes

>> No.2693639

Yeah, Digibyte that hoe.

>> No.2693969
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I took solace in reading that for some reason, thanks for the perspective anon

>> No.2693991
File: 1.98 MB, 500x260, fassbender-crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you guy

>> No.2694007





>> No.2694037
File: 8 KB, 295x171, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kekd lol man

>> No.2694108
File: 24 KB, 914x1091, 1423449536934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well ur dad got laid, so no excuses u beta fuck

>> No.2694124
File: 34 KB, 604x439, 1498230557217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2694126

> implying not all women are gold diggers for crypto diggers

>> No.2694144

nice read

>> No.2694182
File: 438 KB, 3500x4194, 1416297664552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 26 and still virgin

>> No.2694208

did he really?

>> No.2694252

Truer words have never been spoken on this imageboard.

>> No.2694428

as an anon in many loving relationships:

>partners are not prey
>people are all seeking connection (with a few exceptions)
> if respect (lookng again) isnt present why be involved?

>> No.2694828


>implying getting laid with a lowtier quality girl like this anon's mom is worth it

>> No.2694954

EXACTLY! Most modern men have no self worth thanks to the feminist indoctrination most of us have received through the Western media.

A lot of men therefore end up throwing themselves at any and all women hoping they strike it lucky. The value of women is then artificially inflated by men, causing the phenomenon in the West where 1s and 2s on a good day think they deserve nothing better than a 10 male, and since no male who is a 10 is stupid enough to fall for some ugly landwhale, they settle for some average dude who had the misfortune of catching her attention who ends up treating him like shit since the woman knows deep inside that the guy is miles ahead of her in terms of sexual value but since he settled for her, she loses all respect for him as a man.

MGTOW is the answer. MGTOW isn't some sort of fad movement, it's a man's 'default state' which we have been forced to forget due to the worldwide feminist indoctrination that's been taking place to emasculate the male species.

>> No.2694979

Just get a prostitute.

>> No.2695060

>EXACTLY! Most modern men have no self worth thanks to the feminist indoctrination most of us have received through the Western media.
>A lot of men therefore end up throwing themselves at any and all women hoping they strike it lucky. The value of women is then artificially inflated by men, causing the phenomenon in the West where 1s and 2s on a good day think they deserve nothing better than a 10 male, and since no male who is a 10 is stupid enough to fall for some ugly landwhale, they settle for some average dude who had the misfortune of catching her attention who ends up treating him like shit since the woman knows deep inside that the guy is miles ahead of her in terms of sexual value but since he settled for her, she loses all respect for him as a man.
>MGTOW is the answer. MGTOW isn't some sort of fad movement, it's a man's 'default state' which we have been forced to forget due to the worldwide feminist indoctrination that's been taking place to emasculate the male species.

I agree with this. All of this. I have more than a few friends who are married, work full time jobs, work out, grocery shop, cook, do laundry, etc. Their wives literally do nothing. Don't mom well, don't workout, don't work, don't clean or cook, and are on so many Rx meds for fake DX, they have no sex drive. They sleep, wake up, and Instagram. I treat my wife like it's 1956. I work, am a kickass dad on weekends, and she does everything else. She gets to stay home but she's a true wife role. It works. Make them, break them like a wild pony.

>> No.2695088

Is she midget? Is she hot /biz/? Am I only sexually attracted to coins now??

>> No.2695092


Do not try and impress her, my son. Instead, worry about her impressing you.

>> No.2695096

bee urself m8

>> No.2695136
File: 580 KB, 1018x1598, Screenshot_20170703-105544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their demands and confidence is fake. It's a lie they have been fed by feminists and media that they can have all they want. It's in their DNA to be pwned and led. Not degrade. Lead. They are flippant in their thoughts. You control the future of your relationship. Look at this picture. LOOK!

>> No.2695164

Yeah it hurts, but you can use that pain as motivation in the gym.

>not combining the knowledge granted by /fitlitbiz/ to become the most powerful autist of all time

>> No.2695210

Will trade gf for iron hands.

>> No.2696715

Not him, him but prostitutes are cheaper (pay to fuck then leave) in the long run compared to a girlfriend (going out to eat, buy gifts,etc).

>Women and relationships aren't all they're cracked up to be.

>It's not like the shit you see in the movies, it's a pretty stressful experience.

What's stressful about having a girlfriend ?

I hate to say this but I'm in my early 20's (all I do is work, save up money and think about going to college) and I have no idea what it's like to have a gf.

>> No.2696791

thanks mates. I oughta take it easy and lead.

>> No.2696831

If you have trouble with girls its probably because you're lazy.
Just be an active member of society, have a job, go to college. Or if you're rich already, have some outdoor hobbies and actually make an effort to meet people. It isn't hard.
If you're not /fit/ already, become /fit/.
If you focus on these things instead of moaning about >no gf, then you'll actually get somewhere, improving several aspects of your life at once.

>> No.2697101


>> No.2697112


Those drawn on eye brows make me cringe so fucking hard.

You guys have the worst taste in women. Just because she's skinny does not make her pretty.

>> No.2697127

Money can buy you Russian children who will sayisfy your sexual desires