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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26882372 No.26882372 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ is a crypto board. All you other faggots can fuck off back to where you came from. LGCY is the newest and brightest blockchain in development. Fully decentralized upon completion with incredibly low fees and high transaction speeds. Sub $50m Market Cap coin. With all the money that will be flowing into crypto after this stock debacle, you'd have to be crazy to not be buying in right now.

>> No.26882990

I read they're a little ahead of schedule a while back. Definitely monitoring this one. The buy in price is crazy low rn.

>> No.26883798

Testnet coming in the next couple months putting the project ahead about 9 months.

>> No.26884003

wtf I read it was 2 months ahead or something? That can't be right. It's still going to be a while for major development but whenever the testnet comes that could rapidly accelerate things.

>> No.26884205

nigga they are massively ahead of schedule https://lgcynetwork.medium.com/biki-exchange-announces-new-usdl-spot-trading-pairs-hybrid-contracts-26782fcfd352

>> No.26884420

That doesn't say anything about being massively ahead of schedule. That's just staking pairs and has nothing to do with testnet.

>> No.26884526

my bad wrong link https://lgcynetwork.medium.com/lgcy-ama-ferrum-network-bc139cc15bba

>> No.26884997

9 months ahead of the original roadmap. Around two months ahead of the updated roadmap. I think we can expect mainnet to be some 4-6 months early too.
> and don't even get me started about Alan Crawley.

>> No.26885023

>we are moving quickly with development. The next staking campaign from us will be on mainnet
>Testnet is almost finished and we will be opening up applications for testnet tokens for devs wanting to get a head start

Doesn't give any specifics. They said they were two months ahead a while back IIRC. No specific dates. Nothing about 9 months ahead.

>> No.26885172

also, testnet is likely coming out in 1-2 weeks which means dApps from all chain (especially TRON) can start migrating to Legacy.

>> No.26885240

They said Alan Crawley helped them with deflationary tokenomics. Sounds good. He has a long tenured resume in investing so I doubt he'd put a solid reputation into a scamcoin. This doesn't look like a scamcoin at all. They've done everything right so far. Just need the product now.

>> No.26886026

>in 1-2 weeks
I'm gonna hold off on pinning my hopes on a timeframe until we see them comment on specifics but yeah sounds like real soon. Being ahead of schedule is always a good sign. It's when things keep getting delayed that you start to wonder.

>> No.26886289

I wonder if we could make wsb turn on each other? Imagine the possibilities...

>> No.26886689

How high do you'll think this'll go
$0.1?, $1?

>> No.26886999

If they deliver on mainnet this could be the next uniswap but on the short term if testtnet goes well we'll see a steady rise in value. No specific predictions on the short term value but the price is ripe as fuck rn.

>> No.26887682

Based on the team's comments, I think Alan should be doing more in the background too. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

>> No.26887944

pretty hyped honestly, they're releasing a video with initial testnet details this weekend right?

>> No.26888064

isnt like 60% of the supply staked to earn usdl or something like that too?

>> No.26888324

I may have misunderstood the timeframe then. But overall they're definitely ahead.
$0.50 if the team can deliver and crypto truly takes off over the next year or two
79% of the supply is going to be burned/staked forever

>> No.26888464

i those this instead of rubic when rubic was below 1 cent, get this shit out of here

>> No.26888724

RBC is ahead timeframe wise but has an inferior metrics. Do what you want idgaf but RBC is being heavily shilled and dumped here.

>> No.26889404

Speak English or fuck off

>> No.26889638

this is some salty curry

>> No.26890870

Where can you buy this?

>> No.26891231

Uniswap, Biki, or Bilaxi. I don't like kyc so I just buy on Uniswap

>> No.26891533

No KYC for deposits on Biki. You can also withdraw 5000 USDT a day without KYC there. So it works for may smaller buyers.

>> No.26891628

It's an Ethereum token, then? I thought they were developing their own blockchain.

>> No.26891754
File: 14 KB, 206x196, 1578683511612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i those this
you fucking curry nigger kek

>> No.26891959

It's on ETH for now. There will be a 1:1 token swap at mainnet launch.

>> No.26893376


>> No.26893626

Test net coming soon and under 50mcap still early don’t miss out

>> No.26893822


>> No.26894062

Lmao. How much did that cost?

>> No.26895592

This used to be a crypto board, now all these good projects get buried by GME.

>> No.26896042

extremely comfy hold. IF it hits .50 I make it.

>> No.26896093

bout tree fiddy

>> No.26897540

same, wagmi

>> No.26898121

Shit literally 30xd and I had no idea what it was. Normally I'd take my win but reading on it now it seems legit, fuck tron anyways

>> No.26898644

Aren't some of the developers on this people who left tron because of how shit tron and Justin Sun are?

>> No.26900170
File: 88 KB, 1242x855, Matrix LGCY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes there are TRON devs on the team. #forkjustinsun