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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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26873394 No.26873394 [Reply] [Original]

This is extremely, unironically, and unequivocally bullish for crypto.

>> No.26873655

Well, what happens when wallstreet have to sell everything off to cover their idiotic friends shorting gamesrop?

>> No.26874401
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Strong bullish sentiments in the crypto markets as of late seem to indicate bullish sentiments and a continuation of bullish trends and sentiments by the bulls, who were able to be reached immediately for comment, stating that they are very bullish as bulls presently and plan to remain bullish in the near to medium term while intermittantly yelling the word "buy" at other bulls pausing buying occasionally to make fun of bears. In other news, pink wojaks stocks are trading below previously 52-week lows, fortunately however green pepes have bust through the strong 10 month resistance levels.

>> No.26875162

> Bankers gaming the system by shorting more stock that exists

> Institutions colluding to fuck the common investor to protect their buddies

> Banks telling you what you can and cannot do with your own money

It hits literally every bullet point that crypto stands for.

>> No.26875493

Yeah, invest in GME, squeeze, sell and short GME, then either dump in AMC and repeat, or dump into Bitcoin/Ethereum/chainlink

>> No.26875611

aaand you HAVE to shill your fuckin shit....damnit...

>> No.26876190
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Indeed, for I am a shill, and a shill must shill. If you buy RBC, LTC, ETH, and maybe LINK you will make it. Even if you like different coins, maybe you can make it too. The age of the altcoin is upon is now, friend, the normies are waking up to the banks and their lies. We are the future, and the future is green.