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26858521 No.26858521 [Reply] [Original]

Money does not buy happiness. What the fuck is the point of living when everything feels bland and pointless. Having a gf doesn’t solve jack shit. Sex with her is just meh. And I’m not even sure if I want her to have my kids. I’m considering tryibg shrooms but I’m not sure where to get one.

>inb4 some retard faggot tells me to diversify out of fantom

No fuck you faggot you will fomo in at $0.5c

>> No.26858765

Nice blog post faggot

>> No.26858790

giveaway and do some philanthropy

visit poor countries like africa and india and start to appreciate life

lower your happiness thresholds

>> No.26858797

go to a field of cows and find a cowpie. shrooms grow on their shit

>> No.26858911

nobody gives a fuck about your FTM shitcoin

>> No.26859071

give it to me, it will make me happy

>> No.26859285

Shrooms are actually amazing man, it gave me a new perspective on life, after the disorientation and all the trip you feel, you get to a state of mental clarity like no other.
There so much more in a human that just our Egos and bodies that get in the way of pure thought and contemplation.

>> No.26859547

def try psychedelies myguy
Ketamine and mdma in small quantities too

>> No.26859930 [DELETED] 

I've grown mushrooms using a greenhouse for years now only oysters, portobellos, and enoki of course.

It's very simple for you to create roughly 3-4 doses within a month with some household items and a syringe bought online.

They are basically a natural antidepressant mega-dose if used for a regular trip, functions similair to a normal antidepressant if micro dosing, helped me tremendously.

Gimmie an email I can contact you on and I can walk you through it.

If ya wanna throw a few bucks at me for the trouble would be appreciated.

>> No.26860101

explain why no RBC?

>> No.26860214

trust me shrooms will make you happy for a little bit but when you come back down the capitalist nightmare will return in full swing

>> No.26860267

>Having a gf doesn’t solve jack shit. Sex with her is just meh. And I’m not even sure if I want her to have my kids.
Nigger Are you me? Well my folio is half your size but still...
and this is my third long term relationship, I guess I just stay alone rather than this shit
I was on the edge of going with escorts last week honestly.

>> No.26860293

donate to me 1%, it will save my ass

>> No.26860343

>jew trying to demoralize biz
fuck off

>> No.26860403

give me some money

>> No.26860419
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>my brain chemistry is a mess and causing depression
>should I fuck it up even worse?

>> No.26860641

Get some LTO bruh

>> No.26860687

you posted an mj chart when OP was considering doing shrooms you a long time smoker there buddy?

>> No.26860789

Drugs really are the only reason I haven't killed myself

>> No.26860798

Failed normies get out.

>> No.26860853

> Money does not buy happiness
Get a load of this ivy league shit that has never been poor.
Fuck off retard. Call me when you are sleeping in the streets and eating from a garbage can and tell me money won't make you happier.

>> No.26860959

Have you tried eating well, sleeping well, not getting drunk every weekend, having friends and working out? Do that for a few months and chances are your life wont feel bland and pointless.

>> No.26860976
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*AKRO AFRO AFRICA, where everybody smile
And EVERYBODY smiling*
Take that plunge baby girl
Water's cool and warm at the same time like a pussy

>> No.26861115

what was you initial investment in FTM?

>> No.26861160

I'm so mad I live in jew york. they dont let us buy any speculative crypto at all

>> No.26861220

>Money doesn't buy happiness
If you can't think of a way to create some happiness out of that money then that is your own fault. You probably don't have any personality outside of your crypto trading. You have no goals other than making money. Get a life and that money can do great things for you.

>> No.26861386

But he's absolutely right. I'm poor (under 5k) and have always been poor, despite that I've had years of happy bliss and personal hell, unrelated to finances.

I only really project that I'm unhappy when I compare myself to others. The key is to find what you like and try to do that. Live like a free being, a citizen, with dignity, whether you lived in a trailer or a mansion

We're all dying very soon anon, before you realize it. Its nice to make some money, everyone needs a car or a place to live. Or to buy that trip somewhere nice. But it's never the most important thing

>> No.26861614


>> No.26861838

buy some food for dog shelter, sign up for some voluntary work(you can meet nice chicks there)

>> No.26861856

Good luck selling your shitcoins without 30% slippage

>> No.26861946

Money doesn’t buy happiness. It buys freedom.

>> No.26862217

>after the disorientation and all the trip you feel, you get to a state of mental clarity like no other.
This. That moment the visuals stop.

>> No.26862706

Why its everywhere and always about sex? As a old virgin it makes me sad

>> No.26862793

Thats your problem then, really

>> No.26862943

>nobody gives a fuck about your FTM shitcoin
you will give a fuck soon. you and the rest of the peasants here

>> No.26862990

This is what happens when you don’t know God. What can I say?
>What can I say?
What can I say?

>> No.26863195

What price did you buy FTM?

>> No.26863359

Goto Zimbabwe and get involved in the White expat community. Then write a book about your experience.

>> No.26863495

realistically how much of that shitcoin could you actually sell?

>> No.26863512

In crypto and don't know how to get psychedelics... That's all this shit was good for in the beginning

>> No.26863648

unironically dont understand why tf you havent poured it into link yet

>> No.26863746
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Unironically, seek Jesus Christ and find Him

>> No.26863809
File: 22 KB, 626x386, CD331790-5B97-4F8A-8A69-81F23DBB705A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonded bros rise up

>> No.26863831 [DELETED] 
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i need more fantom bro. been waiting all week for bank transfers and watching it moon. freaking out.


>> No.26864003

Does anybody else hear a baby crying?

>> No.26864329

My father was rear-ended two years ago and had a really bad accident, I spent all my life savings on his treatment, and it literally brought him back to life. I am wrecked financially but I have my father and he has recovered almost fully, hiking with him again last summer he told me it was one of the happiest moments of his life; money literally bought his life and happiness.

>> No.26864400

You're a good son.

>> No.26864733

>staying in a loveless relationship
Move on negro, she’s gonna take your shit if babby happens or abort it

>> No.26864779

Money can buy happiness, you just aren't using it to do so. It's still numbers on a screen for you.
Cash out 200k, find local charity that you support, tell them you want to help them and oversee the use of this money.
I bet you will feel good about it.
I'd you take my advice, please use it to help animals / the environment.

>> No.26864920

I know, Anon, that the single material thing I want is impossible to buy with money. I only want money so I can escape from this prison somewhat and focus on my spirit and writing.

>> No.26864932

take lsd and buy GME

>> No.26865008

>sell it
>start a stable business
>make others bow before your power
>randomly fire people beacuse you can
>truly feel the power

>> No.26865105


this is the most fucking retarded study I've ever seen, just looking at the data. How do you even begin to isolate for such a variable given the huge timeframes and the variability of every IQ test?

>> No.26865270

I am sure you would to the same, anon. Take it as advice to put some money aside for bad times.

>> No.26865512

Yo OP what app is that

>> No.26865766

Too much, butts, tits everywhere over the net,ads,music

>> No.26866105

> Money does not buy happiness
correct, but it buys time, which is the most valuable commodity

>> No.26866150

Good sex only happens when both parties actually know what good sex actually looks like for the other one.

Sit down with her and discuss all the kinky shit and fantasies you have and would like to do with her, and which ones she'd be up for trying.
By the same account, ask her what she's into and what she wants you to do to her during sex.

Spoilers: odds are you aren't rough enough with her.

Cheers and good luck.

>> No.26866162

give it to me anon
my happiness will rub on you

>> No.26866289
File: 207 KB, 558x539, 117-1175715_internet-explorer-troll-face-hd-png-download-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me the money if you are not happy with it

>> No.26866300

>use it to help animals / the environment.
If he wanted to waste his money he could just throw it off a bridge.

>> No.26866404

answer these Op

also this

>> No.26866629

It's pretty easy to grow your own shrooms

>> No.26866669

Gimme your wallet if you’re gonna throw a tantrum.

>> No.26866673

buy an ak74 and go live in the mountains with no food or water for a week. if you survive you will appreciate life. also read one soldier's war by arkady babchenko.

>> No.26866693
File: 545 KB, 1038x1280, IMG_20210128_123305_928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek first the kingdom of God.

>> No.26866889

Find meaning in your life by dooing something

>> No.26866985

St johns wart. natural. Works. I'd say you can thank me with crypto, but I don't want anything you're holding.

>> No.26867084
File: 75 KB, 740x493, DesmoRR_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a sport motorcycle and live a little
>b-but they're dangerous!

>> No.26867317

I was a depressed wreck UNTIL I started doing MJ daily, now I work out 5 times a week, have a GF, a good job, and am quite successful. MJ allows me to overcome my mental instability and actually do things.

>> No.26867368

I always had the plan that once I make over $1mil in CASH (liquid). I would give half the profit every time I made $100k to a random mother fucker. Put it in a bag, walk around to church, stores, parks, whatever. Silently observe people and if someone seemed decent and like they are just getting by or worse, I would open the bag, hand a note to them (very short) explaining what I was doing, show them the indside of the bag after a conversation. And set it on the ground and walk away. up to them after that. Make sure to add in the note DO NOT DEPOSIT THIS CASH INTO THE BANK MORE THAN A COUPLE THOUSAND EVERY FEW WEEKS OR YOU WILL BE INVESTIGATED BY THE GOVERNMENT. THIS IS FOR YOUR SAFETY NOT MINE.

>> No.26867506

what did you expect? If you played vidya you know the only happiness is to go next. You can be the best in a game, it doesn't mean anything, Only your peers will give you more attention. And if you don't want their respect you have nothing to gain from doing anything.
Welcome to the real world motherfucker. You just started living.

>> No.26867559
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Absolutely small brained take. Sell your fantom right now, you clearly don't understand how big this is.

>> No.26867676

money doesn't make you happy but not having it will definitely make you unhappy, as cliche as it sounds

>> No.26867782

Is FTM on Binance? Why not? (if it isnt)

>> No.26867790

i saw an anon sum it up pretty well the other day: if you have enough money to eliminate immediate stresses, you realize it doesn't really mean shit (paraphrased). you need to find something to DO with your time. join the peace corps, do construction, take up woodworking as a hobby. read the stoics and existentialists. lift. do fucking whatever. you're very close to never needing to work again. what would your ideal life look like, regardless of finances? what are things you're unhappy about in your current situation?
anyway, godspeed you fucking fag

>> No.26868288

respect the mushroom gods
or get blown the fuck up harder than if you'd lose all your wealthh ten times over

>> No.26868300

It is on binance and you can fsster check it than to ask here and wait for answer

>> No.26868458

This is good advice. If you have money but are still not satisfied, it means you are empty as a person. It means you have not developed your hobbies or interests sufficiently. If I had as much money as OP, I know exactly how I would use it to change my life to fit my needs.