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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26844051 No.26844051 [Reply] [Original]

I thought GME was going to change our lives, for once we were gonna revolt against wall street. Today I bought in at 400 with my entire life savings , approx 60k. And now my shares are barely worth 19.5k

Bros what should I do, when my wife finds out shes gonna flip out. I'm legitimately considering roping

>> No.26844383


>> No.26844545

If you're in the shitter regardless may as well hold out. I sold at 299 and it jumped to 480 within the hour.

>> No.26844636


>> No.26844901

Reach out to Jesus. He loves you. Don't harm yourself.

>> No.26844911
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Just put everything into LRC rn and you will be fine.

>> No.26845034

i refuse to believe this isnt a larp

>> No.26845159
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Well anon, I also lost my life savings. I went from 6k to 3k. So you know what? I'm gonna hold. If they want me to sell so badly then chances are they're afraid of me holding onto it by next week. And if they're afraid of me holding onto it, then that's all the more reason to do it.

>> No.26845232

>investing more than you could afford to lose

>> No.26845331
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I'm down 134k$ right now.
I just wanted to pay my mortgage, instead I'll lose everything while some fucking jew refuels his tesla with my money.

>> No.26845344

don't listen to them anon! GME is going to the moon tomorrow, this is the last FUD by the hedgie wedgies.

>> No.26845381

why buy so high? anyways, wait it out prob

>> No.26845394


>> No.26845402

Kekel my shekels, goyim. Youve really tugged at the heart strings of this talmudic master.

>> No.26845435

what are you testing?
>Today I bought in at 400 with my entire life saving

>> No.26845470

Hold, they want you to sell so bad because they WILL have to buy your stock come friday.
Also prepare to join a class action against robinhood.

>> No.26845482

another victim of the pump and dump, either sink with the ship in the hopes that it'll rebound or look for a x3 if you're less risk averse - take it with a grain of salt, but unless the market crashes, rsr will probably at least double when coinbase invariably lists it

>> No.26845561

>I'm gonna hold
I would expect nothing less from Homer Simpson. Enjoy poverty.

>> No.26845612


*They* always win

>> No.26845700

do not sell until Friday.

>> No.26845821

they have to cover the shorts tomorrow
for 100% of shares you will be able to literally name your price,
if anything buy more today ASAP

>> No.26845829

We’re back

>> No.26845835
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>roping over 40k
you knew what you signed up for when you created your account. It's a zero sum game. For someone to make money, someone has to lose money. Hope you learn a lesson or two from all this and move on.

>> No.26845863

>that insane bounce back
I'm losing hair every second

>> No.26845899
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Feels good not to be you, faggot.

>> No.26846035


>> No.26846078

If you're going to kill yourself, at least have the decency to do it at the Robinhood headquarters in minecraft.

>> No.26846102

LOL fuck I didn't even realise this wasn't a crypto post

>> No.26846134


>> No.26846173
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>investing with non-disposable money
nigger are you serious?

>> No.26846190
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Don't worry anon, if you are in the loser bracket just hold. Your money is basically gone currently anyway. The filthy kikes having to spend 1 more dollar is more painful than 1000 lifetimes of loss. You might not be religious but I'm Catholic (the only valid Christian religion) and I'll pray for your financial situation. God favors those who try to fuck those false jews of Judah will pay dearly, in this life or the next. I believe in you!

>> No.26846299
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>already back up to $200
Have fun in the doghouse seething because you had paper hands, you dirty kike. This is a stock where you'll get to name the price by the end of the day, and you fell for two whale bots selling between one another for pennies? You got played.

>> No.26846748

Did people actually did it for anything else than to burn money as a big fuck your once the mainstream picked up this shit? Was someone autistic enough to believe it's a safe investment and it won't go down eventually once the meme dies of. Granted, all trading platforms killing the stonk was not the death it was supposed to be, it was supposed to plateu naturally.

>> No.26846950

There's no reason not to hold at this point. Don't rope until next Friday or so when you know you're really fucked. Worst case scenario you end up where you already are best case scenario it goes back up and you make money

>> No.26847015
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Keep your head high and your pockets will be fat

>> No.26847252
File: 321 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210128-114311_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can't do this with American steel, which is over $1000 per ton right now by the way.

$CLF earnings blowout around the corner

>> No.26847276

You only lost if you sold, look at the price again.
It's just about to begin.
Did you have faith, or did you sell?

>> No.26847427


>> No.26847557

TRANNY !. long time no see.. Should have sold at 18 like i did. and buyback at 15.

>> No.26847593


>> No.26848063

dead cat bounce

>> No.26848393

>cries because he gambled away 60k
>can still get into RBC with 20k
You are not gonna make it fren unless you DYOR.

>> No.26848431

I held not like I could have sold... But still down 50%

>> No.26848448

This is what a jew looks like. If the price remains above 100 dollars tomorrow, it'll jump to 1000. Asians are saying they'll pump the shit out of it. It's a hodling game at this point.

>> No.26848620
File: 977 KB, 1268x1525, maybe next time2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me to i lost it all, see you in the afterlife fren

>> No.26848657

>he actually bought AMC and BB
You deserve your loss you fucking cattle.

>> No.26849400

Don’t do it anons, this feeling will pass with time.

>> No.26849691



>> No.26849717

It's going to skyrocket after tomorrow if the price stays at 175. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.26849870
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>> No.26850167

i hope for your sake you didnt sell, we are bouncing back.

>> No.26850588

Don't let the kike subversion get to you brother, the squeeze has yet to begin.

>> No.26850692

Best advice. Hold, if you lose, you have nothing to lose because you can join class action against Robinhood.

>> No.26850767

nearly back at 300 again, these are trickeries.
we are guaranteed to return to 500 and beyond.

>> No.26851047

What great advice

>> No.26851078
File: 250 KB, 521x937, A10912E2-1DDD-4813-B2E7-DEEC142B4F2B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put your fucking phone away.

This shit is being manipulated but you just need to fucking hold.

>> No.26851149

You say crash, I say bargain sale.
Hodl hodl hodl!

>> No.26851212

>he bought when GME hit 250

>> No.26851224

proof or larp

>> No.26851259
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Fucking hold nigger.

>> No.26851267

>Today I bought in at 400 with my entire life savings , approx 60k.
Don't sell, you faggot. Either rope yourself now or accept some minor losses later on (possible gains).

>> No.26851302

ever seen the movie taxi driver

>> No.26851314

Me and you both, man.
Lend me a rope. I am mentally taxed enough.

>> No.26851520

please tell me this is fake

>> No.26851539

HOLD. Let the courts force Robinhold to open.

>> No.26851597

I just sold 75% of my shares at 210...And then it immediately fucking pumped. To be fair I bought in at 88.50 kek
Probably gonna hold this last 25% until the end.

>> No.26851682

Hold and enjoy

>> No.26851892


>> No.26851923


>> No.26852065

Just hold for now

>> No.26852124

This will gap back up to $400-$450 EOD and hit $600 after hours, do not sell. Shorts still have to cover.

>> No.26852159

>yesterday /biz/ was full of green IDs
>the amount of red and pink in this thread

>> No.26852448


>> No.26852562


>> No.26852649

BS. No one is stupid enough to put their entire savings into something for $100 more a share.

>> No.26852758

nice larp, but just hold you idiot

>> No.26853097

Opportunity like this comes rarely, agreed buying at $400 wasn't the best choice but this is nowhere near over. They won't be able to keep manipulating the price below $200 by EOW.

>> No.26853163

Money isn't infinite, you stupid shits. Learn how to actually gamble or lose it all.

>> No.26853326

Yes it is, retard. It’s literally infinite and now we know it. Pandora’s box has been opened

>> No.26853353
File: 150 KB, 899x897, 1611837900361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You put in 60k as a fucking MORON?? You're lucky there are people here smarter than you telling what to do. The hedge faggots haven't even begun to cover their shirts. Once they're called on Friday they have to start paying it all back. Target sell date is Wednesday or Thursday next week just hold you stupid faggot.

>> No.26853358

Don't fuckign sell you stupid faggot ass nigger kike

>> No.26853691

anons I think I am unironically gonna overdose on my sleeping pills today. I lost everything, I don't want to sleep in the streets...

>> No.26853786

I'm a fucking zoomer and even I remember how pitifully Occupy Wall Street ended, how all those normies thought they were going to finally overthrow the bankers and how within a year they were reduced to a few homeless squatter camps. How could anyone fall for the same trick?

>> No.26853958
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Think of it as paying tuition so next time you'll know not to be greedy. I lost $5k a few years ago the same way, now I know when to take profits and not to go all in.

>> No.26854133

Obviously. This shit is so transparent.

>> No.26854155
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Progressive stack killed it. That doesn't work so well on the internet.

>> No.26854164

Just hold you pussy

>> No.26854862

what app is that

>> No.26855966

lol practise account?

>> No.26856259
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>> No.26856387

yea, while i like the sticking it to the man part, i have to say, his greed is on par with Melvin

>> No.26856504

I fucking wish man, I fucking wish.

>> No.26856575


>> No.26856901

If you put in more than you can afford to lose, then you made the same mistake (((they))) did. Difference is, government won't give you money for it. Anyway hold to Monday, that's where it is.

>> No.26858710

hold you limb dicked faggot