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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26828805 No.26828805 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26829138

>Attract redditors
>Get fucked by redditors


>> No.26829225

They've got the Wall Street lawyers army to cover their asses

>> No.26829399

1 star reviews

>> No.26829600

With jews you lose.

>> No.26829773

it's about time you realize democracy is fake and gay

>> No.26829831

SEC will make them get away with it and blame everything on financial terrorism. Good excuse for a patriot act 2.0

>> No.26829830

pretty fucked
this might be the catalyst that FINALLY gets everyone on board with the populous movement
lots of retards still think the like of AOC are on their side

>> No.26829945

There IPO is fucked now. Thousands of sec complaints and 10,000+ one star reviews in the app store today

>> No.26830193

based. We need decentralized stock trading anyway, nobody should be halting this shit everytime it moves more than 10%

>> No.26830205

Someone above them probably came down on them something fierce

>> No.26830266

I left a bad review on google play and they deleted it

>> No.26830610
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>Still make fuckloads of cash from GME
>Going to delete my account once I sell everything
>Dumb jews lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue and still got fucked over by the GME hype train
These fags chose the worst possible outcome.

>> No.26830922

They've cost probably millions of clients from thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars each. Arbitrarily and with no cause.

It is overwhelmingly likely that money changed hands here and even after a class action lawsuit Robinhood execs are on the hook for insider trading/securities fraud/bribery charges. Broker are not supposed to (so openly) betray clients like this.

All it will take is one hungry DA and a discovery investigation. They'll have ble90%+ of their customers by then so there won't be enough cash to just pay everybody off.

>> No.26831218

Not arbitrarily and with no cause. The players that stand to lose have ownership stakes in Robinhood. They literally shut it down because the goyim know.

>> No.26831232

democracy is just jews guiding you to your own demise. if you stray from their path they shut it down.

>> No.26831296


>> No.26831350

100% fucked

>> No.26831549

those ratings will be removed for brigading, and SEC doesn't matter
anything thinking anything will happen is a retard, but they just learnt about stocks 3 days ago so no surprise I guess

>> No.26831803

Nigger everyone going to leave the platform
Kike lawyers can’t do shit about that

>> No.26832147

Preventing people from buying they are manipulating the market

>> No.26832170

Isn't reputation the most important thing for a broker? Once they have "Scam" written in their story noone would want to deal with them. They will lose all their customers.
Was it worth it?

>> No.26832424

It obviously was worth it to save the shortys there massive loss. But it is backfiring so they are going to get fucked even harder now.

>> No.26832438

Yes. I for one am out after this settles. Not going to have my money with a brokerage that cancels the good stocks I pick if I'm making too much money.

>> No.26832616

>The players that stand to lose have ownership stakes in Robinhood.
You could make that argument any time the brokers are on the opposite side to clients in a trade. Your broker could just gate your shares and short the whole lot while you sit there losing money.
Not only that, multiple brokers could conspire to do so collectively, as has happened today.

It's the same strategy we've seen time and again in media and in tech. I absolutely guarantee there are backroom chat groups and mailing lists where these matters are being decided, and this time it's a multi billion dollar back-scratching session. Everyone involved is on the hook for possibly one of the biggest insider trades in human history. All it will take is one DA with balls and a 6 layer kevlar jacket.

>> No.26832778


>> No.26833003
File: 119 KB, 1300x956, senior-man-standing-by-the-lockers-in-an-indoor-swimming-pool-KX8XCM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't reputation the most important thing for a broker?
The broker is like the guy at the gym/pool who looks after the lockers.
You don't notice him 99.999% of the time, but the one time you find out he's been opening the lockers while you were in the pool, then you notice.

>> No.26833100

Rightfully so.

>> No.26833458
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> the russians hacked our shorts

>> No.26833587

This is bigger than any one or two brokerage. People are rapidly losing faith in the intricate illusion of the "free market". I have boomers in my life calling me up right now enraged between this and what has transpired over the last 8 months. There entire veneer world that they've lived in their entire lives is crumbling

>> No.26833650
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What will they find?

>> No.26833677

Based Bob.

>> No.26833806

lel you just made that clunky analogy as an excuse to post a old man in speedos. Get outta here pervert!

>> No.26833833

Left my 1 star review and looking for a new broker

>> No.26833905

They didn't get fucked by redditors, they fucked the redditors.

>> No.26834104

democracy = media rule
representative democracy = lobbyist rule

>> No.26834290

Have you ever been in a board room with executives when they're trying to deal with an emergency? Most of the time they're absolute tards and will succumb to whatever kneejerk reaction seems best with zero regard for the long term implications.

In RobinHoods case, the only thing on their mind was this;
>A huge chunk of their earnings comes from selling data to Citadel. And Citadel has a stake in Melvin Capital. Meaning Citadel would most likely cut ties with RobinHood if they did not cooperate
>RobinHood is looking to go public, and (((hedge funds))) would buttfuck them for not bending the knee

>> No.26834341

Deserving targets of an armed autist who lost everything because of them and the FUD they caused.

>> No.26834507

People are going to close their accounts and if this shit continues the government will probably step in. People are literally being robbed in broad daylight just to cover the asses of some hedge funds.

>> No.26834625

This. Ironically, removing trump destroyed basically any incentive for populist energies to focus their fire on each other. The entire country besides the ruling class is united and enraged over this, there will be hell to pay. They can’t put this genie back in the bottle, things are going to get interesting very soon bros

>> No.26834710

unironically one of the best uses of crypto is that no one can stop trading or any kike shit. at the end of the day you can trade on a dodgy and shit-designed dex if you need to

>> No.26835049
File: 24 KB, 820x674, CAD_m0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda tangential to the topic but a month ago i showed my dad Canada's M0 money supply increase and the reaction i got was one of a guy who had lived his entire life playing by the rules and realizing that the people up top had never been.

>> No.26835255

>the government will probably step in
I don't think you understand. The SEC probably advised the brokerages to do this. The regulators and politicians are the friends of Wall Street; not yours.

>> No.26835350

Ah, so rigging until they get the result they want. Seem to hear that word a lot.

>> No.26835475

Democrats are with us for sure, some republicans will also be against this.

>> No.26835639

>Robbing Hood
I don't know what anons expected

>> No.26835687

Those fucking kikes deserve to be Minecraft’d all of them

>> No.26835817

class action lawsuits never pay out. equifax still owes me and everyone else money and that payout was supposedly dispersed years ago

>> No.26835824

switching to another broker next week once AMC recovers and i can at least break even.

>> No.26835829


>> No.26835914

I don't know if you're joking. Nobody in Washington DC except a couple of looneys in Congress with zero power are against Wall Street.

>> No.26836040

binance halts trading all the time.

>> No.26836063

>Robinhood has posted a thing saying "We did this to protect you :^)"
Gee thanks for preventing me from taking a risk on an investment that I would be fine tanking to 0 anyways, way to make me as a new customer really appreciate it when buying this stock is literally why I got your app.

>> No.26836112

It doesn't matter, they'll bare the brunt of a huge lawsuit to save hedgies from paying up.

>> No.26836215

It's by large the same party dipshit

>> No.26836232

also...buy the GME dip on WeBull anons. this isn't over and they won't win. a massive % of that shorts expire tomorrow at close. it's gonna get real fucking ugly for the suits.

>> No.26836276

time to craft some ovens

>> No.26836299

Get of robinhood you fucking niggers use Ameritrade or Cashapp or some shit and buy and hold don’t let those fucking kikes win

>> No.26836315
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Trading212 comes out with exactly the same shpiel. Odd that RobinHood pulled out of UK, and left these charlatans, spouting exactly the same fucking garbage. Its almost like these retail brokers are all part of the one kike cabal.

>> No.26836498

They’ve got fake ass numbers for gme right now as well. Fidelity is saying it’s at 370+, they’re reporting 280 and bleeding.

>> No.26836663

If you really think either party gives a damn about you then you’re a deluded retard. Politicians get their pockets lined by the big banks and corporations to maintain the status quo and prevent average people from accumulating capital. Both parties

>> No.26837246

are you 16 years old?

>> No.26837598

>binance halts trading all the time.
You can still trade with decentralized exchanges, or one on one.

>> No.26837634
File: 51 KB, 359x478, 5D3CD77D-4053-4109-AB4D-50EB3452DA11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sweet sweet summer child

>> No.26837943


Here's the insider scoop. Ken Griffin of Citadel bails out Melvin but buying action continues. Griffin calls up Robinhood CEO and says don't allow further buying of GME, AMC, NAKD, BB. Citadel handles 60% of robinhood's trades and can't afford to alienate Griffin.

Do the math.

>> No.26838070

So Robinhood is destroying itself to save Citadel, who uses data from Robinhood. Anybody know if Webull is any good?

>> No.26838310

Unironically this
Now that trumps gone I no longer go to /pol/ and have full time focused my energy on /biz/
A mask is off now

>> No.26838610

The FIRST thing Biden did upon taking office was to propose legislation making it legal for banks to discriminate against American citizens based on their political beliefs.

>> No.26838989

that sounds like it probably violates some laws but idk desu

>> No.26839117

No they don't. Most of the retail trades that fucked Melvin happened on robinhood. Nobody is gonna defend them.

>> No.26839126

As someone from the Balkans I can't be happier than seeing the us elites getting fucked
Also, how to get in on this?

>> No.26839325

im still holding these doombags i dont give a fuck

>> No.26839566

>Democrats are with us for sure
You have to go back.

>> No.26839653

They are toast

Look at their facebook page

>> No.26839685

>the party of the rich elites are with us
That said republicans are also largely with the rich elites, but at least they aren’t entirely

>> No.26840149


>> No.26840488

Dems might not represent the people's movement but neither do Republicans.

>> No.26840786
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They got fuck by the thing they love the most. They will retaliate in kind.

>> No.26840932

>do NOT use this product unless you are JEWISH. You won't be able to trade otherwise

>> No.26841921
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You cannot be this naive. This has to be bait.

>> No.26842376

they chose death

>> No.26842991
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>dems are the good guys Reps are the bad guys
Absolute brainlet, I bet you think wrestling is real too