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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 234 KB, 500x340, arthor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
268286 No.268286 [Reply] [Original]

>make so much money off the internet
>implying I'd tell you neckbeards my secret so that I'll make less and have competition

>> No.268288

>implying you are making more than 100 a month with your shitty blog

>> No.268294
File: 8 KB, 200x174, sdfgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad home slice

>> No.268348
File: 908 KB, 180x200, 1392048554155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teel muh yurs sekrets plzzzz

>> No.268365
File: 42 KB, 200x173, sdfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay. :(((

>> No.268368

>NEET mining bitcoins

Quality material we've got here

>> No.268374
File: 79 KB, 743x522, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waste your time on this one now

>> No.268375
File: 71 KB, 600x763, lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic extremely related

>> No.268385

That's not that much money.

Unless you made it in a month

>> No.268391

>Unless you made it in a month
>received in March 2014

by the way, that looks like gross revenue. he still needs to factor in costs

is that ebay OP?

>> No.268393

Just noticed and yes it is gross revenue

Just a nigger trying to brag

>> No.268396

yeah it's ebay

yeah it's gross, but the profit margins...

>> No.268399

>Anonymous image board

i'm going to forget about this thread in 20 minutes brah

>> No.268404

Regardless you're getting a thrill, which is why you post it.

Don't worry, every other human feels good when they brag too, you autist.

>> No.268412

meh maybe

making money online self employed, is the only thing going for me right now, maybe I need to feel somewhat good about myself

>> No.268415

Have fun while it lasts

>> No.268416

What the hell are you selling so much of at $15 a piece?

>> No.268420

i wish there was an end in sight

plus there three other markets I'm positive I'd thrive in since I know how to move this shit.

if there's one thing in life I never gotta worry about it's money

everything else though, who knows

>> No.268422

Good stuff

I'm sure you'll be holding your sekritz

>> No.268425


why would I want to invite competition to my niche(s)

>> No.268428

You wouldn't. Live for yourself.

Currently I'm making bank with BTC.

>> No.268496



you obviously have overhead

>muh retail

Fucking faggot.

>> No.268498

>yeah it's gross, but the profit margins...

The profit margins you aren't sharing. Because you're a faggot and a merchant and know we would all point and laugh at you.


>> No.268501

Nice ID Anonymous.

>> No.268506


Teh heh.

Guess I'm the merchant.

>> No.268528

$0.20 product cost
$1.97 shipping
$1.20 ebay/paypal fees

sell for ~$15 each

stay mad home slice

>> No.268530

The problem with selling low end items ($20 or less) is that all your profit gets eaten up in ebay fees, paypal fees, shipping costs... Plus if you are selling 1500 items a month you are shipping out 50 items a day. It takes time to package, get the shipping labels, ship, keep track of tracking numbers, update tracking numbers to ebay, respond to messages, refund and reship items that didn't arrive how people wanted. On top of that you already breached 20k through Paypal which means they reported you to the IRS which means you have to pay taxes on each sale now. I would dread being your tax accountant and keep track of shipping reciepts, business expenses, invoices, inventory, and have to deal with all that mess. Unless you are pulling in at least 40% profit margins I do not envy you. Seems like a real pain in the ass.

>> No.268535

oh boy... taxes are a pain yes (I've been doing this for two years), but fulfilling orders/maintaining is not hard at all... I do most of it watching a movie and I'm done by the end of it

anyway not gonna speak more on it, gonna go pass out


>> No.268565

Good job, OP.

Not sure why you're expecting people to be mad.

>> No.268596


>20 cent product

>sells for 15 dollars

Someone put this pathetic fuck out of his misery, he actually thinks we believe this.

>> No.268663

Let him have his 30 seconds of glory.

He would make more money being a youtube faggot but oh well

>> No.269040

>being this butthurt

>> No.269050

op dropping mad hints and nobody has a clue... op please email me rhoadeswilliam1@gmail.com i would love to break into this market i was with someone and we were selling a certain item back in the day and doing quite well

>> No.269070


btw I'm a girl

>> No.269911
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Been making money off an idea and an hour ago I was going to ask how I should improve it. Glad I stopped myself.

>> No.269938

My friend repaints $5 MLP toys and resells them for $50. It's possible

>> No.270459

I used to purchase weed at a price of about 7$ a gram and sell it for 20$. not that hard to understand.