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26825250 No.26825250 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the app called Robinhood when they steal from the poor to protect the rich?

>> No.26825816

What did they steal?

>> No.26826450

The ability to buy stocks on the presumably free market.

>> No.26826774

Multiple apps don't report on the highest stocks right now, cause muh poor hedge funds, plus you can't buy the stocks anymore, you can only sell. FUCK WALL STREET, FUCK KIKES, HODL!!!

>> No.26827074

because that was their marketing shtick.

They just wanted the cool name to trick us all

>> No.26828342

because America is about letting psychopaths gang up on the poor using any manner of lying, cheating, swindling, double speak, emotional trickey bullshit that exists.