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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2681159 No.2681159 [Reply] [Original]

>you realize the nocoiners were right all along.

This was just all one big scam

>> No.2681176
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Moving everything into a sensible index fund.

>> No.2681177

No you just bought a bunch of shit coins after they already mooned lol.

>> No.2681220

Did you notice how there is no NYSE for crypto? Fuck wallstreetbets though

>> No.2681228

Stop buying coins that are shilled on /biz/ unless you believe in them anyway. If the only thing people are talking about the coin is the PRICE, and not the real tech behind, then you're not gonna make shit off of it unless you get lucky on a pump and dump.

Stop buying high and selling low.

Stop buying extremely volatile assets and then whining when they lose 50%. That's what you fucking signed up for. It's not a fucking scam.

>> No.2682706

Cool FUD. I really like that you are not mentioning what would be any proof supporting this.

>> No.2682717

1. Buy coins with real world impact/potential.
2. Hold coins with real world impact/potential.

>> No.2682719
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The shitcoins, they haunt me

>> No.2682808


Why the fuck do you guys trust what /biz/ says anyways?????? Meme coins will never go anywhere, neither will your 4chan coin..

>> No.2682876

When you're still up multiples from your original investment and see this as a great buying opportunity.

>> No.2682897

>real world potential
>coins literally have no advantages over fiat
Anonymity doesn't count either because the tax man will find out instantly when those funds enter the banking system after selling for cash or when you make a large purchase

>> No.2682928

bitcoin clealy had advantages over legacy monetary systems, but most shitcoins dont because their value is tied to their shitty gimmick that will never be used and is only there to entice pump and dumping.

the only advantage fiat has today is that its what you pay your taxes in.

>> No.2682968

OP obviously got in at ATH a few months ago and has hands of silly putty.

>> No.2682993

>doesn't realize you can't actually hold digi coins
>talks about "muh" paper wallets

>> No.2683067
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>Mfw I actually invested heavily into bitbean
To all of you out there who scammed me with this bullshit crypto currency, I hope my death on your conscience haunts you for an eternity.

>> No.2683070

>he doesn't know about dogecoin

>> No.2683742

Sorry thay happened, but please don't an hero just because you got burned by bitbean pump and dumps. Just learn the trading patterns of scams, put your big boy pants on, and start again with coins that make real, or theoretical sense to you. You can do it anon.

>> No.2683754
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>tfw I'm never going to Lamboland

>> No.2683957
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It's going to hit all the virgin neets really hard when it drops.

Some will suicide some will go on to get real education/jobs and make steady income, live decent lives. It'll be a good thing for the world.

Remember my comment anons, remember it in the future when you look back and realize I was right.

Going solely by probability and statistics, chances are none of us are gonna make it to lamboland. The sooner you accept that and move on with your life and invest in other things, the better you'll have a chance at a decent life.

Or you could keep gambling on memecoins and dream of moons. The choice is yours friendo.

>> No.2684039
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>> No.2684066
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> tfw I'm a wagecuck with normal investment funds and I see this as basically a long-term bet that will either pay off huge in several years or end up being no worse than a couple nights going out drinking

>> No.2684072


>> No.2684079

bitcoin will become the foundation of a new internet based financial system.

$3,000 is nothing, this is the good old days. 99.99% of normies around the world don't even know what bitcoin is yet.

If bitcoin takes the value of 10% of the worlds cash / savings the price will be over $1 million. If it takes a slice of the bond market, the stock market, various funds, the price will be many orders of magnitude over $1 mil. A number so large it's hard to estimate.

3/4 of the bitcoin that will ever exist, already exists, so there is very limited supply going forward. There will be huge demand, as banks fail (watch Italy), govt debt is rejected (watch the rising interest rates right now, China selling US bonds), stocks fail (P/E ratios are now nosebleed territory), and money printing goes into hyperdrive.

Very limited supply, vast demand; it's going to be like running Niagara falls through a garden hose.

>> No.2684080

>you realize I put in $3k, have withdrawn $15k, and still have $22k worth of crypto

I don't care if it's a scam or not, it's house money now.

>> No.2684082
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>some will go on to get real education/jobs and make steady income, live decent lives. It'll be a good thing for the world.

That will happen over my dead body nigger. I started with 4k and at top i was worth 600k. Now im down almost half, but i don't care, even if it goes down 50% more im still fine and when the next bubble comes, ill be ready to retire. I'm diversified btw. Next bubble will be rags to riches for the neets that didnt gave up like me.

>> No.2684104

Were all the same, anon, except im a fucking engineer lmao

>> No.2684109

> Use running start to escape high school into community college
> Use community college to get into university despite shitty hs grades and lack of extra-curriculars, language requirements, SAT scores or essay
> Drop out of uni to get infosec job, signing bonus is paying off student loans
> Work way up corporate ladder and by 25 have an on-track 401k/roth ira retirement fund, good credit score, money in the bank, new car at absurdly low interest rate that will hold value fairly well relative to other cars (toyota), have nice apartment, gf (only virgin until 23 lmao)
> Dump a couple hundred bucks into crypto for shits and giggles
> Crypto goes down a little
> Affects me in literally no way because I budget and know how much I can afford to lose
> Still putting $80/week or so from mining

feels good to be normie

>> No.2684119

>things that never happened

>> No.2684129


Ya governments around the world making regulations on something that's a scam.


>> No.2684145

Just take out the cash through a btc atm or localbitcoins and use it for groceries, gas, pay for reasonable home improvements in cash, eating out, etc all the random shit you normally have to buy just use cash. Put a bunch in a safe in your house and use it over time. This supplements your normal income and highly unlikely you'll get caught

>> No.2684168

I'd rather withdraw my coin gains and just wait for full automation desu.

>> No.2684186

Just wait for pump/dumps. Don't hold unless you can part with your money.

>> No.2684220 [DELETED] 


>> No.2684243

>99.99% of normies around the world don't even know what bitcoin is yet.
>there is very limited supply going forward. There will be huge demand, as banks fail (watch Italy), govt debt is rejected (watch the rising interest rates right now, China selling US bonds), stocks fail (P/E ratios are now nosebleed territory), and money printing goes into hyperdrive. Very limited supply, vast demand; it's going to be like running Niagara falls through a garden hose.
All good reasons for stacking metal.

>> No.2684254 [DELETED] 

true, cryptoz and metals, then when system collapses these will orgasm, meanwhile stock markets will plummet, then you buy up all the cheap stock and become rich