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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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26805859 No.26805859 [Reply] [Original]

Retarded newfag here

>lost job because of covid
>havent been able to find another job
>barely sustain myself and dog with uber, door dash selling my plasma
>been behind my rent for a couple of months
>landlord threatening eviction
>read on WSB and the Gamestop stock surge
>start hearing chatter about AMC being next
>nothing to lose

Should i just say fuck it and invest what little i have on AMC now bros?

Pls no bully

>> No.26806156

Short answer - yes

Long answer - Yes, I advise you invest in AMC.

>> No.26806337

Split second impulsive ventures into volatile capital is why you are poor. Can you afford to lose it? No.

>> No.26806374

Don't play with kikes, you are not going to win.
If you want to make profit, you should look at crypto.

>> No.26806512

tell your landlord to suck your dick. that will give you the confidence you deserve to yeet on amc, king.

>> No.26806602

This is literally gambling, don't do anything you cant afford to lose. Also do GME not AMC

>> No.26806638

>barely sustain myself and dog with uber, door dash selling my plasma

Tell me about what you make and how you spend it, then we'll decide if you deserve sympathy.

>> No.26806692

I feel for you bro.
Seriously you don't have money to lose.
Buy A little Bitcoin, BCH, BSV and Eth every month. Do this for a couple of years.
If you get extra blow off money you can go after something risky.
AMC is risky and you WILL freak out and sell.