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26797215 No.26797215 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to get arrested for buying the GME/AMC/NOK stocks?

Isn’t this like insider trading? What are the consequences here?

>> No.26797354

>like the idea of getting rich off of memes
>afraid of the fact the market is clearly crashing
>don't want to be rested

When the market goes to zero I can put 20,000 in without sweating and ride that to 200k when the next stimulus pumps it back up, I see no reason to be retarded with my moni right now.

>> No.26797463


>> No.26797585

I promise I’m not a shill this all just sounds too good to be true and I’m kinda scared to get in on it because I don’t know enough about stock trading, if you know better than explain please

>> No.26797794

Read the fucking link. Stop concern trolling.

>> No.26797894

Is it illegal to get investment advice from CNBC?

>> No.26798836

>Is it possible to get arrested for buying the GME/AMC/NOK stocks?
Not in any democratic country. Probably not in Russia or China either.
>Isn’t this like insider trading?
No, as there's no insider or inside information being used. This is the same as if we all joined a hedgefund and that fund did the same thing.
>What are the consequences here?
None. Unless you're living in some third-world shithole where judges can make up laws after the "crime".
On the off chance that a major group get weak (or that there might be traitors working for some bank) you might lose your investment. So don't take out credits on your home, I guess.
We'll all be called russian chinese communist nazi anarchists once again. Some people will blame trump too, I guess. You get used to it.

>> No.26800772

Thanks anon much more helpful than that shit colored id