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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26794103 No.26794103[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Say something nice to them.

>> No.26794143
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>> No.26794171

no need to go full pol

>> No.26794189

Hello Moshe, what are you up to this Shabbat?

>> No.26794214
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Built for BBC

>> No.26794293

Ready to get Blacked??

>> No.26794336

Buy Bitcoin.

>> No.26794376

You racist nazi lowlife scum are going to get nuked

>> No.26794407

THIS. Fuck stonks, the futures stands with bitcoin.

>> No.26794423
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>> No.26794514

Imagine saying no to this. I 100% would.

>> No.26794554


Guys is it gay if you get turned on by this?

>> No.26794556

Stop being a science denier: http://thealternativehypothesis.org/index.php/2016/04/15/race-and-iq-mixed-populations-part-1/

>> No.26794591

Not if you say no homo

>> No.26794634

You asked for it. 2021 is already the best year of my life, even thought i don't even own any of the pumped stocks.

>> No.26794729

Hello jews and feds alike. I do not appreciate the globohomo agenda. Please stop.

>> No.26794733

please send help /pol/ is leaking again!!!

>> No.26794795

You can hardly see "her" picture

>> No.26794844


>> No.26794956

you've got it wrong dude, hating Israel is mainstream, even (((they))) hate Israel. Only retarded neocons like Israel.

>> No.26795037

He fought the banks.
Reddit go away.

>> No.26795100

Doesn't mean "she" doesn't give good advice.

>> No.26795108

You've made yourselves quite wealthy. Good for you.

>> No.26795142

The media are watching this place?

>> No.26795201

They've been watching for years, retards. They are among us, just like Judas in the time of Jesus.

>> No.26795238

WSB is a white supremacist hangout, it's where I personally go to bash the kikes

>> No.26795386
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Not much reason not to either.

>> No.26795456

This. Even uninformed biden voters hate Isreal

>> No.26795516

They're gunna call anyone who made money of recent habbenings white nationalist incels anyways, might as well.
I'm a shitskin and my white ex friends think I'm a nazi

>> No.26795611


You can be a nazi if you are not white. National socialism means pride of your own race and heritage.

>> No.26795710

back to /pol/ with you

>> No.26795777

I'm probably less proud than my avg kind, but I'm in the US and I want it to not become a shitty 3rd world country

>> No.26795849

Kikes are the problem, with jews you lose.

>> No.26796387

marg bar amrika

>> No.26796535

Lol, then you cannot be a Nazi.
You can still be a fascist though and throw elites into ovens not because they are Jews, but because they exploit the government and the nation.

>> No.26797303

I'd do that if I could in minecraft, but my friends still wouldn't start talking to me again