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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 225x225, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26791547 No.26791547 [Reply] [Original]

This thread will be the end of Rubic. Get out quickly, the news spreads very quickly.

Vladimir Tikhomoriv, the CEO of RUBIC is known for his underhanded activities.

He was CEO of the ICO Token MyWish.io, which was shilled in 2017.

Look at the chart. this is mywish's chart. they pushed the value up with massive shills, only to pull off the customer at the end. The product was never fully developed.

And with Rubic, he wants to do just that again. I warn you. Get out there as fast as you can. The coin is currently being shilled by 4Chain Fiverr Chads.

>> No.26791613

this thread proves rubic is NOT a scam

>> No.26791633

messages leaked in the old thread too

>> No.26791665

RBC is the next big thing


>> No.26791700
File: 162 KB, 2021x269, 011D9C8A-68E5-4481-A3C3-99A9BBA3577E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so everyone knows, the coordinated rubic spam is from a retard pump and dump group that chose the wrong coin and now are unable to cash out without incurring a loss.

Do not take their bags.

>Just so everyone knows, the coordinated rubic spam is from a retard pump and dump group that chose the wrong coin and now are unable to cash out without incurring a loss.

>Do not take their bags.

Just so everyone knows, the coordinated rubic spam is from a retard pump and dump group that chose the wrong coin and now are unable to cash out without incurring a loss.

Do not take their bags

>> No.26791759

rbc debunked
get out

>> No.26791767

>He was CEO of the ICO MyWish.io

ok and? He and his team continued to work on it and post regular updates the whole time since then, and now the coin is starting to pop off. What the fuck is your point, literally fuck off retard.

>> No.26791845
File: 452 KB, 1440x2327, 20210128_074825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'unable to cash out'
>1.6M liquidity
>Millions of volume

Seethe and cope

>> No.26791868
File: 234 KB, 886x950, 1611819012596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he did a good job keeping the project alive through the bear market.
Most weren't so fortunate.
Thanks for bull news norbic you fat fuck.
Lose weight and get a girlfriend.

>> No.26791894
File: 28 KB, 955x555, wish1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the chart of my wish.
they never delivered.
giving false hopes all day.

>rubic is mywish v2

>> No.26792026

That's the chart of literally every crypto.
Take a peak at the last couple days too?
Gee I wonder if it has to do with staking and working in tandem with rubic.
Low effort fudder.
No wonder you don't take care of your physique and well being.

>> No.26792076

>look every scam is following the same chartpath
>so its okay


>> No.26792106
File: 774 KB, 9770x1668, A485B3EB-8D50-42C6-98A6-8C830A4CADF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the boys. Go check the hourly chart on coinbase for obvious manipulating.

>> No.26792114

They're still supporting and developing it. They've been giving MyWish holders RBC in airdrops, too.

This isn't some team looking for a quick flip.

>> No.26792200

holy shit, is OP autistic? He literally posts 50 times in every rubic thread, its clear from the writing style that its the same fucking guy too

>> No.26792300
File: 890 KB, 1439x1919, Screenshot_20210128-082100_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He made 20% of all the posts in the last RBC general of 250 replies. The seethe is real.

>> No.26792341

>whole /biz/ tell you to get out
>same person!

>> No.26792380

>defending the token on /biz/
>smeellls like curry
>cant find valid arguments
>just attack OP


>> No.26792417
File: 771 KB, 1420x2659, 4F7F65FA-ED87-4627-89C9-B6B25AFB383D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are selling both of us short, I likely made the most posts in all twelve of your simultaneous shill threads.
Interesting choice for an example of me “seething”
You had 59 posts to choose from, that was the angriest one?

I’ve already given you a peaceful solution, it’s up to you to accept it.

Just so everyone knows, the coordinated rubic spam is from a retard pump and dump group that chose the wrong coin and now are unable to cash out without incurring a loss.

Do not take their bags.

>Just so everyone knows, the coordinated rubic spam is from a retard pump and dump group that chose the wrong coin and now are unable to cash out without incurring a loss.

>Do not take their bags.

Just so everyone knows, the coordinated rubic spam is from a retard pump and dump group that chose the wrong coin and now are unable to cash out without incurring a loss.

Do not take their bags

>> No.26792429

Get some help.

>> No.26792476

OP is not me, and yes I’m quite obviously autistic.
I just keep overestimating you lads.

>> No.26792506

why would they have bags? they already had a few chances to literally sell at the ATH

>> No.26792573


>> No.26792614

Kinda scary desu.

>> No.26792660
File: 96 KB, 954x745, SnipImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you mean can't find valid arguments. He's literally telling people you can't cash out. It also literally takes 30 sec to go to Dextools that this is false, as thousands of RBC is being swapped to ETH every minute.

I'm attacking OP on the fact that he's lying through his teeth.

>> No.26792733

Yea i aped the fuck out at profit, their whitepaper is full of grammar mistakes and the CEO seems like the type of captain who would fare well on the Titanic judging from his older projects

>> No.26792755

Rubic $1 soon stay poor shit posters

>> No.26792773

are you okay anon?
not every kid is the same.

everyone is bashing rubic. for a good reason.
get this curry pajeet out of biz

>> No.26792774

There are no buyers, but you already knew that
It won’t fail, there isn’t enough organic price action for it to.
They’ll just keep on scamming

>> No.26793119


>> No.26793227

Remember if Biz constantly tries to make you not buy a coin ... throw a couple hundred dollars at it. Been doing this since 2017 and it’s easy money honestly

>> No.26793316
File: 97 KB, 960x1280, 1611823224531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir please buy my coin.
imagine buying a coin that is promoted in nigeria.

>> No.26793376

Isn't Nigeria the second biggest crypto market in the world ?

>> No.26793411

pajeet revealed himself: