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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 400x400, reef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26784128 No.26784128 [Reply] [Original]

Where my reef bros at?

I'm comfy HODLing.

>> No.26784769

110k reporting in

>> No.26784852

I only have 105k....

>> No.26784968

I'm holding, but not happy. Just keeps going down

>> No.26785075

Reef kton darwina ftw

>> No.26785165

500k but im not that confident for some reason

>> No.26785218

Just hodl. It'll go up soon. There's no way Binance won't let this be anything but a successful launch.

x3-x5 is possible by the end of Q1 imo.

>> No.26785288

Because we're still pre-trending. /biz/ only shills things that are already mooning.

>> No.26785296

4.20k here, small stack but I'm confident wagmi

>> No.26785532

What's a realistic price target for this year?

>> No.26785726

This year? No idea. Double or tripple up during Q1? Easily possible.

>> No.26786140

how much queef for 10k reef

>> No.26787042

I can fart a couple of times in your face if that's okay with you.

>> No.26787282

can someone shill me this? why is it a good buy?

>> No.26787699

Non-anonymous team, partnered with Binance and Chainlink, CEO invited to speak at the Binance Blockchain Week starting on February 1, millions of venture capital secured.

But DYOR. I have faith in this project but all I can promise for now is that it's definitely not a pajeet rugpull.

>> No.26788924

when does their mainnet or app is coming out?

>> No.26789660

it's a piece of shit attached to polkadot that may turn into a decent defi platform if they speed things up and don't get beat to the finish line.

>> No.26789705

its dead asf

>> No.26789712

980,000 reefers smoking

do something you stoned fucker.

>> No.26789785

apparently when hell freezes over. their timeline is a shit show. go look at it. by the time they have it out, there will be about 5 others already operating.

>> No.26789841

not pajeet, just so fucking slow and pissing money like nigger rich lottery winners.

>> No.26789915

welcome to the club.

>> No.26790485

1.6m REEFanon here, selling before EOQ1 is literally like selling link before mainnet. 5x before EOQ1, from there its anyones guess. Could easily be 0.3-0.5 by Q3.

>> No.26790876

>1.6m REEF anon here

Jesus. What was your buy-in?

>> No.26791500

Red flags:

- Telegram channel will ban anyone highlighting any issues with project
- Team is 100 % Slav
- Countless spelling mistakes in whitepaper
- Tokenomics are extremely poor
- Possible rug pull after a 5x/10x

>> No.26791965
File: 1.42 MB, 967x804, paimon_think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the current price and where can I buy the token? I'm kinda new.
Wait, really? How could this have been partnered with Binance, then? I was under the impression CZ only listed somewhat decent projects, but I don't know very much about this market yet. I have $500 ready to be gambled on something and I was considering this

>> No.26792519

>What's the current price
>and where can I buy the token?
Uniswap. Get a metamask wallet, go to uniswap, collect with wallet. Make sure to add the token's contract to your wallet before buying.

Why are you lying?

>> No.26792976


>> No.26793473

>- Telegram channel will ban anyone highlighting any issues with project
>- Team is 100 % Slav
it's actually 50% chink 50% slav for extra rugpull synergy
>- Countless spelling mistakes in whitepaper
yes, and the fraudulent mathematical formulas are made in Word instead of with LaTeX
>- Tokenomics are extremely poor
true, and minting is enabled
>- Possible rug pull after a 5x/10x
more like after a 1.5-2x

get out while you can

>> No.26794681
File: 396 KB, 500x609, 1585482909763.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose metamask is safe? Thank you, anon. Hopefully this will be a fruitful investment, I'm doing more research right now but if I lose money I'm putting it on you!!!!!

Just kidding. Thanks again

>> No.26794909


Weak fud. Bullish

>> No.26794987

Selling any hyped DeFi token right now is just a bad move. DeFi seems to be holding its ground

>> No.26796869

bump to say that I bought
hope I'll be happy in the next two weeks

>> No.26797582

bought 130k 2 days ago. have a good feeling that this Q could be huge with mainnet launch

>> No.26798155

also bought in bros. got 450k reef

>> No.26798279

ffs I'm holding REEF, ALBT, INJ and FTM
what should I swing into reef before binance event?

>> No.26798424

can anyone refute that without just "weak fud"?

>> No.26798742

its not a rugpull because team is public known. dont know about the rest but looks like the usual dumb fud. im in for 10c-20c midterm so i dont care. it has enough fuel to start this rocket

>> No.26798827

i've seen rugpulls with known team members in 2018.

>> No.26799019

yeah true. but with those ties to binance and link i dont see it. if you want you can see a rugpull in every project desu

>> No.26799269

this slavnigger lives in some Yugo swamp. who the fuck is gonna catch him when he pulls the rug?

>> No.26799300

This aren't they involved in the early FEB Binance events?