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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26780594 No.26780594 [Reply] [Original]

When GME goes down, it's not going to be "big money" left holding bags. Yes, big money hedge funds that shorted will get fucked, but GME is in no way a 300 dollar plus stock. It WILL plummet in value and the people left with those worthless bags are going to be /biz/ and reddit, not big money. No hedge funds are long on GME and no big money is going to hold it at 300 because it's real value is probably more like 10 dollars. If you got memed into buying this shit it's probably a good idea to sell before the shit hits the fan.

>> No.26780708

I do look forward to the salt mining screencap threads for when this happens in 9 or 10 days.

>> No.26780969

seethe latefag

>> No.26781343

i made money on it, just a fair warning to /biz/ this isn't bitcoin and holding will not work

>> No.26781513
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GameStop just released a console and there is always upswing on good selling consoles.

GME is easily a $60. it was very undervalued at $4

>> No.26781567

Just sell before it crashes lmao

>> No.26781600


HODL till monday we need to see the Hedgies collapse before we sell

>> No.26781680

No one is going to buy it

>> No.26781880

speak for yourself im buying another 1k on tomorrow mornings dip


>> No.26781920

no you're not

>> No.26782017

The hedge funds will be forced to buy your bags when they capitulate.

>> No.26782111

Remember they shorted 140% of the stock.

>> No.26782153

Melvin and other shorters are going to be holding the bags

>> No.26782204

Didn't Melvin already cover their shorts? I thought they were the big short player in this stock.

>> No.26782241

Kek 140% shorted stock

>> No.26782246

They have to buy back the stock to close out their shorts and there is literally no way in hell they will be able to buy 140% of the stock shares. It's game over for them.

>> No.26782337

Fucking cope we have until Friday maybe Monday at a push

>> No.26782373

they covered some of their shorts to make a news story.

>> No.26782385

They cried and claimed they did through a deniable intermediary on CNBC. Meanwhile the shorted float on GME climbed from 138% to 249%.

>> No.26782433

they'll have to buy the same stock twice. lol.

>> No.26782480

the lenders will give them a grace period for extraordinary circumstances. they have friends they can call, big money helps each other. the price is already beyond what they could afford to close their position anyways

>> No.26782486


>> No.26782504

sloppy job kike.

>> No.26782560

What does this mean? If I'm the last one that hasn't sold, will they beg me on their knees, treat me like a God, throw money and women at me until I show mercy and relinquish my precious share?

>> No.26782599

What was their intended game plan if this didn't happen? Seems they would've been fucked even if the short squeeze never happened. How do you cover 140% of stock shares?

>> No.26782600

The hedge funders will have to buy their borrowed stock sooner or later.

>> No.26782658

sauce? I'm new to stocks where do I check this shit

And do we know when all those new shorts are due?

>> No.26782931

Buy 100% of the shares, give back, by 40%, give those back, profit.

>> No.26783008

t. Melvin

>> No.26783161

You have to go back.

>> No.26783488
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what is with you freaks on 4chan with feet?
i dont fucking get it.

>> No.26783506

>nooo i should have sold at $400 fellow redditors why did you tell me to hold i thought the hedgies would be btfo

hedgies shorted at these prices to cover their current losses, (((assured))) it will crash

>> No.26784265

less than 4% change in short float since Melvin covered

>> No.26784343

Bitcoin is in no way worth 30,000, but here we are.

>> No.26784685
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Lmao don't care didn't read, holding onto my GME

>> No.26785650

It is a $300 stock. This move to fair value is the trigger for a short squeeze though. Make sure to sell sometime while it's above $10,000 but $300 is safe and basically the new floor.

>> No.26785849

Based and not a shill. OP is 100% right but the gains are far from over

>> No.26786480

Prove it