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26767613 No.26767613 [Reply] [Original]

Reddit unironically just exposed the jews game to the entire world. Look at the normies calling them out directly


Its over. This shit is radicalizing normal people real quick.

>> No.26767794
File: 704 KB, 731x934, 1611237764645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit they're so fucking close to figuring it out
it's on the tip of their tongues but they can't quite put their finger on it

>> No.26768175

lmao they will think it's the 'white elites' you retard

>> No.26768295

Looks like CNBC pulled the video. I only got to see half of it

>> No.26768568

The election was not the end of this class warfare. This will escalate. It will be a revolution.

>> No.26768643

Good thing the normies are finally being able to recognize patterns.

>> No.26768687


nah all you have to do now is point out the jewish headge fund managers and the jewish lawmakers thats rigging the market.

Literally just make a factual, non /pol/-schizoid list.

Listing all the jews responsible. Thats all.

>> No.26768745


>> No.26768868

Why do Jews sometimes say they're white and then other times say they're not?????????????

>> No.26769032
File: 67 KB, 298x1280, photo_2020-11-19_00-15-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does a bank robber take a human shield?

>> No.26769599

Because they aren't even trying to be subtle anymore.

>> No.26769721

fucking nice

>> No.26769826

who cares
they are still going after them
use it

>> No.26769930

If the Jews come crashing down on them and break all the rules so they don’t have to pay out, it’ll be the ultimate wake up call

>> No.26770540

Apparently "elites" is the new code word

>> No.26770895

When GameStop is still going strong onn Friday and the options lose big hedge funds a fortune, expect the Jews in the media/Wall St/government/big tech to go after traders more aggressively. Should be an easy red pill for those that can connect the dots

>> No.26771271


Elites has always been one of the word, alongside bankers, 1%, nose

>> No.26771283

Why do retards save potato quality thumbnails?

>> No.26771305

if them thinking it's white elites gets them to get some work done, i could care less, jews get fucked in the ass and i'm happy, stop complaining

>> No.26771394

Probably been here since 4 days ago and got the image off of google images

>> No.26771577

So what? They don't need to know the truth to destroy the liars.

>> No.26771613

imagine crying over what words they use when everyone is fucking over the (((elites))) at the same time
must be divide and conquer shilling at this point
not even 4chan is that self defeating

>> No.26771843

Banker = Jew. Marx himself agreed to this. If you're a socialist, Marxist, or Communist, you hate Jews. Maybe you call them something else but that's what it is

>> No.26772008

You have no idea how deep the delusion goes friend.

>> No.26773118

we'll see

>> No.26773342
File: 281 KB, 974x928, 1610845772291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26774543


>> No.26774553


>> No.26774966

Gut these greedy fuckers

>> No.26776091


>> No.26776218

>Reddit unironically just exposed the jews game to the entire world.

quite possibly the only time I will ever side with reddit tbqh

>> No.26777030
File: 140 KB, 643x766, melvin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except that Melvin is actually comprised of mostly white people and some indians

>> No.26778303

who cares. Theyre part of the jewish institution