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File: 186 KB, 1000x1000, B75A381E-64B3-43F6-A8AA-919CD56B6FF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26750340 No.26750340[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit it’s not stopping TO THE FUCKING MOON
Also welcome WSB

>> No.26750604

i guess normies are gonna start buying our bags now... i wanted more time to accumulate

>> No.26750782

How do I long this? I like memes

>> No.26750841

Another Rubic thread eh. Lots of chatter about upcoming stuff....

Where and how to buy sirs?

>> No.26750951


How is the weather in New Delhi?

>> No.26751087

Don’t worry WSBfags you can put your GME gains in rubic and 10x tomorrow before shlomo pulls it

>> No.26752446


>> No.26753221

Already bought 100k more before the news hits tomorrow, Jesus I’m gonna be rich

>> No.26753884

nice :)

>> No.26754243
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>> No.26754244

Rubic is a fucking scan
I don’t trust it with life

>> No.26754291

Moon Landing

>> No.26754639
File: 33 KB, 1194x354, IMG_20210128_024554_898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubic swaps between Binance Smart Chain cost less than 10c and are instant.
Pic related

>> No.26754959

you must hate money

>> No.26755068

I’ve lost like $200 in fucking gas fees

>> No.26755221
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Oops pic related

>> No.26755247

Use Rubic.exchange, literally not gas fees anon

>> No.26755706

I used the exchange before and was surprised about the cheap gas and really good swap rate.

The exchange put my gas under what ETH gas station states as '"low" and got my swap done with 15 seconds. Also I got several hundred UNN tokens more at Rubic than Uni would have given.
Rubic.exchange is actually fucking great

>> No.26755851
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explain this shit please i'm not reading the FaQ

>> No.26756189

Refresh the page and choose Ethereum network from the page.

If error stays:
*Stay on the exchange
*Switch to a random test network in MetaMask
*Switch back to main Ethereum network in MetaMask

>> No.26756314
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holy fuck, shilling rubic as the reddit refugees arrive, my fucking sides

>> No.26756364

why is metamask wallet shilled over coinbase wallet?

>> No.26756423


>> No.26756535
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>> No.26756613

got it. however i still have to pay a ~$20 gas fee?

>> No.26756709

I belieeeeeve I can flyyyyyyyy

>> No.26756733

Coinbase cannot be trusted. Its normie shit. They have frozen and suspended accounts with held balances without giving any explanation and customer support will never help you.

>> No.26756746

Metamask wallet is actually yours wallet, not some virtual storage.
I personally use Trust wallet.

>> No.26756825

Normies can't even buy RBC

>> No.26756864

What the fuck I thought this was another shitcoin meme

>> No.26756873

yes unfortunately

>> No.26756920


>> No.26756957

When using the regular ETH network then yeah. No way around that yet before they have implemented L2 solutions (Matic is working when using order book). You should get your swap done very quickly tho

>> No.26757004

and this is why people also prefer binance I guess?

>> No.26757075

so why use rubic exchange over UNI then?

>> No.26757138

Plus they list the price of coins wrong constantly

>> No.26757201

Binance is even shittier though, you have to pay to move your coins from binance chain.

>> No.26757218

In general, yes. Coinbase is just the biggest normie exchange for Americans.

>> No.26757299

Which hand do you wipe with?

>> No.26757307

ahh, so coinbase is preferential, just get the money out of there ASAP?

>> No.26757318

Rubic offers better value for your money. Also, the swaps are a lot faster + don't have to fuck with the slippage

>> No.26757341

Binance has frozen my account with under 2 BTC, crosschain DEX is literally the future, it’s completely trustless

>> No.26757340

Because it has better price + will have cross-chain exchange really soon.

>> No.26757357

Some people do. It is just a different chain for different tokens. Most of the tokens that show up on biz are ERC-20 or ethereum network tokens

>> No.26757470


>> No.26757622

This is actually quite interesting. The hourly charts on all charts is actually so bullish. I’ll be taking my WSB bets after when I cash out tomorrow and putting into rubic.

>> No.26757794

hej punjibu, how are the sewer slides?

>> No.26757888
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Thank you based coin.

>> No.26757994

ffffffuckk only bought 500 roopis :(((

If I knew FUD = bullish

>> No.26758272

There is a strong sell wall at 15 cents. Hold strong rubichads. We are going to get crazy here

>> No.26758319
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>>26757357 >>26757341
>>26757218 >>26757201
appreciate all the responses, brothers.
last question. do you guys use anything special to track your values? I've seen some stuff like blockfolio and coinstats mentioned before.

>> No.26758487

Blockfolio is ok

>> No.26758515

Looks actually good, but how do I know this is going up?

>> No.26758551

This could be big actually. Gas fees on ETH network have been ridiculous to the point it makes the entire DeFi platform seem like a fucking joke.

>> No.26758571

I don't use blockfolio, but its good enough. Easy to use.

>> No.26758706

little coin supply, if reddit and biz buy them all out. chinamen will have to pay premiums for our cubes

>> No.26758709

I only invest in a couple projects at the moment and either just check coingecko or livecoinwatch for each individual coin.

>> No.26758769

welcome wsb bros
I dont own any GME but I respect what you did
whilst you're here, buy rubic.
this is /ourcoin/
we are the whales now

>> No.26759116

Welcome sweet reddit boi. just in time for the party. Sell your fucking car and get in here. Eth in coinbase>transfer to coinbase wallet>rubik/uniswap w.e, and hey you've got your kid a college fund gg.

>> No.26759195

To victory, and to $1, fren

>> No.26760380

I'm holding to $50

>> No.26760801


>> No.26762204

same here fren. this is it.

>> No.26762402
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>> No.26763413

I bought a 500RBC ticket for the rocketship, should I bring along some snacks for the ride?

>> No.26763977

It’s too late to get in. Might as well just short it back to $5

>> No.26764310

I fucking wish melvin capital would try to short rubic

>> No.26764942

Rubik is better than Uniswap.
Anyswap has a marketcap of 4B.
If RBC gets just 25% of Anyswap it would have a 1B marketcap.
This would mean a price of $13 per RBC.

I refuse to sell at least till $13

>> No.26765119


>> No.26765286

Hey lads, is there a way to link Metamask to any app that can show us how RBC is performing? Or do you normally alternate between apps like that and Blockfolio? I know Blockfolio links to Binance but unsure about Metamask etc

>> No.26765663
File: 581 KB, 886x1425, 1611325442528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blockfoilio, type in all your crypto holdings manually in the app

welcome brother

>> No.26766735

Is there any good desktop equivalents to blockfolio?

>> No.26767114

Fuck off you cunts better not moon after all this time of me calling you shills.

>> No.26767898
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You'll FOMO in at $1

>> No.26768381

We already mooned, and we will moon again without you.

>> No.26769248

Thanks fren!

Is there any way on Metamask to see the rate you bought RBC at? I see the amount of eth I bought but not the rate I bought the RBC at... I am sure it's there but I am just not seeing it...

>> No.26769478

I've been exclusively using the exchange and it's somehow far quicker than uniswap
the selection is moderately lacking though so I doubt it'll become a hub for microcap shitcoins

I predict it'll have 15% of the mcap of uni end of feb

>> No.26770034

How can I invest on this? Where to buy ethereum etc

>> No.26770527

As a Canadian

>> No.26770581


>> No.26770701

It was the first to market and it created the space. It might not have scaled well, but let's give them some credit.

>> No.26770857

reeses pieces please

>> No.26770865


Buy eth on coinbase then transfer to uniswap

>> No.26770899


>> No.26770947

metamask or coinbase. then go to uniswap or rubic.exchange and buy

>> No.26771106
File: 617 KB, 1043x1621, 1611176870450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy eth on coinbase, sent it to metamask, swap (using uniswap or rubic.exchange or whatever) to RBC. see image

>> No.26771128

Yes sirs this coin great coin make many new riches for us. I in for $25 want to see big money come my way thanks for such great coin

>> No.26771182


1. Buy Eth on Shakepay or your favourite cuck exchange

1. Install MetaMask (chrome extension)

2. Write down and store your seed words

3. Send your ETH to MetaMask

4. Go to Uniswap.com or whatever (Google it)

5. Swap ETH for RUBIC

if you are too dumb to follow these instructions just YouTube how to uniswap.

>> No.26771367

>could have bought this coin on the 6th
>instead I bought ducking GRT
at least I have a 2.6k stack that I can use to fuel the next moon mission

>> No.26771370

you can long on the rubic exchange

>> No.26771424

Good sir how do I buy this coin on the India my name is Rajeesh Sanchez good sir.

>> No.26771823

What's a suicide stack? I'm poor and just got binance and metamask and shit set up.

>> No.26771908

see you in ten days

>> No.26772007

you might as well wait till it gets listed on binanace

>> No.26772065

I was hoping to wait until tomorrow to buy so I can get some fucking sleep
t. GMT

>> No.26772227

coinbase wont let me transfer the rest of my 500$ in eth to my wallet. How do i unblock?

>> No.26772341

>bought at 0.13 earlier today
>already made a profit

also heads up to fags you should manually adjust the fees in MetaMask, can easily get the transfer done for like two bucks instead of 10

>> No.26772413

>sleeping in 2021

>> No.26772605

10k suicide stack friend.

>> No.26772620

Isn't that a bad idea because of slippage, or does the transaction take almost the same amount of time?

>> No.26772638

What happens then?
Or I could use coinbase. Why wait?

>> No.26772826

Rubic whale is dumping for koinos

>> No.26772862


>> No.26772989

I'm hard for Rubic

>> No.26773184

"Add token" on your metamask then paste in the RBC adress on their Coingecko

>> No.26773615

is this a joke? I just tried to buy some and spent like $17 on gas and the tx failed WTF

>> No.26773712


>> No.26773775

it just reverted

>> No.26773852

My only regret is not being able to buy more

>> No.26774225
File: 143 KB, 1194x1106, 1611718330179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost at ATH again bois

>> No.26774436

>tfw too poor to get on the rocket and it just keeps going up
Have fun, guys.

>> No.26774441

Are you new? Welcome to ethereum network. It isn't rubic's problem alone. Reminder to always increase slippage on volatile coins when buying through uniswap.

Or just buy through rubic.exchange.

>> No.26774576

I'm going to gamble on Rubic. Scam coin or not I'll pay for the ride.
Only question is how much I put on the line.

>> No.26774623

G-g-g-g-guys.... we're just about to hit ATH, Price discovery soon! AHHHHHHHHH

>> No.26774732

no im retarded i forgot to add the coin to my wallet
just bought 20k

>> No.26774808

guys its telling me i have insufficent funds in instant trade? I dont understand, I do wanna buy. whether its just a small amount cause you never know but i need help. its not processing the transacition do i need more ETH?

>> No.26774913

damn nice. Hold to $20 brother

>> No.26774989

You're gonna pay $10-$20 in gas+fees depending on what you're using to swap. You need the gas cost left over in your wallet.

>> No.26775940

is it ok to link my bank information through Plaid and Coinbase? do they ever get hacked? I got a decent amount of money stashed in there.

>> No.26776164

my transaction failed bros....

>> No.26776349

I’d try to get at least 5 or 10k, more if you’ve got the funds for it

>> No.26776428

Lol, now this is how a jeet types

>> No.26776458

Stop being a poorfag and put some eth in your wallet. It's no different than uniswap. Just cheaper gas.

>> No.26776517

You might want to pay the extra ETH for the faster transaction. Sometimes it’s only 2 or 3 more bucks, I usually do it and transactions always go through for me

>> No.26776549

How? bought rubic like 4 times already and have probably paid 80 total in gas tops if I add them all together

>> No.26776642

do the highest gas fee on gastracker and do 1% slippage you will get it. liquidity is pretty high rn.

>> No.26776722
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Spoon feed me how to buy

>> No.26777022

I THINK I have it figured out, fellow newfag.
>binance.us and buy some ETH
>send it to metamask
>go to uniswap
>get raped by fees and convert it to rbc
If I'm wrong, someone will point it out, and we will both learn my fren.

>> No.26777039
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You can buy on the Rubic exchange instead of uniswap either

>> No.26777041
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>> No.26777084

20k RBC - Will I make it lads?

No idea how to calculate this shit. How much will that be worth if it goes to $1?

>> No.26777127


>> No.26777144

is this bait

>> No.26777218
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>> No.26777227

How does a million sound?

>> No.26777305

how does a billion sound?

>> No.26777490

Breaking down the $0.20 wall as we speak

>> No.26777530

How does a gorillion sound?

>> No.26777644

>20k RBC
>$1 per RBC...

>> No.26777839

Only if it's 6 gorillion ;)

>> No.26778102


Bro that’s only like $200 you’re going to need to buy more

>> No.26778244

ok i just got a small bag.

let's see where this goes...

>> No.26778512

There is a Swap option on Metamask why not use that?

I already bought a lil over 8000 rbc, so it doesn't matter. But why not?

>> No.26778600

That swap feature has insane fees.

>> No.26778697

I can't believe it
The most obvious paid shilled coin in months is mooning hard. I am actually mad. I was browsing /biz/ when about 10 threads all with new pepe images popped up in the span of 10 minutes and spamming the board.
But it was a paid shill operation AND a legitimate project. I could have bought hour 1.
Fuck you all. I hope all the whales dump on you fuckers.

>> No.26778906
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>Never heard of Rubic before this thread
>google Rubic right now
>Rubic is up 71.04% in the last 24 hours

how do you motherfuckers know this shit ?
plz help i need to escape the wagie hellscape

t.first time /biz/ browser

>> No.26778923

Lol you’re going to be even more pissed when we are at $1 in a couple days

>> No.26778962
File: 208 KB, 1280x960, 1608222428010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, kike. All you fuckers did was call anyone who wanted anons to make it a pajeet shill. As for the pepe memes, there's a MEGA with rubic theme memes so anons must've been spamming those. I do encourage OC memes tho like (pic related)

You will never make it. You will never be a woman

>> No.26779021

Ya'll gonna get dumped on.

>> No.26779087

Lol I just heard about it here and bought in at .015 I hope you make it but I also have to tell you to go back.

>> No.26779135

We already were. Only diamond hands made it through.

>> No.26779577
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>> No.26779839

Failed payments anon. Not sure if my ID will be the same but that was me. I’ve had multiple failed payments cause the shit is volatile I assume

>> No.26779984

This. I bought in at .9 cents originally after watching it jump from .2 cents in a day, and sold at .7 after it mooned to .19

>> No.26780002

rubic is a fucking scam it almost reminds me of a pyramid scheme
just look how pathetic these reactions are

>> No.26780107

so how do I buy this coin? I finished setting up metamask and when I go to uniswap and search for RBC all I see is a warning of inactive token

>> No.26780172

where do i find my RBC wallet address and how do i connect it to metamask? i've got metamask setup and know how to buy ETH i just am lost at this step. I promise im not a reddit normie been on /pol/ for years i'm just new to moon missions with crypto

>> No.26780201
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kys faggot
pic related (use rubic.exchange)

>> No.26780325

What if I don't have any ETH yet? Will I immediately be able to withdraw the ETH from Coinbase or Binance(us)? I could buy the ETH straight from Metamask, but the fees are stupid.

>> No.26780329
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FUD doesn't work now. Rubic has been will-to-powered. Go trade your shitcoins and gtfo, you nasty nigger.

>> No.26780331

nice try poojeet

>> No.26780562

I hope you kill yourself when you realise you were scammed and lost a lot of money.
Im going to spam this board when nothing happens bitch

>> No.26780711
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I legit would rope if I missed this train, holy fuck... you must wanna die.

FOMO burns doesnt it?

>> No.26780722

Anon I hate rubic but there is no worth in fudding it after we all visibly saw it shit the bed and become a total joke, and then recover completely a couple weeks later. Nothing said matters now. It's still a joke. It's peddled like a scam. It is a pump and dump, without a doubt. However, the autists here have chosen this coin to at least fuck with. So not having a least little bit has become silly.

>> No.26780729

im on rubic exchange and all i see are swaps that are never fulfilled

>> No.26780779

The exchange sends it to your eth address. You just have to ad the coin to metamask so you can see it.

>> No.26780798


>> No.26780877
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>200% profits

gonna tear the fuck up 1 sec

>> No.26781000
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>> No.26781040

coinswap can link to your metamask wallet

>> No.26781095

Fuck off reddit cancer

>> No.26781101
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>> No.26781172
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Post white hand and type "Heil Hitler. Gas the kikes"

>> No.26781368

I put 1k into it last night, how much am I gonna make?

>> No.26781758

How is it a scam? They literally have a working product which does transactions cheaper than uniswap

>> No.26781995

How does 100k sound?

>> No.26782105

ok so if I put ETH in my metamask wallet, and my metamask is linked to rubic.exchange, i've added RBC into my metamask as well, i can just exchange ETH for RBC on rubic.exchange and it'll go into my metamask wallet?

>> No.26782501

i prefer coinstats. superior to blockfoliogay

>> No.26782820

You must go back MUST