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File: 81 KB, 1199x579, 23156205-121d-4df2-a88c-1cae21749a58.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26747678 No.26747678 [Reply] [Original]

buy the dip and become based
>under 1M MCAP
>working product
>based netherlands/belgium devs
>listed on 2 centralized exchanges with more coming
>liquidity locked
>site is already up for most, check their twitter
>was trending on coinmarketcap for 2 consecutive days

We haven't ever started yet anons.

>> No.26747934
File: 10 KB, 289x277, rigelrubic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, RIGEL is alientech compared to RUBIC pajeet one man dev team.

>> No.26748238
File: 292 KB, 680x437, apucomfrigel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in frens. enough place for all of us

>> No.26748630

The fud campaign has been insane, and yet it has only caused a 30% correction after a 400% bump in 1 day.

Please fudders post your screencaps of cherrypicked sentences I have a response lined up

>> No.26748988

If you're new to crypto please don't fall for these shill campaigns and buy something legitimate.

>> No.26748992

This pic keeps me going man

>> No.26749015
File: 507 KB, 600x600, groyperrigel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fud won't make a buck. enjoy your RIGELs, anons of steel hands and clear mind

>> No.26749534
File: 56 KB, 830x738, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I DO enjoy my RIGELs, never enjoyed something this much.

>> No.26750343

xRigel staking broken.
Website is down right now.
Great mysterious devs.
Garbage announcement this morning.
Copy paste ux and text from other websites.
Why will this finance coin be successful compared to the other yearn clones such as badger?
What else am I missing? I own 4 rigel btw.

>> No.26750592

DNS Changes ANON.
Its normal.
Copy paste ux? Kek are you what a pajeet fud

>> No.26750842

Care to actually provide some valid arguments to what he said or are you just going to call someone else a jeet in broken English?

>> No.26751065

You asked for fud and gave no arguments, except for the website being down now. If I could get into the website I'd show you that I'm invested as well.

>> No.26751178

This is one of the worst projects I've seen shilled on here in recent memory. It's literally a Sushiswap clone. Usually when people clone Sushi they make some changes to it like BAO. Rigel made no changes to it at all, the project has no reason to exist. They slapped it together in one hour and spent 3 hours on the nice looking website to trick retards who don't know what they are looking at into buying. Then they shilled it here for all the sub 80 IQ faggots to ape into. The project stinks of poo.

>> No.26751326
File: 1.28 MB, 1992x1992, pepecigar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xRigel staking broken
>Website is down right now
DDOS, already up for most as said in OP
>Great mysterious devs
will go public Q1(soon)
>Garbage announcement this morning
No, burn means listing
>Copy paste ux and text from other websites.
no, literally FUD
>Why will this finance coin be successful compared to the other yearn clones such as badger?
You have to believe it, we are early, we have working products, ton of marketing and good listings
>What else am I missing? I own 4 rigel btw.
based, sit tight, twitter shills are doing most of the work

>> No.26751493

nice pasta, you had the dip you wanted accumulator. Buy some and shut up

>> No.26751559

could you at least type this slightly different and not straight up copy paste it in every rigel thread

>> No.26751639

fud are using copy pasta.
What do you prefer?
Sushiswap clone or pajeet clone from a one man team?

>> No.26751946

So you admit your project is a sushi swap clone. Honestly, avoid shit like this and stick to legitimate Defi like Barnbridge or Injective if you want low caps.

>> No.26752042

The website is still down fucking idiots. But I won't lie you guys made me fomo in when it dropped from $400 to $250. I'm probably going to double my stack at $200 or $150 as well, which we should be reaching juuuuuuust about now. Then I'll swap teams and shill this scam to $1000

>> No.26752070

>xRigel staking broken
>website down right now
Shit happens my friend. DDOS even more so. Don't forget the entire us-east AWS server was down for 18 hours just 2 months ago.

>Mysterious devs
Doxxing in 3 days

>Garbage announcement this morning
Actually true kek, pretty dull

>Copy paste ux
Working on the fundamentals of the app and contracted it out. They are bootstrapped, don't have investment money to throw around. I can appreciate the little guys making it work

> Yearn clones
Just because it has low supply count doesn't make it a yearn clone, they are in different markets. This tokenomics WITH a working product makes it very interesting

>what else am I missing
You're in SO early, there is 0% chance of rugpull because there are no wallets that even have the size to do a rugpull. All the weak hands are already shaken out. We are past the first big correction before it breaks out. Another exchange next week, doxxing next week.

Don't play in the microcap mud if you arent willing to get dirty. Its a risk, its a higher risk because its microcap and early as fuck, but the payoff is primed to be massive

>> No.26752264

xRigel stacking is not broken.
You will get the rewards after the swap.

>We need an IQ Test for biz

>> No.26752307

>Don't play in the microcap mud if you arent willing to get dirty. Its a risk, its a higher risk because its microcap and early as fuck, but the payoff is primed to be massive
this, we are here to take a risk and this shit will work out just fine.

>> No.26752444

shill at least sth that hasn't already mooned. considered getting into INJ as well but 10x already? no thanks.

>> No.26752520

Also, I'm not a bag holder, I got in at 57 and 94. I'm willing to watch it go to 0 before I sell. This correction doesn't scare me in the slightest.

>> No.26752794

all fags here want moon moon moon but when some coins come around it's always pajeet scam. yeah sorry high risk high reward, shitcoins aren't for the weakhanded

>> No.26752869

Not bad. I'll go point by point to counter my own fud
1. Staking rewards were being earned, but you had to unstake and restake to see them. That's terrible, as it costs gas to do it. They are currently working on a display tab for earnings.
2. Your right
3. Still a mystery. No getting around that
4. Also the reason for lower liquid. But you're right.
5. You should say that the other websites copied rigel, and that a few select passages were ripped. Overall insignificant.
6. I'm lying down rn mad comfy.

>> No.26752941

bought at 120$. very comfy packs

>> No.26753514

>1. Staking rewards were being earned, but you had to unstake and restake to see them. That's terrible, as it costs gas to do it. They are currently working on a display tab for earnings.
Man I can't wait for this. I've had mine staking since I bought in but don't want to pay double gas just to see how much I got.
Two week old projects will show their cracks, and in my eyes if this is really the worst that we'll have to deal with, I'm getting under the blankets because its cozy as fuck

>> No.26753515
File: 7 KB, 244x207, 1611181105551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, anon, yes I also am unhappy about not seeing my staking rewards, I will just be surprised when I unstake a year in the future I guess :)
You are based

>> No.26754470

My lil Rigles are going to moon, holding this shit as a suicide stack, it either moons or i go to 0.

>> No.26755284

Lol this shit crabbing to the bottom