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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2674294 No.2674294 [Reply] [Original]

"Google’s New Diversity Chief to Tackle Slow Pace of Change"


>> No.2674304

>diversity chief

just be honest and call it
>we hate white men because they do everything we can't

>> No.2674310

You know there is a board for people like you right?

I'm not going to waste time or money on something just because it doesn't match my political agenda. Plus you faggots wouldn't be able to do anything either, half of /pol/ are broke ass NEETs.

Now stop shitting up my board stormfag.

>> No.2674321 [DELETED] 

There's a board for people like you actually and it's called reddit you fucking kike

>> No.2674324

>implying I'm from /pol/
>implying that every company that implemented this hasn't gone belly up within two years
>implying that this isn't a proven investment strategy
Just look at Yahoo

>> No.2674327


>> No.2674341



>> No.2674374

>le /pol/ boogyman
Why dont you go shit up some other board fagget

>> No.2674469
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>> No.2674506

>Implying muh diversity doesn't tank every company's shares

I await your cherry picked Googled response.

>> No.2674529
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This is either a nigger or a woman.

How does it feel to know that people (outside of /pol/) are waking up to the fact that only white and asian men perform in jobs?

Did you think the BLM and SJW brainwashing was going to be effective forever?

>> No.2674544

You guys are just as cancerous, though.

I'm only here for the money.

>> No.2674564

The giant backlash against SJW shit wouldn't exist if the SJWs didn't take over so fast.

/pol/ is the flesh eating bacteria that destroys the SJW cancer

>> No.2674601


theres this one faggot that wont leave /biz/ and he gets mad when you name the jew or show statistics proving white superiority

>> No.2674606

Lol...You've angered all the pajeets.

>> No.2674607

I regret making this thread.

>> No.2674618

>I'm only here for the money
No you clearly have your own ideology or you would have already recognized the very simple pattern where the more diversity a tech company pushes the worse it performs.

>> No.2674627

only way true diversity can be achieved is if the company is 100% non white all female

>> No.2674671

feel free to vent your frustration on the street, pajeet.

>> No.2674683

Google is shit
They manipulate adwords hits so blantanly its fucking disgusting. After they pulled their bullshit after the chosen one was chosen, i cut them off from my business cc, then they called sec for months trying to find out what went wrong..

>> No.2675171


Google is a very big company. They can afford to make huge numbers of diversity hires, never expect them to really accomplish much, and come out looking like the good guys. It almost makes me chuckle to think about it.

>> No.2675197
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>shitskin spotted

/biz/ is a /pol/ colony you little faggot. It's our board now.

Imagine a future where ironic white supremacists use their money to exclusively to troll pajeets, niggers, and women. That is a reality that is coming very soon

>> No.2675203
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>> No.2675215

Pretty sure the board was taken over by pajeets a few weeks ago anon

>> No.2675217

>Technical roles, however, continue to be the hardest for underrepresented groups to break into. Just 1% of the company’s technical roles are filled by blacks and 3% are filled by Hispanics—both figures the same compared with the previous year.

>> No.2675234

it happened so fast man. you used to find decent advice here, now it's just street shitters shilling shitcoins from the shitting streets of mumbai. i don't like it.

>> No.2675241
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We will meme them out.

I predicted this 2 years ago.

As /pol/ posters graduate college and start making money, they will naturally migrate over here. At some point, the weaponized autism will become focused on this board, and 4chan is going to cause more chaos and mischief than it ever has before.

The world of finance is the big leagues. That's where shit really goes down. /biz/ will be the final evolved form of /pol/.

>> No.2675255

you say this every night. i really wish you would just die. you and pajeet say the dumbest things over and over.

>> No.2675272
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Sure you do Pajeet.

>> No.2675280

seems like he struck a nerve, all you faggots do need to go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.2675287

and over.

>> No.2675289

Nope this is our new home.

/biz/ will be the new /pol/ and there is nothing you can do about it.

/b/ became /pol/, and now /pol/ will become /biz/. /biz/ has been doing nothing with this board so we will take it from you and make it into something legendary.

>> No.2675311

go invest in patiantory then you nigger

>> No.2675320
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>> No.2675321

So they're investing in genetic engineering to make minorities white?

>> No.2675339


I second this individual. My trail has been exactly the same, moving and evolving as the cancer grew to be granted immunity.

>> No.2675347

I went from /v/ to /pol/ to /biz/, never liked /b/

>> No.2675366

If you weren't here in the 2006-2008 era, then you missed the /b/ golden age.

That shit was out of control.

I sincerely believe that /biz/ is going to stir some serious shit in the future though. If anything gets 4chan shut down, it will be the drama that /biz/ starts in the next 2 years when /pol/ moves over here.

>> No.2675379


>> No.2676297

We know you're the same guy posting this crap everytime.
We don't give a shit about your feefees. This is the business board. We want to make money. Diversity has a proven track record of losing money. That's it. That's the "political agenda" at play here.
If you want to yell about the unfairness of white privilege, kindly take your doublespacing with you and fuck off back to red dit.

>> No.2676675

Couldn't have had anything to do with yahoo not having any fucking idea of how to make money no siree

>> No.2676700 [DELETED] 
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The internet was a mistake.

>> No.2676724

Nothing to do with stormfags. If a company starts hiring people based on business unrelated criteria then this company is leaving profits and growth on the table.

As a tech firm you want to hire the most competent and talented people. No matter what their race or gender is. If a brown guy outperforms all white applicants: hire him. If a white dude outperforms all female applicants: hire him.

Don't hire juste because "you have a vagina and a nice skin tone".

Money is color blind.

>> No.2676750

I wonder if the female CEO could have anything to do with not knowing how to make money...

>> No.2676771

I agree! I mean, come on, it's 2015!

>> No.2676778
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>As /pol/ posters graduate college and start making money, they will naturally migrate over here.

Literally me right now

>> No.2676813

She's an asshole and a moron, but she's not the reason yahoo is a moldy turd.
It doesn't serve a purpose anymore. It's outmoded and subsumed by Google.
>/pol/ posters
I weep for my country.

>> No.2676838

diversity pushing is a losing business strategy

>> No.2677835

Shorting-selling Google stock is generally a losing business strategy

>> No.2677875

>Short selling mortgage backed securities and CDOs is a losing business strategy

>> No.2677886

Who said that? Who are you quoting?

>> No.2678061

M$ is doing the same thing
>company gets acquired by M$
>just a couple months later all efforts are cancelled, 3 "diversity leaders" are hired and the only thing that matters is LGBT+ outreach

>> No.2678123

diversity = anti-white agenda. so don't expect anything good.

but what is next? google - next bioware ?
wait for appearance of new popular search engine ?

>> No.2678151

There will be nothing. Google will not budge because there's no competition because of the ridiculous cost of entry. Google has been going to shit since 2006 and it's not stopping anytime soon because the likes of you are perfectly OK with the quality of literally every single thing going to shit more and more every single day. Remember the days when software was actually tested by QA and tester teams before being released? Nobody does that anymore because you subhuman inbreds thought it was perfectly acceptable to use nigh unusable bug-ridden piece of anti-feature crapware.

>> No.2678205

>you are perfectly OK with
well i'm not OK with this crap.
but biggest thing i can actually do is not paying/not using products of people that i don't like.

>> No.2678211

this is why i'm not on facebook. hate them all

this is why i don't play anti-white mafia 3 or sjw (with anti-white developer) mass effect 2017...

>> No.2678224

this is why i never visited movie theater in last 10 years. even comedies and sci-fi are not comedies/sci-fi anymore..... its all about blatant mix-breeding propaganda and how we are "bad guys".

>> No.2678246


Fuck mafia 3. I saw my gf playing it and asked about it. Was stunned to find all the hate whitey bullshit.

Fuck niggers man and fuck this agenda.

>> No.2678267

trailer and one review that i stumbled upon was enough for me.
its really pure anti-white propaganda that sold as "entertainment".

>> No.2678302

If I become rich off crypto I'm funding Right-Wing groups.

>> No.2678322

Pretty much everyone in 2007
He's drawing a comparison between mortgage backed securities and google

>> No.2678449

>implying that this isn't a proven investment strategy

I actually had this idea a few months ago, picking small/medium cap stocks based on the diversity of the management and the company's overall philosophy regarding muh diversity. I figure small or medium companies would hurt the most from hiring incompetent minorities or women, whereas like another anon says, big companies like google can afford to throw away a certain amount of cash on progressive nonsense.

Is there a good online portfolio simulator where I could try picking companies whose boards are almost completely white and male (and non-numale) to see how they perform relative to the market?

>> No.2678495

>"diversity chief" is now a paid position
I hate this culture

>> No.2678543

price's law.
the square root of employees does half the work.
this means extremely large companies are less likely to experience major setbacks due to implementation of such policies, because they are exponentially less likely to hit one of the important guys and replace him with Da'shauniqua

>> No.2678547

what about sending btc to anti gommy forces in venezuela

>> No.2678565


there will be a LOT of crypto billionaires funding right wing militias
this tech is literally gonna pay for the fourth reich

>> No.2678575


Yeah give power to Billy Bob down in Alabama that he'll surely support your crypto globalized market, it's not like he's gonna try to ban crypto because of "dem terrorist use it!!"...

>> No.2678588
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Dude, I don't even visit /pol/, but you're retarded

>> No.2678601

Billy Bob in Alabama happens to hate big government, the IRS, and banks.

>> No.2678616


Billy Bob in Alabama wants blue collar factory jobs not your jewish coins retard

>> No.2678640
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This is a great business related thread and surely isn't 3/4 impotent bitching about die Untermenschen

>> No.2678683

Someone posted a book a few days ago which claimed bitcoin is a radical right wing conspiracy. Can't remember what it was called.

>> No.2678711

Tell me more about what people want, in your infinite wisdom of conservatives.

>> No.2678740

i want to know what it took for him to join the diamond dongs.

>> No.2678750


oh man please go and dig up the name of that book if you can
i unironically hope bitcoin is gonna save the white race and bring down the bankers

so would be very interested in that book

>> No.2678771


You're seriously retarded if you think the american far right will support your jewish globalist coins

>> No.2678780
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>> No.2678826

found the nose

>> No.2678838

I've been listening to Red Eye Radio, it's a show for mainly truckers about politics and it's national and comes on at midnight. It's about as american as you can get, and they've been doing it for about 30 years.
Their opinion is that republicans are for more government money, but they are against government intrusion/regulation. Democrats are for both. Conservatives make up maybe 40 or delegates in the house last I checked.
Conservatism is pretty dead in america. Americans according to polls are concerned about the economy and jobs, yet they have no concept of how that would actually work in their favor.
I think it won't. Economy is going to boost, but it's going to be because Trump is doing pro-business moves and not much else. The most recent healthcare bill is more spending, singlepayer is a foregone conclusion at this point.

>> No.2678863

The American right loves crypto. Are you retarded?

>> No.2678884


I can't stand this level of retardation anymore. Listen you fucking stupid retard, the american right that voted for fucking donald trump because he was gonna put tariffs and bring back factory jobs don't have a fucking clue what the hell a crypto is you dense motherfucker.

>> No.2678952

>I'll prove I'm not a larping doughy stormfag by saying he's a le ebil jooz

>> No.2679200

Google has fucked me twice now. They are not a good company.

>> No.2679658


Nigger, I left /pol/ when the Trump stuff quit being a joke.

>> No.2679709


Can we have a non-crypto thread on this board without edgy /pol/ kids getting triggered?

>> No.2679736

lol this thread is hilarious - insecure white incels in uproar over non whites or non males taking positions you all think you inherently deserve

that is the most pathetic shit i've seen in a while


>> No.2679874

Sounds like Google is about to hire another couple hundred women and brown people to travel the world giving presentations while the same 2 middle-aged white men who have been doing all the actual work at Google continue to slave away in anonymity.

>> No.2679925

>same 2 middle-aged white men
They're both jewish

>> No.2679940

This is just grandstanding. Google and every big company knows that hiring anybody but whites, asians, and in some cases Indians makes them less competitive, that's why most of these "diversity" initiatives are largely hot air.

The most that will happen is Google will create bs positions to staff with minorities, sort of like how HR departments were created so clams could gossip and backstab eachother while earning a paycheck.

>> No.2680352

Toasty brown roastie
Enjoy those gender quotas while they last

>> No.2680364

Socialism is a joke!

>> No.2680649

Fuck off fag. Everyone hates "diversity hiring".

>> No.2680717

Disagreeing with chubby incels who draw swastikas on their laptops means you're a socialist.