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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 812 KB, 960x951, Screenshot_2021-01-27 GameStop, AMC trading is now being restricted at TD Ameritrade, Schwab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26739814 No.26739814 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26739888

Explain why this is Oy Vey for a brainlet

>> No.26739900

desperate kikes trying literally everything

>> No.26739918


You can’t make money goy

>> No.26740020

They're kvetching so hard lmao

>> No.26740028

>Oy Vey
check newfag
its Hebrew
now buy rope and only report back if youre gonna live stream it

>> No.26740088


>> No.26740091

ik what it means by why in this context

>> No.26740137

Because a Jew must’ve been behind this

>> No.26740166

This is insane.
They literally shut down if the game back fires on them, piece of shits.

>> No.26740231

They're literally just restricting shorting retards

>> No.26740329

Schwab wants to lead your great reset btw

Don't worry Schwab, we'll build it

>> No.26740335

I will still buy to keep the price above 200.

>> No.26740407

Get out of our city, shit-skins. This is /biz/
You come here where you're not wanted, you eat our food, you pollute our city with your stink and you refuse to help the Stormcloaks.
You like living in this filthy slum, faggots? Maybe you should go back to R*ddit, where you belong.

>> No.26740485

I opened an account in 2 other brokers just in case

>> No.26740543

You know they’re really panicking when they do some shit like this that is so nakedly corrupt and anti-free market. God I love it.
Also, don’t use either of these anymore. I’ve been using E*TRADE and they seem like a decent business

>> No.26740553

you should leave while your sanity is still intact
but they never listen

>> No.26740558

>noooo you can't just manipulate the market that's illlegallllll
>*gets their friends to literally shut down trading*

>> No.26740598

> maybe you should go back to r*ddit where you belong
brainlet faggot if you don't realize how big this is.

>> No.26740633

how is this even legal? fucking kikes

>> No.26740672

same shit happened with the election
they just stop counting when it looks bad for them

>> No.26740729

History will unironically prove the necessity of the defi ecosystem. A 24 hour market where you actually hold tokens of ownership and are free to trade them. Schwab and co have basically just proven "not your keys not your crypto" with stocks. Bullish leads

>> No.26740742

so plebs can't short, but firms can.

>> No.26740832
File: 159 KB, 1188x1039, 8A741992-C177-49E7-9A38-E70DD94D6721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about NOK?

>> No.26740961


>> No.26741303
File: 3.90 MB, 1200x2841, nokiabog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26741347

don't you remember the six gorillion goyim?

>> No.26741705

TD will reverse their decision when they get quite literally hundreds of thousands of calls over the next 12-24 hours.

>> No.26741987

They're like they screwed up the game and can't load the previous save so they're trying every chests.

>> No.26742040

fake as shit. i buy GME.

>> No.26742290

Okay so what broker do I go to then? Does RobinHood have a desktop interface yet?

>> No.26742423

I have no GME and this makes me want to buy it. This isn't for our safety it's for their friends safety, Melvin, who supposedly closed out his position according to some article. I wonder why they did this if he supposedly already took the hit......

>> No.26742478


>> No.26742569

He closed "a" position.

>> No.26742731

because the kikes are freaking out (shutting down fucking trading on two stocks kek) because a bunch of redditors made too much money. kvetching at its finest. kikes btfo in their own rigged game.

>> No.26742782

Use webull

>> No.26742908

run while you can, this place is like injecting cancer

>> No.26742913

No but for real what do people actually use for trading then?

>> No.26742940

not must, a jew IS behind this. like not in a figurative sense, like in a board of trustees, executive board and typically 70% of the company sense. this isnt anti-semetic to just outright say they own all these major trading companies, international banks and communications platforms, its just an unfortunate reality.

>> No.26743383

Literally tried to create an account at three different trading sites.
>Server error
>Sorry goyim we don't want your kind here
They fucking KNOW!

>> No.26743605
File: 4 KB, 250x236, 1606216435693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what the next 4 years are going to be like?