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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26739047 No.26739047 [Reply] [Original]

Explain this please??? What the fuck??? It was a rug pull all along? I knew I should have aped into Rubic instead

>> No.26739150

Why would you actually buy this shit?

>> No.26739228

So their website is down, what now? You can still exchange them for eth, so i see no problem there

>> No.26739262

Cause it rhymes with Nigel from the Thornberrys and all the memes were funny

>> No.26739268

This. Rigel is literally an Arabic name.
Anyone who bought this deserves to lose their money.

>> No.26739388

Buy projects with a use case not a website that wont open in future or you're gonna get rugged.

>> No.26739497


>fud rigel cuz we fud rubic
>gonna rope himself after we hit 1k

>> No.26739558

more importantly why buy something from a fucking ANONYMOUS team. You're getting scammed and no one is even going to take responsibility. All on you bud. Lesson learned

>> No.26739760

They said they were going to reveal identity soon, guess I aped too quickly huh

>> No.26739809
File: 10 KB, 289x277, rigelrubic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that rigel is destroying rubic

>> No.26739829

anon, you're being scammed. rigel is literally a clone of uniswap similar to sushiswap. at least sushiswap made their clone early on. rigel literally has nothing going for it in terms of why someone wanting to use this exchange. if you cannot explain why someone would want to use rigel.finance over uniswap then this project is fucked.

>> No.26739832

You're trying to state we're fudding because we hold Rubic on every thread I don't hold shit like Rubic or Rigel - main bags are ETH & LINK.

You'd have to have a death wish to hold your shit project mate.

>> No.26739945
File: 2 KB, 120x125, 1587957277517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.26739965

rubic is a rugpull too. dont get it twisted

>> No.26740022

This is one of the worst projects I've seen shilled on here in recent memory. It's literally a Sushiswap clone. Usually when people clone Sushi they make some changes to it like BAO. Rigel made no changes to it at all, the project has no reason to exist. They slapped it together in one hour and spent 3 hours on the nice looking website to trick retards who don't know what they are looking at into buying. Then they shilled it here for all the sub 80 IQ faggots to ape into. The project stinks of poo.

>> No.26740067

Fuck off Rigel retard.. heh.. that kinda has a ring to it. I'm writing that down for future rigel threads and I encourage you all to do the same

>> No.26740089

rubic has NO usecase!
literally zero.
they have 1 backend developer who is a python developer with 3years of experience.

should I expect alientech? or just copy pasta contracts?

wake up guys.
rigel is gonna x50-x100 from now

>> No.26740111

you forgot one last thing

>> No.26740194
File: 12 KB, 401x431, rigged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice scam us more rubic kek feg

>> No.26740369

I just sold all my rigel for ETH on uniswap.

You should do the same.

>> No.26740436

None of us give a shit about Rubic Rigel Retard! We hold legitimate projects with usecases unlike your copy and paste code rug pull jeet shit.

>> No.26740588

rubic has one pyton edveloper from russia
you guys are getting funny.
everyone sold his rubic bags. get outfast

>> No.26740594

If you did 10 minutes of research you would see Rubic has a unique project that actually solves a problem. Rigel is a Sushiswap 1.0 clone that was built from a youtube tutorial in under one hour, with a plagiarised white paper, anon team, audited by a twitter user with 3 followers.

If you think this poo coin is going to recreate Rubics pump, you thoroughly misunderstand the project you invested in.

>> No.26740616

>devsize: 5-10
nope, that is an unsubstantiated claim you fucking retard. literally 0 proof of that. Atleast rubic has a fucking team you absolute brainlet.

>> No.26740669
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>> No.26740731

>unique project
>forked from older ICO, where the rugpulled
>Rigel has more functions than sushiswap
>I hate slavs

>> No.26740841

these fuckers only bought this because there was 7k total supply and /biz/ can own it.
sell the rigel while you can, the two projects are not even comparable.

>> No.26740849
File: 7 KB, 250x225, 1611607413305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh, you do realize that uniswap started with one guy right? The rubic team is currently in the process of hiring on more team members. You sound so delusional right now that it's actually kinda sad. Rubic is going to attract users because, 1. it will be the cheapest dex to trade on, 2. they are planning to make trading anonymous, 3. cross chain swaps are going to be huge and be a large source of traffic for this exchange. A binance listing is assured. If you can't put two and two together that rubic is going to emerge as one of the top dexes rivaling uniswap then you're beyond delusional and just going to bag hold until you anhero yourself. Good luck man.

>> No.26741035
File: 8 KB, 229x220, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plz buy my jeet copy paste coin

>> No.26741057

Definitely isn't too late to get into Rubic, bit of a dip right now before tomorrow's cross chain launch

>> No.26741952
File: 292 KB, 680x437, 1611625299344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine defending a token with no usecase
>contract copy pasted by old ICO
>old tech, shilled by pajeets

>> No.26742146

Rigel is a sushi swap copy and paste with an anonymous team and a website that goes down. Rubic is obviously a P&D too but you're just pumping your bags on retards you scumbag before the rug.

>> No.26743748
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