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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26736781 No.26736781 [Reply] [Original]

We should preemptively start a petition to beg the government to not bail out the hedgefunds again, they have a track record of doing so.
This could be a new occupy wall street and could unite many people from all political beliefs.
We should do it before they actually introduce the bill so they can't just bail them out and then proceed to lie to us saying that they did not have time to pull back the funds

>> No.26737608

Since no one will bump this, What stocks do you think have the most resilience going into the bear market? Obviously all the market will crash so we should invest in market resistant stocks,

>> No.26737892

>This could be a new occupy wall street and could unite many people from all political beliefs.

This, goddamn it, this.

>> No.26738162

I don't actually live in the USA so i can not start the petition, you could start gathering the signatures now

>> No.26738727

based, im in

>> No.26739998


Personally, I am not here for profits -- I am *never* selling for anything less than Halliburton or Berkshire Hathaway prices ($300k+ per share) -- no, I am here to help destroy the wicked usurers & usurpers who have spent their lives wrecking the lives & prosperity of others for their own personal gain. The few thousand dollars I have riding on this I don't care about -- they can go to zero for all I care -- as long as Melvin is completely liquidated, and the other hedge funds & financial institutions bailing them out are completely liquidated, and the Federal Reserve gets completely liquidated trying to bail all of (((THEM))) out, etc, and basically every Fortune 500 company is bankrupted.

I have thrown thousands of dollars at this -- money I never care to see again -- simply because I'd rather BURN that money attacking the criminals and this entire corrupt system than have it taken from me in taxes to bail them out.

This is war. Every cent invested longing Gamestop is ammunition. We win. I unironically hope that this completely destroys the (((economy))) so that we can reclaim what is rightfully ours.

(((They))) took our foreskins; *we* shall take their fortunes.