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26728586 No.26728586 [Reply] [Original]

Retard here. Can one of you higher IQ ninjas explain to me how this short squeeze forces hedge funds to buy GME by EOD Friday? Or do I have that wrong? Pls help

>> No.26728807

Basically they borrowed stock to sell, they have to buy the stock back and return it to the lender.

>> No.26729065
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They already paid it off.

How? By pulling a shmitz and shtiking it in through the back door after close.

Basically they borrowed stock from other hedge funds at a controlled price and sold the stock back to the hedge funds for the same price, thereby paying back what they owed to the MMs.

Literally everyone still holding GME at this point is going to be in for a shmekening on friday.

Sell now.

>> No.26729351

All of this is FUD to try and get people to sell early so Jews do not get ass-fucked as hard.

As long as GME is above $175, Melvin Capital gets liquidated and every share will be brought by the Jews making every GME holder rich.

>> No.26729446

Thanks. Where can we look up what stocks hedge funds have borrowed to sell? Or do they borrow to sell on every stock out there? And how do we know how much they have borrowed and what portion of that they have to sell? Are they obligated to sell and by a certain time? My IQ is literally 101.

>> No.26729498


>> No.26729580

>Government steps in because it's literally illegal to do a mass operation to affect registered security prices
>Whole thing rendered null
>Reddit now bagholding as stock tanks from people dumping

>> No.26729800
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If they were, you wouldn't be warning them about it now would you, Moshie?

>> No.26729928

>Thread about how shorts work
Sell goyim, sell. They already paid back their stock.
For kekel my shekel, I believe you.

Im going to Hodl till Friday close.

>> No.26729997

They can't just set a stock to 0, kill yourself dude

>> No.26730028

I just like the stock :)

>> No.26730191

Don't know what private investors have shorted, some funds notify their members or the public of how they are investing their members cash, but usually you don't know.
Im A band wagoner personally, long-term investor and don't day trade so don't pay much attention to the market. So I couldn't tell you how they discovered GameStop had been over shorted.

>> No.26730267

What you said made absolutely no sense.

>> No.26730324

Obligation to buy back the stock and return to lender, it's called getting margin called and it's suppose to happen at cot Friday I believe.

>> No.26730590
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>> No.26730957

They don't need to. Just render it null because the market was blatantly and illegally manipulated, bail them, and not plebbit is desperately trying to dump on itself so they aren't stuck holding bags that tank 90%.

>> No.26732109

Kill yourself Andrew before I do it