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26726532 No.26726532 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to a retard why the elites are so afraid of GME, shouldn't they be getting rich off of this?

>> No.26726648
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Hedgies shorted more stocks than even exist.

>> No.26726757

The elites are the ones losing money, or at least very closely linked to the noses losing a fortune at the moment.

They'll be trying to earn off it for sure, no chance they wouldn't, but they're still pissed off that neets are fucking them over.

>> No.26726781

They wanted to make shekels, but now they have to spend their shekels

>> No.26726783

They will profit.

They doubled down on their shorts and the (((news))) are convincing everyone that it's over.

They will recover the cost.

So remember to sell your GME and buy Nok and BB goy

>> No.26726932
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>> No.26727361

they have a plan anon. a very simple plan. hedge funds put fake money into the market, and individual investors get fucked. that's the way it is. some individual investors make money to keep division high, but they never work together. We've broken that plan. Sure, they should just adapt and stop fucking investors. Here's the thing though: they don't want to. it's been so easy to fuck investors all this time, they want it to go back to the way it was. will it? idk, but I bought 10 shares of AMC at close so we'll see.

>> No.26727637

what does the red circle mean?

>> No.26727672

Can one of you you guys explain a retard like me if I can still make money from this situation?
If yes, how?
Please give me detailed step by step instructions.
What am I even able to gain when I, let's say, invest 100 bucks?