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267186 No.267186[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this fat woman good for the economy?

>All of that cake: Boost Entenmann's sales
>Diabetes and other potential health problems boosts medical supply companies sales

I don't see a loser in this picture except for her. Am I missing anything?

>> No.267191

Fat people do promote a healthy economy, yes.

>> No.267224

We really need to increase disability salary.

>> No.267226

the healthcare system loses pretty fucking hard, apart from drug companies and med suppliers

but everyone else has to pay a lot more for healthcare, and is... partially... the reason why healthcare is so expensive in the US

>> No.267239
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Can confirm. Im a nurse and took a 20% pay cut to work somewhere that doesnt accept bariatric patients who are extensive assist (cant move themselves)

I dont hate fat people.but when i was a nursing aid i wrenched my back when a 400 pound dementia patient fell on me. True story.

>> No.267250

Not to mention, do you have any idea how many jobs and income is generated for millions of people that work in the weight-loss industry?

Believe me, fat people are good for us.

>> No.267261
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>Decreased productivity due to disability and mammoth health problems
>Premature death
>Increased health insurance cost for everyone else
>Wastes fuel, cloth, food, and other resources supporting her disgusting lifestyle

The world would be better off if she choked on a cake ornament and died.

If the "weight loss industry" was doing their job obesity would be on the decline. They're just parasites living off of other parasites, a symptom of several problems that are literally killing Western Civilization.

>> No.267270

>people thinking useless pieces of shit that do nothing but consume resources are good for the economy
this is why we're all fucked

>> No.267286

>broken window fallacy

>> No.267293

That is an absolutely repugnant sight. I don't know how someone can live with themselves like this.

>> No.267301


Can fat people even be considered human?

>> No.267322

I think the obese could potentially be invaluable to the human race in the future.

As you know, obese people are fat as fuck. And fat is very energy dense. What if we could burn fat people for energy? Imagine if we could
>help solve the energy crisis
>decrease the strain on earths natural resources
>get rid of lazy people
>the unemployed can now take the deceased fatties jobs
>biofuel (environmentally friendly)
>bring peace to the world due to less fighting over oil
>already have basic plans leftover from the holocaust jew ovens

Its a win/win situation

>> No.267333

careful not to cut yourself with that edge

>> No.267358

You have to look beyond economics to understand these things.

In order to forcibly take people like her to psychiatric institutions to get help with her weight problem we would need to allow social services more authority, this authority might then end up being abused. It would also cause discontent among whoever is supporting her and the general public.

So, social stability depends on her continued welfare.

If you want to change it you would need some advanced reforms to social welfare, she can't afford that many calories on welfare alone unless she is drinking canola oil or something, I was always hungry on food stamps. Someone is supporting her, which means that social services needs to provide psychological assistance, probably involving a bit of tact.

>> No.267747

*tips fedora*

>> No.267755
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You could always argue that she isn't living up to her full economic potential due to her inhibitions from obesity. You would probably expect her to have higher medical expenses than her healthy peers, meaning that she is spending less money on things that produce more wealth along the line. It's kinda like the broken window fallacy.

>> No.267771

this sounds like a bretty gud idea

angry neckbeard detected

>> No.267779
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Perhaps there could be a way to infuse deuterium oxide into the cells of obese persons, and use them as fuel in a fusion reactor.

>> No.267789

Now thats innovation. We gotta get a biotech startup with us on this idea

>> No.267810
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Wait I have more ideas.

What if we genetically engineered a virus to mutate persons of sufficient mass into elephants, and then harvested the ivory?

>> No.267813
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Here in the UK, she'd be an inhibition. Purely because of Socialised Healthcare, she's helping to fuck the Governmental Balance of Payments.

>> No.267824

Get off /biz/ Krugman. We don't need your broken window theories.

>> No.267822

or we could turn them into whales and sell them to japan. Then we could make money and get them to stop eating all the fucking ocean whales

>> No.267828

i like these ideas, please make more

>> No.267842


>thinks broken window is a fallacy
>doesn't realize people need to consume in order for any one to want to produce.

shit tier Chicago or Austrian detected.

>> No.267853

how can you consume what doesn't exist?

>> No.267854
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gud idea
We could dump all the fat people into the Atlantic Ocean to create an artificial island that would act as the base for an international trading port.

>> No.267862
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Although consumption is a necessity, consuming less frees up capital that can be used to produce more. As it is, it would be locked up in consumption that certainty doesn't produce anything.

>> No.267865

your mistake is thinking that measuring all the sales in the economy is somehow more important than measuring production

fat woman consumes more than she produces

fat woman is bad for the economy

leave /biz/ if u don't understand

>> No.267869

because she doesn't have any money or any way to get money (on her own) so other people have to foot the bill

>> No.267881

>social services needs to provide psychological assistance
there we go again


What we need to do is to leave fat people alone. If they can't be productive enough to support their fucking eating habits that shouldn't be a burden on other people.

>> No.267906
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10/10 post. Totally agree.

>> No.268133

Everything is already overproduced. She stimulates the economy, she's good for it.

>> No.268184

So does war.

>> No.268224

If everything is overproduced, then why don't we start destroying stuff?

its good for the economy, rite?

>> No.268229

resouces are diverted from more important parts of soceity to keep her alive because its "inhuman" to not give her medical treatment.

>> No.268227

The problem is there's no way a thing like that can be a productive member of society, she's a burden.

Even if she spends her whole disability payment in cake, that's only $600 that go into the economy, while if she was working she would have more disposable income and would be able to spend more and stimulate the economy more, not to mention the fruits of her labor would be contributing something to society instead of taking from it, and the taxes she paid could be used to support people who have actual disabilities that they cannot control, instead of people who chose being a burden as a lifestyle.