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File: 953 KB, 1185x928, Screenshot (194).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26717895 No.26717895 [Reply] [Original]

CNN is fucking retarded.

People on reddit literally started dumping money into GME with the express intent of
1) making money
2) fucking over hedge funds and sticking it to the .01%.

Apparently if you don't like the wealth gap in the US your are now a Trumper. CNN is the biggest fucking status quo shill.

>No no! you can't try to disrupt morally corrupt practices of the billionaire class that would be...
> *Checks notes*
>Trying to quick money and hating hedge funds is now Trumpism!

Fuck CNN. Fuck CNBC. Fuck Hedge Funders.

>> No.26719223

It literally does though. It's a hatred of our elites that caused this, same as with Trump.

>> No.26720074

Hating elites existed before Trump. Trump was and always will be an elite shill who deceived gullible idiots into believing that he was a man of the people

>> No.26720306
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you're antisemitic, goyim are not supposed to win on stocks

>> No.26720791
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>> No.26720948

if he really cared about things he would have pardoned Julian Assange instead of rapper and rapist Kodak Black

>> No.26721082

CNN is a mental hospital

>> No.26721098

no. Trump was a pissed off business man who got sick of just how soulless everyone at his level was, and how most of them are shameless ass kissing clowns. He saw no value in them anymore and took a big shit on their whole game in retribution, and as you can see they stayed true to their form in the methods they used to get back at him, the same nonsense they use on us. You're just too much of an idiot to recognize and appreciate that. You are the problem.

>> No.26721281

and water is wet

>> No.26721321

8/10 was going to genuinely reply to this for a few seconds

>> No.26721409

Who do you think *owns* the media, banks, hedge funds, and politicians? Hello?

>> No.26721779
File: 527 KB, 2500x1827, 180809-trump-putin-mc-1250_bc5596e88825df8c6f86fcedf031cdfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shameless ass kissing clowns

You mean like in picrel?

>> No.26722095

Who do you think I think owns everything?
What are you even trying to say?


>> No.26722360
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>> No.26723050

Thank you for the info on the German Revolution of 1918-19! Very informative!

For real though, this is a class divide issue, anyone feeding you that bullshit is trying to make you accept being fucked over by the .01%. As long as they aren't jews it's fine, am I right fellow /pol/tard?

>> No.26723313

The media blaming working class whites for financial crises has been the plan since the great recession when people marched against wall street. That's the exact moment they started shifting the blame to Whitey

>> No.26723352

>the first line is basically saying that the elites do know better than you
Fuck the MSM

>> No.26723525

>As long as they aren't jews it's fine, am I right fellow /pol/tard?

>> No.26723850


>> No.26724943
File: 312 KB, 1011x748, HODLCAUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump caused this HODLCAUST!

>> No.26724949
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>STILL believing trump is a benevolent outsider attempting to drain (((the swamp))) that he's definitely not part of

>> No.26725131


>> No.26725309

I should know better to google whether this article is real or fake. If it sounds like clown world, then it's real.

> *** HONK *** *** HONK ***

>> No.26725666

>As long as they aren't jews it's fine
But they are. Have you not seen any of the names of the article authors or hedge fund managers decrying this? It's a very obvious pattern. It's like saying we'd be fine if they were all Bosnian.

>> No.26725717

it's very real

Guy is basically claiming that anyone who hates the wall street is a Trumper. And you know that anyone who likes CNN does not want to be associated with that lol.

>> No.26725938


he's part of the same group of people that we're trying fucking over with this whole thing

>> No.26726971

doesn't exist, it's called populism and it isn't going away any time soon. people are fed up with the system and will strike out at the elites in any way they can. and when they regulate away people's ability to participate in this avenue of peaceful protest? violence likely follows. the powers that be got far too greedy and now the average person is starting to realize that they can't represent themselves politically or financially, and what do you think happens to a system that the majority have no investment in and are cognizant of that fact? pure hubris from the fat cats.

>> No.26727593

Absolutely based. One of many reason why hating Trump shows you don't get it at all. and may have bad genetics.

>> No.26727920
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>> No.26728372

Yeah man let's fight the top 1%! Screw the upper class!
But wait no oh no we can't actually name who/what they are WTF? That would be racist and wrong!

>> No.26728559

>doesn't exist, it's called populism and it isn't going away any time soon
i thought it was just populism at first too, but seems they have turned almost all of them in to plan-trusters thinking trump was their only hope, not realizing it's the 70millions americans that have the power not a false prophet puppet gayop but here we are

>> No.26728675

>if you don't like the wealth gap in the US you are now a Trumper
yeah no shit lol welcome to the party pal

>> No.26729027

Probably this.

>> No.26729203

That‘s the only thing i hodl against him.
If he had gotten Assange, Snowden and Manning off the hook, that‘d have been the biggest fuck you to all of them.

>> No.26729619

people who lack insight will realize it was never about Trump as soon as the next populist enthralls the nation's people. it's not the leader himself that really inspires their loyalty, but their actions. anyone could do what Trump did, and arguably much better. as soon as a populist comes along who bucks the right / left dichotomy and unites both sides of constituents with an anti-establishment message, that's curtains for the elite.

>> No.26729639

Zoe Quinn is to blame for all this.


>> No.26729700

Trump is genuine but a complete fucking incompetent moron. I would assume his equal on the DNC is AOC who sounds and acts like a retard. Bernard is legit controlled opposition who always cucks out and supports the same people he spends the entire controlled campaign bitching about. There is literally no one who is able to save the system, or at least he hasn't shown himself.

>> No.26729772

>a liberal finds out that opposing jewry puts him on the trumper terrorist list
oh no what happened I thought you were on the right side of history

>> No.26729794

These articles started coming out pretty quick, it’s just manufacturing consent, this is actually effecting bottom lines so it’s gets labeled as racist and part of the trump movement lel
Remember Fox News is in on this shit too, there’s no real ideology just whatever excuse they can come up with to keep that status quo

>> No.26729852

Trump works at Melvin capital and had money tied up in the banking sector? Oh wait you're a lying reddit retard

>> No.26729856

How much money did y'all make on Gamestop? 750 euros here

>> No.26729863

>There is literally no one who is able to save the system,

Or if they are smart/charismatic enough to, they've put their efforts into other things.

>> No.26729998

The elites are your friends sell now stop this madness you might end up in jail.

>> No.26730150

Its not even 99% vs 1% sorta stuff... Many "retail traders" are part of the 1%. Its the 0.0001% vs everyone else.

If you are a hedge fund manager, and are only barely in the top 1%, you must be doing hedge funds really poorly.

>> No.26730173

ON holocaust memorial day too!

GOYIM how could you! OY VEYYY

>> No.26730313

>STILL obsessed with Trump
CNN will truly never stop being a rag

>> No.26730618

You're brain has been rotted by politics. Those redditors are obviously part of the nihilistic lulz Trumpism movement - most financial boards are, including here. That doesn't mean what they did has to be bad, you fucking dumb prick.

>> No.26730730

Oh ya these tards are basically slingshotting marbles at tank if they’re trying hit the people with REAL money, but you know this is a lot more effective then chaz or whatever

>> No.26730768

why do i have to read pol threads in biz


>> No.26730847

I just sold about 1000 bucks of SPY after it started dumping. Should I buy GME now or some other meme?

>> No.26730860

Is this real?

>> No.26731167

This. The number of bad takes in this thread is outstanding. So much for the "redpill".

>> No.26731275

cry about it moshie / taquishya

>> No.26731424

I fucking called it.
I knew, i knew they gonna blame it on white supramacy or trump somehow

>> No.26731472

nigger what the fuck website do you think we are on? we have always been here because 4chan is /pol/

>> No.26731510

Yeah, because it was a bunch of right-wingers in the Occupy movement.

>> No.26731528
File: 131 KB, 640x503, 1CB1DF8F-E76C-4FD3-AC85-17ACD7E6D907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. How did 2011 get memory holed?

>> No.26731609
File: 105 KB, 598x1024, A5C3EB2A-311C-4976-85C9-9A3A26A1FFDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26731657

Correlation isn’t causation dummy
I personally know people who are both practicing jews and ethnically Jewish, they were all either poor or lower middle class. Clearly if there is a zog conspiracy it’s not helping the majority of jews, religious or ethnic, so what’s the point of them being Jewish? So that a bunch of NEETS could look up their Wikipedia pages and find out who “part of the zog” if they were part of a 10000 year old demonic cult or whatever they’d be better at hiding, like really what is it they control the world and filter all information or their dumb greedy sub humans who are stupid enough to let some internet autist’s unveil their millennium old plan

>> No.26731732

stop READING CNN, stop WATCHING CNN, stop RESPONDING to CNN. You are brainwashing yourself even if you're responding to it out of outrage.

why couldn't we all (hypothetically) put in a bunch of shorts on CNN, then launch the massive boycott that is long overdue?

>> No.26731852


I dont care about Trump, Biden, left or right. Fuck the elites, let them burn.

>> No.26731943

if the media is kvetching then it's a good thing, (((they))) want control at all times and they have to put lies out to ensure the goys don't start out-jewing them.

>> No.26732045
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Fucking based. Trump won. The voters lost. But we win in the endgame.

>> No.26732056

>No no! you can't try to disrupt morally corrupt practices of the billionaire class that would be...
> *Checks notes*
Uh, yes. That's accurate.

>> No.26732361
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>> No.26732391

>People on reddit literally started dumping money into GME with the express intent of
>1) making money
>2) fucking over hedge funds and sticking it to the .01%.

No. People bought into GME because of a blackrock sponsored shill operation.

They literally bought 13.2% of all GME stock just days before buying it was memed online.


This was all planned beforehand.

>> No.26732611
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Hating the billionaires is bipartisan.

>> No.26732615

All this Jew shit just seems like a psyop so that you don’t put the whole puzzle together because your too busy trying to find all the special blue stars. Like Rockefeller wasn’t Jewish but his family is deeper in this shit than anyone

>> No.26732695

you mean conman playing with daddy's money. wake up dude

>> No.26732778

wow I never thought of it that way good point

>> No.26733877

I know your being sarcastic but really what’s more likely that it’s ALL ultra wealthy and powerful people with vast generational wealth or just the Jewish ones?

>> No.26734551

it got memory holed because The Man doesn't want people to remember 2011

>> No.26734645
File: 209 KB, 1839x449, do you feel in charge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They sold shares they didn't own.
>They sold more shares than the amount that actually exists, something like 138%.
>They have to cover their shorts, effectively buying the shares they don't own multiple times from multiple people.
>They were expecting to buy them at a later date but cheaper. Due date is this friday.
>Retail investors, and most likely large firms quietly bought it all up, knowing melvin would have to buy it from them.
>Media shits on reddit and 4chan over kike greed biting kikes in the ass.
>Kike fund manages to get funding and actually doubles down on a shitty position, thinking it can't go on forever.
>Actually jump from 40USD to 140USD. Friday they were 50billion in the hole at 40USD. at 350USD and climbing, lord knows.
>Trading halted several times to try and keep from going too high; pulling out all the stops.
>Kevaching all day over "economic terrorism" because mr. smallhat can't stand being a bottom for once after making his living fucking everyone else.
Jew the jew. Friday will be a day of reckoning.

>> No.26735296
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I mean, you're right as far as correlation not being causation. But if we're going to talk logical fallacies, your counter was an actual anecdote. I don't mean to be a cock, but your example was people you know. Also, here's statistics. Saging because this is off topic.

>> No.26735970

Fair point, but I don’t see what 44% Jewish families making over 100k a year has to do with a zog conspiracy. Even if Jewish were on average the wealthiest group of people in the US how does that prove it’s specificity jews who are controlling the world?

>> No.26736113
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And there is is. I was wondering how long it'd take for the
>18 Reasons Why Retail Investing Should Be Outlawed and White People Are Terrible
articles from CNN, NYT, WaPo, etc.

>> No.26737296

Looked up the guys who run Citron and Melvin both jews lmao. I can see why /pol/tards fall so far down the rabbit hole.

Also, someone please explain to me how jews are both the inferior race but also secretly running the entire planet.