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File: 90 KB, 464x451, 13431134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26707362 No.26707362 [Reply] [Original]

HR just sent the entire company a very somber email. Our pensions were all managed by Melvin Capital. We've lost everything and it looks like nothing is recoverable. I just lost 7 years of retirement savings. Hedge funds hurt the people that use them like normal employee pension plans. The government needs to stop in and bail them out. SEC must investigate and prevent collusion like this. Halt the stock and refund the last week's worth of trades.

I know you guys think you are hurting the Jews but you are just hurting normal middle class people like me. I need my job's health insurance for me and my sick kids.

>> No.26707449

gg no re

>> No.26707502

Ok Schlomo, nice (((storytelling))), now GFY

>> No.26707509

did you do government related work

>> No.26707564

Screenshot the email.

>> No.26707568


>> No.26707614

Proof it and I'll legitimately feel sorry for you anon

>> No.26707654

Israel is not a legitimate state by the way

>> No.26707674

why didn't you put some of that retirement savings into gamestop stock? you could have had at least 14 years of retirement savings right now.

>> No.26707724

and another hedge fund is profiting off of this one going under. What's your point?

>> No.26707742

gr8 b8 k1k3

>> No.26707799

Be honest, they were never gonna give you that money anyway.

>> No.26707806

free palestine

>> No.26707867

Wait you're telling me I can fuck over you twats?

>> No.26707906

Nice copypasta, I saw it elsewhere

>> No.26707937

Blame your company for putting your pensions in a trash hedge fund instead of index funds

>> No.26707969

Blame Melvin for gambling your stocks retard

>> No.26708012

If this was true, there might be dozens of angry boomers killing wall street jews in retaliation

We must persist

>> No.26708033
File: 20 KB, 600x341, e02e5ffb5f980cd8262cf7f0ae00a4a9_press-x-to-doubt-memes-memesuper-la-noire-doubt-meme_419-238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26708094
File: 346 KB, 521x550, I know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know you guys think you are hurting the Jews but you are just hurting normal middle class people like me. I need my job's health insurance for me and my sick kids.

>> No.26708156
File: 1.60 MB, 375x211, stupid whores.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahahaha I hope this is true.

>> No.26708187

buy gme and get it all back. you dont need a company of a company to manage your shit

>> No.26708199

You should have cashed in that pension and bought some gamestop.

>> No.26708271

this is the price we all must pay for destroying the jew

>> No.26708648

melvin pissed away your pensions by over shorting GME and they got caught with their pants down.

>> No.26708738
File: 171 KB, 850x912, Image-1(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry kid, thats business

>> No.26708768

seen this thread on /pol/ with the same image.
you kikes aren't very creative, don't ya?

>> No.26708842

>I need my job's health insurance for me and my sick kids.
No fuck you

>> No.26708849

Post email fag

>> No.26709008

>he thinks anybody here would believe this, or care.
If you let a private firm gain control of your pension fund, you deserve to lose EVERYTHING

>> No.26709168

easy clap, get fucked

>> No.26709305

Lmao this kike checked every box on the way down the sympathy sheet

>> No.26709386

yea never give control of your portfolio to others. you accepted the risk, dont complain(as ruthless as that sounds)

>> No.26709810


Hahah, what fucking year is this?

>> No.26709893

>1 post by this ID
Jeez, I wonder...

>> No.26709926

hundred percent this

>> No.26710036

sue the company, this is theft.

>> No.26710221


>> No.26710287

Maybe a multi billion dollar investment company shouldn't short 130% of the available stock and then make it public. What Melvin did would have raised eyebrows in a finance 101 class.

>> No.26710404

Sounds like your boss was gambling with your pension anon.

Go Postal.

>> No.26710534


OP here. Melvin came to visit duri g Christmases and Thanksgivings and hand out cookies and eggnog. He's a stand-up guy with a heart of gold. If you can't find it in your heart to help another anon, at least consider Melvin.

>> No.26710576

Great blog post!

>> No.26710644

> Putting your retirement on high risk assets you don't manage yourself
You only have yourself to blame.

>But it was my company, not me who chose
Doesn't matter, check your shit retard.

>> No.26710730

>Pensions managed by a hedge fund.

>> No.26710822

Pension fund gambling with shorts? LOL

>> No.26710882
File: 33 KB, 600x612, 77A7A429-7F02-4409-8612-6ADF42735DD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked loser, i’ll make sure to buy something nice with your pension

>> No.26711093

Kill the faggot who gave your money to a hedge

>> No.26711242

Lol get fucked faggot, should’ve put your money into gold and silver instead of numbers on a screen

>> No.26711406

Kys wagie

>> No.26711521

>Office job
>Retirement savings
Exactly HOW old are you? kek

>> No.26711552

I fucking love eggnog
Furthermore, israel must be destroyed

>> No.26711741

No more pasta please! I am on low carb.

>> No.26711767

>relying on employer pensions
never gonna make it. enjoy social security, pops.
t. one of the few Gen Y with a real pension

>> No.26711794

oh ny god wait

>> No.26711993

pensions are awesome if you can get them. it's very rare to find employers who don't try to jew with with (((vested stocks))) instead of a real pension.

>> No.26712018

>hedge fund managing pensions
good one

>> No.26712113

Hedgefund shouldn't gamble on meme shit and literal ilegal behavior of a nakedshort and shorting in more than there literally is at 138%-140%+

>> No.26712170

so the american investor should be held responsible for your poor financial planning?