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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26706770 No.26706770 [Reply] [Original]

You all realize they are going to restrict trading like you’re seeing now during the squeeze so you can’t sell back during it, and then it’s going to crash back dramatically to $60 or below once that’s done, right?
You’re going to be a bagholder all the way down if you try to sell during the squeeze. Don’t be one of the ones getting fucked
Also not involved in this stock in any regard so don’t have any vested interest in it just warning you all

>> No.26707091

Anon definitely has a point, they won't let you goys get away with it and profit.
But as they say, never invest what you can't afford to lose, and an investment in screwing over kikes is a solid one no matter what you personally lose.

>> No.26707266

Can imagine /biz/ ending up at the Capitol with /pol/ if they shut down trading.

>> No.26707278

The shitshow is just too fun and that might awaken people. Literally the kick-start of the crypto GBR

>> No.26707281

>so you can’t sell back during it,
so where the fuck are they going to get the shares? BlackRock doesn't have nearly enough to cover it.

>> No.26707607

Can the Fed print GME shares?

>> No.26707785

What if I told you /biz/ and /pol/ are nearly a concentric circle in Venn diagram terms?

>> No.26707991

>what are limit sell orders...what are trailing stops....

>> No.26708074

Why is there no $nggr then?

>> No.26708179

I didn't invest anything I couldn't afford to lose.
Can the kikes say the same?

>> No.26708250


>> No.26708397

No. This is a demoralization shill thread.

>> No.26708467

Because it's worthless.

>> No.26708590

don't really care

>> No.26708604

i fucking wish that wiki edit was true lol

>> No.26708692

I bet they restrict options trading to accounts over $25k, maybe even 100k

>> No.26708796

>le free market
>but not when the goyim do it

>> No.26708815

The kikes won't be losing shit. They'll get bailed out, either through printers or regulations.
The nose always wins.

>> No.26708870

>demoralization shill thread
Fucking lol, there’s no stopping the squeeze. There’s stopping you selling during the squeeze
Don’t say you were warned when you start posting pink wojaks

>> No.26708872

No one entitity has enough to cover it all because the greedy kikes shorted 130% and now they are going to pay

>> No.26708911

I hope they restict it to 500k minmum so these reddit fags can finally fuck off

>> No.26709028

>There’s stopping you selling during the squeeze

And how will Melvin get the shares they need if they stop us from selling? They need over 100%.

>> No.26709178

/pol/ certainly likes to think so

>> No.26709189

If they stop trading, who can (or would) sell these stocks that they NEED to buy?

>> No.26709229
File: 13 KB, 600x310, volkswagen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try hedgies but Volkswagen lasted a fucking day at the peak and only dropped because a dude sold like 5% stock. Again that was only at 53% shorted stock, this is over 130% shorted.
Shill somewhere else if you don't want in on this golden goose.

>> No.26709607

I'm just out here to fuck with the trading algorithms

>> No.26710249

The shill can't answer this.

>> No.26710546

Reddit is creating bagholders out of an entire generation that will be spooked from any investments. Both of themselves and of random bystanders who are "buying the top" under the false guise that Wallstreet has to buy their bags at whatever price they decide.

>> No.26710675
File: 69 KB, 500x500, 1591362244728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the people talking reason who are the shills and not the ones spamming 24/7 their meme stock

>> No.26711315

They can buy the same shares more than once. Just saying they won't be forced to buy yours necessarily.
Buy half the stock now and give back to original borrower. Buy back the same half the stocks from the people they returned it to.

>> No.26711369

And I along with 1 million others will file a class action lawsuit alleging illegal protectionism and market manipulation.

>> No.26711633

If people have their shares tied up in limit orders set to $1000 then they will have to buy them