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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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26698255 No.26698255 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26698365

they're keeping the price down while closing their short positions, they want to avoid another gamestop-tier squeeze

>> No.26698528

AMC is printing shares so it can comfortably avoid bankruptcy duh.
GME worked because the owner had 600k shares and said fuck the hedgefunds.

>> No.26698652

Lots of shares changing hands, probably a lot of new short positions filling orders for interested buyers. Looks like it’s setting itself up well for a run.

>> No.26698661

Buying AMC is paying the funds to keep shorting GME btw

>> No.26699095

It might not have been the short squeeze people thought it was with the additional shares added, but it looks like it might be turning into that with all the interest. More normies frequent AMC than GameStop so that might help with the casual buyer.

>> No.26699301
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I don't know what is going on. Robinhood shows the price at around $13.50 and Charles Schwab shows it around $15.50. I don't know which brokerage is more up to date. What causes this?

>> No.26699397

It was like this until like 3:50 yesterday for GME. Now is the time to buy, the door is already closed for GME unless you really wanna pump a whole lot into it. Buy AMC and NOK cheap now.

>> No.26699482

reminds me to make more covfefe also maybe they're using different exchanges but that's just the way it is

>> No.26699576

Same thing is happening to GME

>> No.26699584


>> No.26699649


>> No.26699707

This. Honestly can see AMC hitting $30 overnight easily and then mooning from there. Will go even higher if GME crashes because then money will come from there.

>> No.26699797

We tried to warn you retards that AMC only has 30% short float while GME has over 100% short float. You literally fell for a shill distraction psyop to take heat off of GME.

>> No.26699831

>It was like this until like 3:50 yesterday for GME. Now is the time to buy, the door is already closed for GME unless you really wanna pump a whole lot into it. Buy AMC and NOK cheap now.
Yep these newfags aren't even capable of comparing AMC to GME a week ago. There are dips EVERY SINGLE DAY and every single day weak hands get shaken out and diamond hand concentration builds up.

>> No.26699984

Yes the (((Market makers))) are trying to shut the goy down

>> No.26700222
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>> No.26700232

You dumb cucks dont realize that it only works for GME because they shorted more shares than exist. It won’t work with AMC because they aren’t required to buy your bags. You’re in a pump and dump scam started by wallstreet to stop you from fucking them with GME. Sell NOW and buy into GME or you will ROPE

>> No.26700337

back to /o/ with your fud

>> No.26700528

Short squeezes have been historically triggered with only 17% short interest. You don't know what you're talking about and the retards claiming a thirty percent short interest on AMC are wrong and retarded. It's 50% and easy to verify.

>> No.26700544

He's right though.

>> No.26700654

>It's 50% and easy to verify.

Do you have a site you'd recommend to check short interest?

>> No.26701125

Nah, too pricey and I bought AMC when it was like $6 so I wouldn't lose much if anything.

>> No.26701216

everyone FOMOd in premarket

>> No.26701824


They're both flaming piles of garbage that will be bankrupt soon. I'll take the $15 pile of garbage over the $350 pile of garbage.

>> No.26702193

That's good. If they short more GME, it'll make their losses even greater. Pump both AMC and GME. Synergy!

>> No.26702360

it has over 90% i think

>> No.26702532

MSm article I was reading earlier said 59%

>> No.26702699

This. AMC will squeeze to over 30 tomorrow

>> No.26703072

Where do you think the next ship is going to be?
AMC is that ship. Once GME is sold, people will look to the next one. Which will be AMC

>> No.26703124

Everyone talks about AMC. EVERYONE!!! The whole Wall Street is trading that shit so they will sell with 5% return which is enough when they sell 100.000 stovks at a time.

>AMC is dead
>AMCX is the future +1000%
AMC is dead
AMCX is the future +1000%
>AMC is dead
>AMCX is the future +1000%
AMC is dead
AMCX is the future +1000%
>AMC is dead
>AMCX is the future +1000%

>> No.26703882
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>> No.26704078

Even if it's not the get rich quick, it's still a solid get with summer and the meme virus coming to an end

>> No.26704171
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>> No.26704308

NOK is long term

>> No.26704427

>take heat off GME

GME's already too high for new players. Most of the people getting on AMC weren't going to get into GME anyway.

>> No.26704519
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I bought them all GME, AMC, BB, NOK

>> No.26704577

Nokia is doing the same

>> No.26704686

I have all 3 but it's because I can afford to lose. I'd rather not, but fuck it

>> No.26704817

In at $4.96 for life. Get fucked.

>> No.26705128

No, that's what's called naked shorting and it is illegal and basically impossible. What we had with GME was shorts that were 120% of the *float*.