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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26686876 No.26686876 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26686965

simps and faggots BTFO

>> No.26687107

how is this allowed

>> No.26687206



>> No.26687444

It's their game, their rules.

>> No.26687463
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((((((they))))) will allow you to sell, don't worry.

>> No.26687916

I've just checked yes you can sell if you wanted to. But I can no longer acoomulate. Rapt unfairness won't be stood for.

>> No.26687972
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you don't get to have a say in this goy

>> No.26688073
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It's not just 212 they're everywhere.

>> No.26688374

with jews, you lose

>> No.26688389

I know you've seen the fudders here. Shouting about legality other faglike things. Fudding, oh the fudding. Don't believe (them)

>> No.26688496
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>Jews dont allow you to buy a stock
fucking max kek, this is a sign to buy if I ever saw it.

>> No.26688615

Stop being a racist.

>> No.26688617

Yeah, good luck buying more

>> No.26688675
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>> No.26688712

Gamers rise the fuck up

>> No.26688809

fuck wall street, buy even just 1 $GME /biz/ to screw them over

>> No.26688870
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>you can't buy stocks when are making money
>only we are allowed to make money

>> No.26688905

Legality only exists in homogenous European societies

>> No.26688992

Is this legal?

>> No.26689119


>> No.26689157

stop being so anti-semetic

>> No.26689243
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The more I played their games, the better I came to know their rules. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the rules in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.

>> No.26689434
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Oh not you're not allowed even half a share more you already have enough.
This cannot go on.

>> No.26689435

yes yes. This will uronically make bitcon pump to 1$m

>> No.26689513
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>> No.26689586

to stop manipulation. the same would happen if a lot of people tried to sell at once also (great depression type scenario).

>> No.26689690

shut up bigot

>> No.26689719
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>> No.26689781

how do I do this via rh?

>> No.26689848

How can I buy more GME? I've never wanted t o fuck them over so much. I don't even want the money I just want the shares so they're ruined. I have nothing to lose. They deserve much much worse than just losing out on their shorts

>> No.26689942


Meanwhile shorts can predate on failing businesses on Wall Street as much as they want

>> No.26690162

Stop manipulation of a couple of heavily shorted instruments specifically by them. The stocks on these companies will have a negligible effect on the market as a whole. But it will effect them. It'll definitely effect them. This isn't to stop manipulation the wrong people are making money. Don't you see.

>> No.26690428

Found today that the banks have bought out 2/3 P2P of the major lending platforms in the U.K, too, and the 3rd is becoming a (((bank))) itself.

No goy you're not allowed to make money at 5%+ interest (at risk), you must stay with (((our))) banks at 0.3%, with a £4 a month fee.

>> No.26690709

der juden is scared

>> No.26691069

What's P2P
Am stopid

>> No.26691398

It was time that /biz/ learned about kike tricks, now you know

>> No.26691516

If they won't let me buy GME should I just buy more AMC instead? Or BB?

>> No.26691592

why is there s much antisemitism on /biz/ now?

>> No.26692126

lmao kys

>> No.26692181

Exact same here, bullshit

>> No.26692350

the right question is rather why are there some many jews on /biz/ now?

>> No.26692797

Where a platform divvies up and mediates loans between buyers and investors, geared towards "retail investors" (you and me).

In Ratesetter's case, you put £5 on the platform and "invest" it, at whatever rate you chose. Then the platform matches that to borrowers who want to borrow money at that rate. Interest rates were much higher than banks (I got a good £10k in at 5%), but your money was at risk, and not always immediately accessible.

Higher interest rates were available for locking your money away (fee for withdrawal) for 1 or 5 years.

The interest rate was all based on what the loans were being matched at, if you choose 5%, but a shitload of people were willing to loan for less, their loans get matches, yours don't. However if others were only willing to loan at your rate or above, your money gets matched and you start getting the interest monthly.

The platform divvies up the loan between multiple parties, and covers you with a "provision fund" that the borrowers pay into via a fee. Though getting your money back wasn't 100% guaranteed.

Now as I mentioned, (((banks))) have bought up the major platforms and closed them for new business, where loans are funded by the banks, not "retail investors" anymore. Locking you out of money lending and back to lending it to the banks at 0.3% interest..

>> No.26693131

Tbh it isn't about the Jews specifically I actually have no I'll will towards them. But it's just a useful and universal short hand for (them). Obviously we don't know who they are. We just know that they have money and power. And are used to having money and power. They think it'll last forever but unfairness can only be stood for for so long. I know a lot of people here think it is the Jews and yknow it might be. We just don't know.

>> No.26693332


The right question is why are they still alive on this earth?

>> No.26693384

Buy lil AMC and NOK stock

>> No.26693608

bro chill with the antisemitism

>> No.26693702

I have bought bags in both.
I hope they're ready.
When is the sell date? Friday or Monday?

>> No.26693917

Should be illegal

>> No.26693957

it is the logical conclusion of anyone that undertakes some critical thinking.

>> No.26694064

It is when we do it

>> No.26694079

This is an anti-semitic dog whistle

>> No.26694113
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Its a private company it can do what ever it wants chump.

>> No.26694227


>> No.26694351

Nope, it should be entirely illegal. So should the whole Wall st. Ponzi scheme for that matter

>> No.26694433


>> No.26694766

I hope you're happy. Was the quick rush worth it? Was it worth destroying the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people who depend on their pensions, savings, 401k's and mortgages? Was it worth devaluing the legitimacy of the free market? Was it worth the to-come government intervention that will follow?

>> No.26694789


>> No.26694954

Private companies.
Their servers, their rules.

Build your own if you don't like it.

>> No.26695017

this. Legal rights are a European thing that emerged from the Greek and Roman empires, based on divine justice and honor. The USA though is an international oligarchy where whoever has more money will win the legal battle.

>> No.26695518


>> No.26695732



You are not welcome here

>> No.26695796
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the right question is, why didnt hadrian finish off judea

>> No.26695953

why isn't there any in the public at large?

>> No.26696022 [DELETED] 

The Holocaust never happened, but it should've

>> No.26696183
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pic related

Yes. You get what you deserve. The system gets what it deserves.

This started with predatory shorting, after all.

>> No.26696226


>> No.26696506

Jacob beat Esau. these stories take centuries to fully percolate. read it a few times and let it really sink in.

>> No.26696593

Time to cull ((((them))))

>> No.26696666

Thx fren

>> No.26696941

With them, you lose.

>> No.26697491
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Trading halts are literally market manipulation. ARREST THEM ALL!


>> No.26698298

חברה פרטית

>> No.26698320
File: 164 KB, 510x512, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope you're happy. Was the quick rush worth it? Was it worth destroying the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people who depend on their pensions, savings, 401k's and mortgages? Was it worth devaluing the legitimacy of the free market? Was it worth the to-come government intervention that will follow?

>> No.26698638

The more I learn of anything in this world, the more I hate jews. Any thing I learn, any piece of knowledge I get, I see the truth about their lies and manipulation.

>> No.26699004
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You can buy now again. Youre welcome.

>> No.26699093
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>> No.26699243
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>artificially stops it because it's not going their way.
Tell me why anyone would put faith on this system ever again after this? In the past, this would usually be the part when the citizens would revolt on their 'leaders', tho it should've happened over 13 times by now. Makes me wonder just how much are people going to let it slide, how much can they take getting fucked in the ass by these kikes.

>> No.26699395

Because most people don't know what's going on

>> No.26699562
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>> No.26700795

Wrong - it's to bail out the hedge funds.

>> No.26701038

Oh they are realising, believe me.


>> No.26701219
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>implying hedge funds give a shit since FED will back'em up
At least the plebs make money from this shitstorm

>> No.26701443

Trading 212 still down, still not allowed to place orders on GME. Fuck these bitches.

>> No.26701473

did we lose?

>> No.26701797

No - they shut it down, because we are winning.

They don't want people to buy.

>> No.26701879

Change who you trade with
I would do it immediately to send them a message

>> No.26701885

have you considered not using a shit broker like fidelity?

>> No.26702085

What is your advice

>> No.26702115

All they've done is make holding more fun.

>> No.26702744
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>buying over-shorted stocks is illegal
>shutting down all the retail trading platforms to stop people from buying the stock is perfectly fine
>shorting a stock for more shares than are even physically available is fine too

I'm loving the shitshow that's been happening over the last few days, but shit like this is precisely why I prefer crypto to boomer stonks. Wallstreet literally has a panic button to shut everything down. "IN CASE OF GOYIM MAKING MONEY, PLEASE BREAK GLASS"

>> No.26702991

all the main retail brokers are preventing retail investors from buying the stock now

>> No.26703529

Most of them think it's because of increased traffic from increased coverage. I do hope the people do realize what's going on but people can be surprisingly oblivious it breaks their perception of reality

>> No.26703811

I reckon it'll be open before market closes today and that's the time to buy
Change to who? The majority of brokers are controlled by them and the ones that aren't have high fees
That makes it more fun sometimes. Especially when they lose

>> No.26703931


They are all doing it

>> No.26705195

Fuck Plus500 - you fuckers, cant even get on this, I would hold it until it hits fucking 0. I hope this isn't lost on Anons, ((they)) tell you what to do, ((they)) don't want you to succeed, ((they))) think they are untouchable, ((they tell)) what you can do, not anymore, we should embrace reddit, go get them, DONT FUCKING SELL, take it from a link marine , DO NOT FUCKING SELL, fuck these bastards, show them what hell looks like and give em a day in our shoes. God bless you all

>> No.26705297

This is the free market, and if this one example delegitimizes it then maybe the free market was not legitimate to begin with?

>> No.26705356

uronically this

>> No.26705391
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>I didn't buy anything days ago when I was thinking of it but had defunded my ebroker because I decided to focus on shitcoins

FUCK, I always get advance warnings from /biz/ and then miss the ebin pumps.

>> No.26705849

212 working now

>> No.26706455
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I managed to buy some a few hours ago, and I won't sell shit until Gamestop is no longer existing, lmao.

Will literally carry those bags to the grave, just to prove a point and to fuck Wallstreet in the ass, kek

>> No.26706511

bollocks, 'No connection with the server'

>> No.26706784

Nah, it's down, can't connect to the server.

>> No.26706810

maybe because he looked upon them with pity instead of disgust