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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 204 KB, 1080x1350, ErksXjrXMAY1FAn (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26686697 No.26686697 [Reply] [Original]

Keep buying GME. Join History. It's our time.

>> No.26686953

dios mio...

>> No.26687044

Holy hell she is ugly as fuck

>> No.26687308

Could you have posted a more unappealing "women". Kill yourself OP.

>> No.26687494

You are gay men.

>> No.26687597

Imagine the smell of the steamy sludge as it exists, halfway-through, from her waste expulsion intestine. After a full day of digestion, the beast is finally released.

>> No.26687640

Missed out on bitcoin when I could have gotten in early. Missed out on gamestop when it was still low. Feels bad man.

>> No.26687713

You've never seen a cheap prostitute before I take it. This is pretty par.

>> No.26687752

for what purpose?

>> No.26687777

we are the resistance

>> No.26687807 [DELETED] 

small breast

>> No.26687879

I bet a $1 she has a stinky pussy

>> No.26687955

SILVER (SLV) is another good name. JP Morgan and the Bullion Banks are heavily short SILVER and GOLD as they are the gate keepers of the Federal Reserve fiat money debt system which enslaves the public. Silver is a much more liquid market and would take JP Morgan and the Bullion Banks for a ride they'd never forget.

>> No.26688009

Well that 1$ is sure as hell yours

>> No.26688055

Did you hear what I said? Keep buying!!!!!! This will reach over 1,000 at least is you buy and hold. If the retards don't sell this could go to 5,000

>> No.26688178


>> No.26688292

Ok bud see you later

>> No.26688336

AMC will rise and if you'd like to take a relatively cheap gamble you can invest Nok. It absolutely does not matter what's sensible and what isn't. When a stock becomes popular enough for everybody to buy it (see: memes) it becomes profitable for early investors. Fucking broke ass, mismanaged, terribly run Gamestop is making people rich right now owing to greedy short sellers. None of this should be happening but is. Take your chances while the risks are low.

>> No.26688619

Built for BBC

>> No.26688676

Busted as fuck lmao

>> No.26688813

t. nigger that will fuck anything
How do you have internet jamal?

>> No.26688904

ITT: Guys who can't get pussy

>> No.26689040

I'm not inherently anti tattoo, but wtf is up with that gigantic leg piece?

>> No.26689310

It screams poor life decisions.

>t. Roastie

>> No.26690370
File: 2.42 MB, 4384x2134, IMG_20210127_163608__01__01-min (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would if I could. (They) won't even let you buy half a share.
I'm sorry for being a bigot bit I just don't think this is right

>> No.26690929

its a warning that she's mentally unstable

>> No.26691524
File: 125 KB, 1200x1166, 56F79A99-C991-454F-B3DC-012616F19D42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gross but 100% would

>> No.26691581

Can't even create a robinhood account. Get error messages when it gets to date of birth portion of setup.

>> No.26691839

its going to take me a couple of days to get verified on etoro


>> No.26691892


>> No.26692111

You are worse than a jew. Convincing people to buy at these unreasonable prices when this shit WILL get shut down. Go fuck yourself nobody wants to buy your bags