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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2667636 No.2667636 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never make a high growth tech startup that makes you a b/millionaire in months
>you will never make a serious software / technology company
>you will never be inspired to work for 100 hours a week
>every idea these days requires at least a PhD or concentrated autism
>your (completely solid) base of high school and early college level mathematics will never allow you to create anything technologically advanced, either in an academic or business sense - the low hanging fruit is gone and you need to be an autistic maths / cs grad to do anything impressive these days
>you missed the dotcom boom
>you missed the social boom
>you missed the app boom
>you don't live in the usa, only the shitty uk
>you weren't programming from the age of 9
>you haven't been caught hacking in to government / corporate databases
>you didn't drop out of high school / university
>there are mountains and mountains of people releasing better and more useful software than you will ever make, all easily accessed on Github

Why even live brehs? I work in a government job where I get to wear a suit and work in central London. But I feel pathetic because i am redpilled enough to know I am a worthless wagecuck doing a brain-dead job.

I guess my solace is that I'm not a stupid person, it's just that to get anywhere you need to penetrate the slimy bullshit surrounding everything. I'm probably going to fail an interview I had for an engineering job recently because I don't answer competency questions like a normie. So the solace is that I see everyone as a fraud anyway.

I'm a complete social failure in the office. I'm the ugly loser beta that nobody talks to.

Although I arrive late, take long lunches, and leave early so at least I am not completely cucked.

>> No.2667757

you can't compete with autistic savants on a technical level. best thing to do is work on people skills and get them to work for you.

>> No.2668400

It's funny what will power does to you, though. I kind of thought that and part of me still does.

I designed and created an app on the Google Play store using some of the programming fundamentals and concepts I taught myself/knew from school. It got like 50 downloads the first day. Second day, got about 100. By the end of 2wks, I had about 8000 DLs. People were submitting bugs and recommending fixes to me. I updated the app when I had time and I'm going to be developing a new one soon. I actually had two app companies offer me a job, but I declined since I wanted to finish my MS first.

What I'm saying is this: Sometimes, you don't need to be a genius or an ultra-level tech nerd savant.

If you can find that thing, anything, that can help people even a little bit and people are willing to use it, you'll be fine. It's surprising what a little simplicity and functionality does. In today's world where every app is almost overly complex, dedicated to 'CHANGING' or 'REVOLUTIONIZING' the world, if your end goal is to literally make people's lives easier, people are willing to use it and pay for it, even.

For this new app I'm developing, I'll be having free features + paid features, which will have a 1-time payment of $1, maybe $2 if I'm feeling frisky. People will be willing to pay for a product that saves them time and makes their lives easier.

>> No.2668410

>you will never be a Saiyan and travel to planet Namek to collect the dragonballs.
Why even live?

>> No.2668428

>ywn impregnate Android 18

>> No.2668438

speak for yourself

>> No.2668446

There are actual """""""""""""people'""""""""""""""" ITT who didn't get their Phd from MIT at the age of 22

wew, SAD

>> No.2668467

Sucks for you OP.
>PhD in math
>any jobs I want
>$300k starting
Enjoy middle management lol

>> No.2668475

Nice work anon.
How did you get people aware/interested in the app? Seems like one of the biggest hurdles

>> No.2668485
File: 34 KB, 640x427, 0F66C8A3-83B2-4AA6-B512-D7AD56EC55B7-15098-00001AE99358A3E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is me taking my PhD math final.

>> No.2669216

sweet may-may _desu _fam _sempai tbqh famalm

>> No.2669257

This keeps me awake at night :(

Knowing that there is no way out.

Work 60 hour weeks for terrible pay. Could change job, but it's the same shit.
Trying bots to trade crypto as don't have time to trade manually.


>> No.2669267

>having fiat not crypto

plebeian detected

>> No.2669308

Well you may never be rich, try IT though, cyber security seems like a legit meme and you don't need to be a phd or genius, once you pay your loans off and shit, start a cyber sec business and then become the UK's best you might end up with millions. At least you'll get a job fairly easily.

>> No.2670448

>you weren't programming from the age of 9
This is a dumb meme. Once you pick up programming you get to 80% of your potential very quickly. A smart person who picked up programming at 20 will completely shit on an average person who picked it up at 5.