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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26674015 No.26674015 [Reply] [Original]

I just fucked up a job interview by saying retarded shit at the end of the interview. They invited me to look at the place and do two test days of work. Why do i always self sabotage /biz/. The only thing i had to do to get the job for sure was sit there bite my tongue and nod. I'm so fucking retarded.

>> No.26674432

The one thing Ive learned about life is that you should never speak too much.

>> No.26674504

What did you do exactly, anon? Just keep at it you'll find something eventually.

>> No.26674623

What did you say?

>> No.26674840
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what is "retarded shit"? how are you even gonna post something like that without saying what was actually said. and why is this on /biz/? why are you a faggot? you must answer these questions.

>> No.26675123

I know how you feel I have done it myself, everything seems to be going great and then I try being myself and say something that sounds odd to "normies".

>> No.26675271

>fuck up interview
>get offered two-day trial
I bet you also fucked up by buying LINK at $4 you fucking retard. Only /biz/ could fail at losing.

>> No.26675492

ive done the same OP

I was too excited and made some stupid jokes out of nervousness. I will never post what I said but it cost me the job.

Act professional until youve atleast worked there for 3 months

gl on your next interviews champ

>> No.26675791

lmao this is true, I'm always talking shit and I get rekt because of this

>I will never post what I said but it cost me the job.
Do it fag

>> No.26675874

Fuck its really complicated since its related to the education program i'm in as a psychologist. Wasnt even related to my field but things about how much other places pay you and the legal situation of her supervising me (this shit is complicated as fuck on a legal level and i mixed some stuff up)

>> No.26676663


>> No.26676686

I'm 100% sure she would have just gave me the job right away if i didnt curveball her with the stuff i said. She said in the end that other people have also applide (not a good sign, already justifiying her rejection)

I just pray that i do good on the 2 day trial and the other people suck.

I did buy link at 3.80$ though and it feels weird when you say 4$ is early

>> No.26676688

just be yourself dude.

>> No.26677152

Nigger i feel like a fucking robot learning to say the shit they want to hear. If i was myself i'd call her a retarded cunt and tell her to fuck off. Beeing yourself is literally the worst shit you can do in an interview unless your a golden retriever in human form.