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26655423 No.26655423 [Reply] [Original]

Guys I've been a poor fag all my life. I invested $5k and it has 50x. Do I sell at open? I don't want to go back to being poor.

>> No.26655464

always sell when you're happy with the money you've made and never look back.

>> No.26655487


>> No.26655720
File: 406 KB, 320x427, Screenshot_2020-06-29 Ebp5seFXgAYckg7 png (PNG Image, 320 × 427 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell Half

>> No.26655799

100% yes. 50x is infinitely rare. who gives a fuck if its 75x. better 50x than back to 3x

>> No.26655841


>> No.26655889

did you leverage?

>> No.26655925

you made it anon
sell SOMETHING for fucking sure

>> No.26655962


Fuck off, shill

>> No.26655995

if you can't make your mind up sell 60% at least. then its spendable money instead of extremely volatile numbers in a historic pump. sorted.

see ya

>> No.26656021

sell nothing
it's guaranteed to go up to 1000 at the very least

>> No.26656061

Hold until next week and you'll be a millionaire

>> No.26656070

This and diversify into crypto and funds immediately.

>> No.26656077

Take profit.

You can never regret taking profit. Especially good profit that enables to to make serious compound interest from better investments.

>> No.26656079

Sell 200k and let it ride bro.

>> No.26656114

If you really want the money sell most of it but keep 50%-25% for sick meme gains

>> No.26656135

This. If it all goes to shit, you've still got 60% to fall back on and that money is a massive amount for you. If it keeps rising, then you'll be able to know you're secure financially.

>> No.26656187


Look at this to understand what's really going on:

>> No.26656205


>> No.26656217

Sell and get back into crypto. You're going to get absolutely rekt if you hold on to that.

That's an insane gain tho, well done.

>> No.26656226

>having weaker hands than fucking plebbit.
everybody whos jumping ship or buys amc deserves to be a slave in (((their))) game

the shills are so obvious yet many anons simply dont get it. this is not about making a quick buck here, its about sending them a message. its about sending them down the toilet.
this time for once we got them by the balls - we got them by the balls big time so dont lose focus. just buy gme, hold it until monday and enjoy seething suits all over the place.

never forget what they have done to you, to your parents or grandparents with their money. dont be dumb and side with them now.
goodspeed anon, we are all in this together.

>> No.26656246

mm ok sweaty

>> No.26656278

So he can lose the other half? I don't get it.

You think Gamestop is gonna be the new Tesla or something? lmao

>> No.26656303

Sell and leave

>> No.26656335

just sell half and keep squeezing those fags
gains come and go but forcing hedgies to rope is forever

>> No.26656347

you should go back to pol & jerk off to swastikas

>> No.26656551

oh no then he only made a 25x without losing the potential to make a lot more.

>> No.26656737

This is a pyrrhic victory scenario only for a very small subset. Most people are greedy, lazy, and just want to make some money.

The stock is probably going to 0, you don't need a lot to run the lemmings off a cliff.

>> No.26656770

>Taking a 25x over a 50x


>potential to make a lot more.

Peak retard. There is literally nothing backing up this run. It's some random FOMO shit in a failing company that has already reached euphoria. You know how many people are sitting on insane gains right now?
It's going to tank harrrdd. Might not be this week, but I would not being risking $250k further on this shit.

>> No.26656926

no you stupid faggot
you sell half of other half at $500
half of half of half at $750
rest at $1k
this your first day?

>> No.26657008

We're talking about GME not LINK

>> No.26657042

literally no confirmation

>> No.26657184

you know op, you gonna stay poor if you dont fight against the hedgie right now. think about it

>> No.26657368
File: 76 KB, 220x210, E07EFE13-D7B7-4831-83D1-9D0F3426CE7B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not selling They will pay me

>> No.26657378
File: 1.58 MB, 498x205, 72345067-9C37-4032-AF0A-1FF0A3E79D27.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seriously responding to a Melvin Kike shill bait thread

>> No.26657653

you wait till it hits 5k. These hedgies can't do anything about it. All they got left is fear mongering and praying.

>> No.26658634

literally fucking sell it all dont lose this opportunity because of greed

>> No.26658802


>> No.26659217
File: 65 KB, 866x1300, 1610976633499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked kike