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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26648037 No.26648037 [Reply] [Original]

How has this absolute maverick managed to solve slippage and impermanent loss before sushi and uni?

>> No.26648409

X50 EOY almost guaranteed.

>> No.26648502

If you don’t understand how to make cash from investing you will always try to find something to eat poor tards.

>> No.26648942

Jollen is literally a genius who worked with mathematician geniuses to produce his AMM.

>> No.26648965

i have 0.0000 in BTC lmao. my MASSIVE cock is a literal rock

>> No.26649305

Hayden, SBF and conman Cronje on suicide watch

>> No.26649398

Taiwanese Vitalik is going to financially salvage me.

>> No.26649428

Probably by ripping off Bancor. That's how all progress in the AMM space happens.

>> No.26649888

yeah the Jewish scam bancor has solved slippage and pays transaction fee rewards. just because they have single asset exposure, without the speculative AMM to go with it, it's irrelevant

>> No.26650475

Guuuuys don't tell /biz until Friday cmon we are still staking. For fuck sake.......

>> No.26650943

Not much longer, this will move from Friday when supply is locked at 55000

>> No.26651065

Stop being so greedy fren, most of us withdrew already

>> No.26652419
File: 71 KB, 1000x667, blastoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't stake this round because I was worried it's going to rocket.

>> No.26652660

- lower slippage than competitors (Uniswap and others)
- no IL when adding liquidity (single asset pools will attract whales)
- trading fees + secondary token as reward for LPs
- reduced gas fees due to secondary token usage and better coding implemented for eth contracts
- orderbook and limit orders (Q2-Q3)
- integrated bots for every trader on dex and advanced pro-trading tools
- all listed above will be ideal for big arbitrage volume alone
- % of trading fees paid to dexg token holders

>> No.26653113
File: 54 KB, 1280x783, slippagechart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking people won't switch to dexg swap when they see how close to zero the slippage is..

>> No.26654241

Yeah same here. It was already about to until that one whale decided to dump

>> No.26654362

It’s nice to be in on the ground floor for once, the current market cap will be laughably low in just 3 months.

>> No.26654509

I think it will start to climb up slowly after staking and then really take off just before launch

>> No.26654677
File: 2.75 MB, 2000x2000, cronje adams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent photo of the developers of unislip, sushiscam, mancakeswap, wancor and inbalancer.

>> No.26655448


>> No.26655527


>> No.26656541

I’m a big fan of dexg, but I suppose my main concern is the lack of major marketing that we’ve seen so far. I know they did a few ama’s and there was an article on coin telegraph, but I can’t help but feel that with the quality of the project, and the disruptive element that they bring, they could have pushed the marketing harder.

I watched how YFI went from a few dollars to over $30,000 in a matter of months, and I really feel that something like that is possible here with a bit more exposure. Let’s hope they step up the marketing next month when the dex releases in full. If they do the momentum alone will carry this to hundreds of millions marketcap.

>> No.26656613

I have made 40% in like 1.5 hours through MUSE. Get in on this ride

>> No.26657020

Oi rivershitter, stop stinking up this thread with scams, the brainiacs are discussing our next X100 here.

>> No.26657864

Good luck reducing slippage on a decentralised exchange on an asset with low liquidity, how can they do that?

>> No.26658740

They've already done it anon, go and try the beta.


>> No.26658803

This man is a literal genius.

>> No.26659545

they already don this on beta
slippage is heavily reduced and this dex will be bet place for arbitrage because of it even on low liquidity pairs

>> No.26660668

I have 20 dexg, will I make it?

>> No.26660706

yes and so will your grandkids' grandkids

>> No.26661063

This hitting 500M+ is entirely plausible when you consider that sushiswap has just passed 1 billion dollar market cap and is pretty much a uniswap clone with shitty branding, made by a hype man, pretty much everything he touches has exploits.

The tipping point will come when users get hands-on with the dexg swap and see the effects on IL and slippage for themselves, coupled with the low supply (55,000) and transaction free rewards and we will see a snowball effect.

>> No.26661203
File: 224 KB, 999x1000, dexler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you haven’t got at least a suicide stack by now, you’re ngmi ropeboys

>> No.26661439

how much is a suicide stack?

>> No.26661651
File: 178 KB, 303x311, 1562070641160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, if I'm being honest I don't understand anything about crypto. I don't really know what a blockchain is, what it is used for, what's ethereum, slippage is just a thing at the bottom of the screen on uniswap, etc...
I just bought 4k worth of it because those DEXG threads look the most "informed" and I like the logo. Worse than gambling, where you at least know the odds.

>> No.26662086


>> No.26662724

as someone who wouldn’t knowingly fuck over another biz let, anon, you have made a good choice holding this. before I bought, I did all the research, I read about jollen and flow chain, I read the white paper, I’ve thoroughly tested the beta, I looked at the problems they’re solving, and looked at comparable project’s market caps. this is as close to a dead cert over the next few months as I’ve found.

>> No.26663958

Depends how rich you want to be?

>> No.26664397

Just by applying a simple relative valuation exercise you can infer that the mkt cap is too low for this type of project. Even a working product should still be 5x from here.

>> No.26665489

so if there's a limited number of token and they're all distributed, then the market cap increases x fold, then the price of a single token increases x fold as well?
If I'm making money from that, I might as well know why.

>> No.26665838

what's the exercise ?

>> No.26666482

I think they will start marketing as soon as staking is finished

>> No.26667730

lol it's just a way of saying that if you look at other exchanges' market caps, even the shitty ones and clone ones they all have mkt caps of 100m+, i.e pancakeswap. Never go full retard anon

>> No.26667874

You probably shouldn't invest in anything, ever if you don't understand the relationship between market cap and price of a particular asset

>> No.26668286

gamble investing is my only way to live. I'm not intelligent enough to get an interesting and good-paying job. And I'm serious when I say I'll kill myself before EOY if I don't see any prospect besides my current sould-crushing waging. It may seem dumb and irational to you, but it's a matter of suvival for me.