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26647448 No.26647448 [Reply] [Original]

Lets say I have 1000 dollars I want to invest. What is a good investment to get a safe return on investment? I don't want to pump it into memes like GME or anything like that.

I've used something like Acorns and it was pretty neat. Just wondering if there was something better.

>> No.26647494


>> No.26647499

Invest in the meme bubble rocket to the moon then go bankrupt when you get out too late

>> No.26647548

Rubic is as safe as it gets for the next couple of months.

>> No.26647553

> acorns
lmao holy shit man. just put your $1k in your savings account and forget about getting your massive $20 gains every 6 months

>> No.26647570

Blackberry, and Nokia just pick dying companies like gme and you will certainly get squeezes out

>> No.26647609

If you only have 1000 the maximum amount of money you can make with little risk is maybe another 1000 in 5 years which is still nothing. Just go all in on the memes if you fail then you lost 1000 if you win you might make 10k or more and then you can actually start investing normally.

>> No.26647620

Just buy passive index funds if you want something reasonably safe long term.

don't listen to retards shilling you meme stocks or small cap cryptos. Not that there's anything wrong with those, but it's very high risk.

>> No.26647635

I'm investing 80k into GME, AMC, and CTRM 45/35/20 split tomorrow. Wish me luck bros.

>> No.26647741

That's what I was thinking. I'll have to do some research on some good index funds.

>> No.26648185

This "logic" is one of the main reasons why poorfags stay poor. They use it to justify consooming or gambling (like you) instead of investing because "$1k its pocket change and won't make a difference in the markets". If $1k is pocket change to OP then it should be easy to save (and invest) a few more $k. Just because you're poor doesn't mean you should waste/ gamble you money on dumb shit. If anything, the opposite is true.

I started out with $5k in investments when I was 19 and now I'm a millionaire. I didn't get here by gambling or throwing away my money on dumb shit. Same goes for most other wealthy people.
> b-b-but I know a guy who turned $5k into $200k
Thjat guy was insanely lucky. Most retarded poorfags who gamble with their savings end up staying poor forever. Building wealth takes time and patience.

>> No.26648213


>> No.26648233


>> No.26648241

buy schweizer fränkli

>> No.26648326

Just google "passive index ETFs with the lowest expense ratios" or something like that. And make sure the ETF is accumulating so you don't get taxed on the dividends and have to reinvest them yourself.

Good luck.

>> No.26648436
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