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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2664203 No.2664203 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want kids. Why? Kids are a money-sink.

All I want is to fulfill hedonist pleasures. I don't care about a legacy.

I don't care about my community. I don't care about other people. I don't care that humans are naturally social creatures.

No, I don't have a mental disorder, I promise.

>> No.2664240

Taking the Greenpill I see. Having kids before you earn your first few million is dumb as fuck anyways.

Once you have 5M in the bank and strong income, kids are pocket change. Also, you can just pay a maid to raise them and a woman to give birth to them so you have no risk of losing half your net worth in a divorce.

>> No.2664287

Do you have a wife?

Otherwise you're sour graping
Are you so worthless that you can't have a family without already being retired?

Children are great

>> No.2665303

>i want to un-natural select my genes out of existence because i don't feel like having kids
>i don't have a mental disorder
pick one

>> No.2665335

Giving a fuck about your genes is sub-human cave man shit.

>> No.2665339

You have no legacy

>> No.2665361

>t.low test fagget

>> No.2665386

Interesting conjecture.

>> No.2665400

>I dont care about kids or anything cuz my parents are dum!
This website is for people 18 years of ago and older. You have to go back

>> No.2665403
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>> No.2665410

If you don't want kids, you objectively have a mental disorder.

The only reason anything alive even exists is to reproduce or perhaps aid others in reproducing. Perhaps you're happy to be a cow. To be milked for a while and then slaughtered for meat.

Either way, you're an end result to billions of years of evolution. Not wanting kids with that momentum behind you is always just stupidity.

>> No.2665430

How about you go around sucking the cocks of everyone who doesn't want to reproduce and spit the cum into your wife's pussy since it's such a huge concern to you?

>> No.2665456

what the point of money if you're just going to sit on it or buy useless garbage until you die?

>> No.2665462

>too dumb to see the post is sarcasm

looks like this board has fully transitioned to /pol/. Anyone know if the old /biz/tards are meeting anywhere?

>> No.2665512

Yeah no. That's animal mentality because that's pretty much all they can achieve

>> No.2665530

either mental disorder or just a young dumb kid.

people like you are actually good for the economy, so maybe you're brainwashed by some public school nonsense, but as long as everybody is happy why do you need to blog about this?

>> No.2665539

Truly has when these varg reproduce memes are here too

>> No.2665547

No one gives a fuck. Take this shit to reddit or tumblr

>> No.2665693

I don't want kids. I have a mild mental disorder and would probably produce offspring with a major one (has happened multiple times with the men in my family).

yeah, my genes need to die out. luckily I have my crypto gains to keep me happy.

>> No.2665727


Maybe if you're some romantic or some shit. The future doesn't look optimistic for everyone and it is kind of bullshit to force existence on something. Plus the fact they cost 10's of thousands of dollars and some people just don't have the time or instinct for it.

>> No.2665897
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>tfw you accumulate resources because your biology tells you to as the provider but decades of propaganda have convinced you what you want is flashy cars, mansions and easy sex so you run with this commercialized perversion of your purpose and believe you're the one smart enough to escape the system and so you find yourself 40 years old in the Philippines getting your cock sucked by different lips half your age every night but somehow you feel empty even if you can't understand why so you go on the internet and make fun of breeders but breeders aren't listening because they're enjoying life with their kids so you end up being the king of teenagers but teenagers don't respect shit so they make fun of you for being a grandpa and tell you to go back to your stocks and leave crypto