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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26640241 No.26640241 [Reply] [Original]

> goes on TV and calls GME a Russian op
> all transactions voided
> Melvin saved
would it work, bros?

>> No.26640325

Shit Biden probably has some gme by now

>> No.26640424

Yes he could do it.

>> No.26640478

This is why you buy GME but also buy puts, just in case the fed pulls some shenanigans for their buddies.

>> No.26640538

He has a duty to rescure that hedge fund

>> No.26641376

>If you were, uh, a quartermaster, you would, uh, stop shelves in GameStock, so folks, uh, we need to, uh, come on man

>> No.26641464

Does that mean I get free Russian citizenship?

>> No.26641712

The monetary system is bullshit, and we should get rid of the Executive Power and replace them all by democratic smart contracts.

Fuck the oligarchs.

>> No.26641922

>stock market loses all retail investors
Well done I guess?

>> No.26642004

they will 100% suspend trading if the predicted short squeeze on friday begins. GME trading will stay halted until a bailout is agreed on, which will probably take a week or so. the bailout will be structured in a way that basically fucks retail investors. that's what will happen.

>> No.26642401

This. It's been illegal for the market to crash since 1929. They will stop it as long as it takes. But it's still funny.