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2663978 No.2663978 [Reply] [Original]

I'm the anon who said eth was heading down towards the 250s starting at 12 and tried replying to my post when I was notified I was banned. Why? Anyways, I'm back. Said it was headed down after noon pacific time today, go look at the charts. Here to answer questions for a bit

>> No.2663993

where will eth be in a month oh great 4chan sage?!

>> No.2664028


Asked me in 3 weeks.

>> No.2664092

Your prediction was wrong and you're desperate for validation. Stop while you're behind.

>> No.2664099

>starting at 12
12 what?

what will happen to ETC?

>> No.2664105

Why were you banned?
Do you know ban evasion is permanently bannable?
Warnings aren't bans, but they appear similar.

Also, when did you post that 12PM pacific would be the dip, also it started closer to 11AM pacific.

Post evidence for maximum FUD.
I can understand why you're mentioning it, you want FUD so people drop their bags, and I want that too.
Good luck with the crash Mark Cuban

>> No.2664148

asked you in 3 weeks? Did I time travel or some shit?

>> No.2664183
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>bought in @ $315

>> No.2664200
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My guess is OP was perma banned

>> No.2664298

Hope so. He was a tool in the last thread with zero regard for charts, let alone fundamentals, just pure faith.

>> No.2664366


How was I a tool? I was nothing but civil.

>> No.2664382


I posted it early this morning, was told to have my positions set by noon. It did seem to start about an hour earlier, but I had already sold at 320 the night before.

>> No.2664389

lmao, cant stop loling at the idiots who said ETH is bullish right now and 300 is the new floor.


>> No.2664426


Ask in 3 weeks. On mobile, auto correct.

>> No.2664441


How was I wrong? I was told a push towards 250 would be started at noon. I never said it would happen in 5 seconds, and even updated the thread when I was told it was still coming, to just be patient. It's being made to look natural, so cheap eth can be accumulated and loose hands can be shaken.

>> No.2664468

omg it's like you somehow magically knew that when things go up they come back down again. Please tell me more oh wise one.

>> No.2664478
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>> No.2664486

glad I haven't bought any since the recovery

>> No.2664493


when I first posted everyone was posting to buy now because it was headed to 600. This was when it was 320. You might have been one of them. The whole point was to pass on info, and to suggest that if you're going to buy, to wait to get your money's worth. That's all.

>> No.2664495
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>buying koin


>I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.2664505

When should I buy Eth?

>> No.2664509

Op can you please post a contact email? I believe in you

>> No.2664517

mmm the thread this morning you sounded more like a fudrucker that missed the boat on the last rebound and wanted another dip to buy back in. I didn't see any post about 600 and it's still not even close to 250

>> No.2664540


Personally, I'm waiting to buy until it hits 250. Another run is going to be made in the early morning hours, pacific time. Could go lower but I'll be happy with 250 for a good chunk of eth. I'm setting the buy order and going to bed in a bit, hopefully it's filled in the morning.

>> No.2664550


Not giving my personal info, but I'll post on here again if I get any info worth passing on.

>> No.2664570


No, opposite. I bought on the bottom of the dip and sold at the top, 320, all because of information I was given. Still have my main stack of eth that's never touched, but trying to accumulate as much as I can buying the lows and selling the highs.

>> No.2664578

Throwaway email.

Or secure tripcode.

You've saved me thousands today

>> No.2664581


>> No.2664583

Go on 4chan archive and find your post
Also your strawmanning by saying
> everyone was posting to buy now because it was headed to 600.
trying to make it look like there was foolish opposition to what you're saying

If it reaches 250, then I'll believe you, but until then you're LARP-tier

>> No.2664596


>> No.2664610
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again 250 is just the next fib retracement level, if you're really altruistic why be coy about your tactic

>> No.2664651


I'm not going to try and do all that right now, but a few remember me from my first post. Or if someone else wants to look it up and link it feel free. I posted around 10 pacific, last night.

>> No.2664767
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checked my history, here you go.

>> No.2664782

This doesn't say "at 12 PM PST"

>> No.2664796


Thought you meant the one from last night, my first post. Hold on.

>> No.2664806
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>> No.2664853

Cool, now lets see 250 happen.
Any time indicator as to when?
Also are they planning on going further?

>> No.2664888


Last I heard, another push overnight in the early morning hours again (pacific time). They're trying to push it as far as possible but 250 is the target. If it goes lower, even better. Last night it went from a high of around 320 to 290 when it was pushed, 250 sounds reasonable currently. Stage is being set up. Just check the day charts and the times I said, I feel like it speaks for itself so far.

>> No.2664906


As I've suggested to others, put in a buy order for 250 and sleep soundly. Hopefully wake up to a nice surprise. Or you could chance it and try to catch the absolute bottom but 250 sounds comfy to me personally, might save some fiat in case it goes lower.

>> No.2664931

Rates are slightly different across exchanges should we spread the buy orders? If so any recommended range?

>> No.2664949

just use the fib retracement that's all he's doing, he's not in a secret club with insider friends.

>> No.2664974

Meh, I got 1 day until the weekend and I got a lot done yesterday, so Friday will be smooth. I'll wake up every few hours and give the status a check. Gonna put my buy orders from 200 to 250 in 100 evenly spaced increments

>> No.2664977


No, I'm not in a club. I was passed information from a friend though, who has been right every time so far. Last night was the first time I decided to pass the info on and hopefully save/make people some money. I don't know what fib retracement is but if it can give me a time window as narrow as my friend can I might have to look into it. I'm just passing on info, take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.2664989

buy BAT when???

>> No.2664995


Good luck, hope it works out for both of us.

>> No.2665000

just LMAO LMAO LOL LMAO. Are you litetally fucking 12 years old?

>> No.2665001

No worries he was just shedding light on the technical analysis. Something that isn't always used around this board. Appreciate the info though.

>> No.2665002

well then that's all your friend is doing, basic TA speculation, just look at the chart I posted it lines up perfectly and is elementary.

If your OP had something like that to back it up I'd be supportive but I don't care for the mysterious putting on aires like you know something we don't through a crystal ball

>> No.2665016


If it was that easy, wouldn't everyone be making the right moves all the time, by drawing lines on charts? I never said it's from a crystal ball or mysterious. I suppose being in this site and anonymous adds some mystery to it, but I was pretty clear from the beginning. This is what I was told, how I was told it, and what I did. Just passing on information that's worked out pretty well for me.

>> No.2665058

I'm headed to bed for the night, it's been fun. I'll try and post tomorrow morning.

>> No.2665075
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>> No.2665168

do i short for more free money

>> No.2665169

the ones making profit are yes. if you really are genuine then I apologize but you have to understand how much shitposting and poor attempts at manipulation occur on this board daily.