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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 800x500, 4chan-reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26639079 No.26639079 [Reply] [Original]

You may not like it, but this is what peak collab looks like.

>> No.26639110
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>> No.26639184
File: 51 KB, 623x447, AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eternal rivals team up to take on a bigger threat

>> No.26639216

reddit refugees welcome, i see their board got fucked by boomers

>> No.26639218

This board has clearly been infested with hedgie shills. If this video goes viral more people will hold. Do NOT give in to the FUD and SPREAD THIS FUCKING LINK!


>> No.26639450

link to /r/wsb post of this? unless this is OC..

>> No.26639484

if you're here from reddit, be honest, how many of you are enjoying speeking candidly about your other fellow redditors? how much do you hate the redditor ethos. do some of you feel free to say whatever you want without the lame upvote system?

>> No.26639537
File: 77 KB, 500x574, unity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26639619

those are always the best anime episodes

>> No.26639629

retards and geniuses collaborating with midwits, good meme sirs.

>> No.26639648

why did it make me laugh, kek. Fuck seething shillers

this guys still try to give their shit coins

and they hope that this will works, what a retards

I just use poolz finance and their staking options, presale will be soon and I will get nice $$

>> No.26639682

I was here already, but

Fuck gate keeping mods and fuck 10 year old "insider" joke chains that derail whole conversations because people want the upvotes and shiny awards

>> No.26639730

It is somewhat scary that weaponized autism and psychophantic ass kissing have teamed up.

>> No.26639804

Why do you think they work so hard to brainwash people with identity politics? Divided we are weak. United, we are much stronger than our captors make themselves out to be.

>> No.26640012

When midwits come here and adapt to our autistic culture, do they become either retards or geniuses?

>> No.26640165
File: 67 KB, 500x377, image~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro I'm not spending the next 10 years getting investigated for discovery. Happy hunting to our brothers at /r/WSB, I'm gonna chill with my slow and steady link gains.

>> No.26640252
File: 96 KB, 900x645, predator YOUSONOFABITCH painting 1462985566526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit. You son of a bitch.

>> No.26640271
File: 186 KB, 584x425, retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26640280

Name a more iconic duo. Ill wait

>> No.26641077

Plebbit doesn't even know about DMG. How can they even remotely be on our side.

>> No.26641194

Even normies on twitter are excited about it. The political chimera won't hold in the resentment thay we all feel for the degenerate elite.

>> No.26641613
File: 84 KB, 640x457, 3DF6EA9F-0153-42E6-981A-D2E759B9C344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No this was all Reddit and let them take credit, if you oldfags know what I am talking about.

>> No.26641673

We <3 our redditors folks
Though i would not be happy seeing a single one if then face a charge for what is totally legal

>> No.26641684

There is no collaboration at all, do not lump us with the plebbitors they will fall on their own. a/biz/ is a board of peace and we are all friends of israel.

>> No.26641855

reddit has something 4chan never will. mass appeal.
Im proud of them. its like seeing your retarded son get a prom date.

>> No.26641921
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>> No.26641956
File: 504 KB, 159x132, 1310096336943.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first off fuck jannies niggers and jews but /biz/ was not first on this, reddit obviously was unless there is some archive proof that I have not seen yet. it was u/Deepfuckingvalue who appears to have the first post on a possible short squeeze. fuck reddit but they do have their shit archived better. Also the amount of people posting on their daily threads would cripple 4chan

>> No.26642296

This. The unjust hatred on display in wsb (wallstreetbets) is deeply dangerous to democracy and liberal values.
/biz/ in no ways condones the collapse of hedge funds and wall street who are extremely critical to our economy.
/bid/ maintains that the coordinated pump and dump attack on GME is unethical and fully supports the SEC in their investigation of wsb.
Any posts that are in support of wsb are merely satirical in attempting to make fun of wsb incels for comedic purposes. As is the nature of this board.

>> No.26642486

>/biz/ was not first on this
someone post the chart of GME frequency on r/wsb and /biz/. started first, very quickly moved over. but as they bought the vast majority of the shares, they're responsible for it, not us. r/wsb is dece and the only sub that I can tolerate. I do, however, use reddit when looking up consoomer reviews as it is consoomer central.

>> No.26642527

Honestly, I'm happy. We're on good terms with reddit for the first time in god knows how long. Its nice having allies instead of enemies.

>> No.26642540

We are good goyim here, and have a symbiotic relationship with our shekel masters
Whenever I see kikes fudding btc, I short it; if I don't see them around for a while, I go long.
Works perfectly, and everyone's happy.

>> No.26642595

True thanks for being logical

>> No.26642607

we didnt do shit though, this was all reddit

>> No.26642714

Both reddit and 4chan are terrible for consumer reviews. Gorilla marketing everywhere.
Only trust your friends for reviews.
Youtubers are hit and miss. But if you can find an honest one that's the way to go. But anything where they get free samples is already a perverse incentive for good reviews.

>> No.26642826




over loading

free speech

too powerful

>> No.26643073

This you wannabe parasites. You did NOTHING. You are KEKED.