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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 108 KB, 400x381, 0lBXFeW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2663787 No.2663787 [Reply] [Original]

>it's a "ETH is crashing" episode again

Who else has strong hands after the last crash? Never panic selling again.

>> No.2663811

got bad new for you.........

you better sell, i dont even know the price or care but you should have sold 2 days ago

>> No.2663814

back when eth "crashed" from 13 to 7 dollars each people were posting the same shitty arguments and memes (hurr muh bubble chart) as they are now and enough dumb fucks sold the dip.

>> No.2663831

Its because the newfriend (((((((TRADERS)))))))) think its going to dip to mid 200 in a bulltrap and are placing shorts based on the fucking meme graph. Just wait for them to get liquidated once it surges after their orders are all placed.

All the weak hands have already been shaken out. Shorting or Longing ETH are equally risky right now.

>> No.2663836

ya but there was not 40 ico scams then

>> No.2663874

You do realize nothing has changed since February? (when I first bought in)

There's been no significant technological advances. All ETH had going for it was vision and the EEA.

It turns out the tech is seriously lacklustre, and performs poorly. Maybe if they iron out the issues this will one day return to $400, but now I'd say the dip is more than justified.

>> No.2663884
File: 498 KB, 814x1233, eth comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2663894

I think ETH and all the coins based on ETH will crash

Antshares will take ETH's place.

>> No.2663912

they dont even have a working wallet so kill yourself

>> No.2663913
File: 8 KB, 645x773, feel fuy eyes closed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry OP, but I'm an ANS holder, and if ETH is crashing that means I'm going to moon.

>> No.2663946


Like clockwork that fucking graph is posted.

If you look at it statistically you should always invest in coins when its compared to this plot because its never been correct.

>> No.2663954

I already sold and am ready to dip

>> No.2663961
File: 69 KB, 328x277, 1498335960801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been warned.

>> No.2663962

Look ma I posted it again on the 4chans!

>> No.2663974

dumbfuck newfags and fudders have been posting this shit on eth since lik3 7 dollars and btc at like 200.

>> No.2663984

Get my ETH on the 1st fuck I swear the market is bullying me

>> No.2663985

Each crash only makes my hands stronger

>> No.2663988

wait until it 10 dollars for the second time this mouth. theres so many icos that when the fear sets in they will all sell there eth. thats why you cant have 600000 coins based on one coin. shit will crash one ico cashed out and price to 10 dollars. it will never work. you cant have 6000000000000000 companies runing on the same system.

>> No.2664005
File: 40 KB, 1088x375, Screenshot from 2017-06-29 23-00-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is why "ETH is crashing"

You can see the decline to the first crash, then the dead cat bounce that we are in now. Its going back to 0.09. Then maybe lower?

>> No.2664006

catch it at 180 this time

>> No.2664013

if eth loses valve they all lose valve. once one company solve a real world problem and has a company thats not a scam what do you think will happen? they will split off into there own company. there all scams

>> No.2664023

>dead cat bounce

>> No.2664024

>muh dead cat bounce

Every day. Every post. Every coin.

>> No.2664032

fair enough (retard who is new to crypto), but if you're willing to watch it go down to 200 and sit there for a year, you aren't a real trader and you're just some ETH cultist nutrider. it has literally no other function than to make money right now.

>> No.2664048

Literally every tech nerd I know is invested in ETH and claims it will be the next big thing in 1-2 years.

I'm holding these bags with a deathgrip.

>> No.2664062

maybe stop assuming shit about strangers on a tibetan tapestry forum

>> No.2664070

>holding bags
>not selling and rebuying

>> No.2664088

please tell me one good real world use for this shitcoin. other than being a platform for scams? dont worry i will wait

>> No.2664338

btc is also dumping

>> No.2664349

those clowns don't know anything about trading or asset valuation

they'll be right probably, but in terms of ETH price they know nothing

>> No.2664404

lmao, cant stop loling at the idiots who said ETH is bullish right now and 300 is the new floor.