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26636309 No.26636309 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26636498

the moon

>> No.26636538

how does $800 sound?

>> No.26636578

sounds fantastically retarded.

>> No.26636597

oh so you think jews will let the same scam happen to them again? good luck with that.

>> No.26636630


Distraction. Put money into oil. Now.

>> No.26636804

What do you mean let. Their control is slipping away one stonk at a time

>> No.26636845

So 4chan is shilling AMC and reddit is shilling BB, which will it be?? I guess Ill put in both...

>> No.26636917

Give it to me straight. I have $500 to spend. All in on AMC or 2 GME @ $200-$250?

>> No.26636922

i'm thinking of using my unemployment money to make some money on stocks. The thing is, if I go all in with my savings right now, 1k, and I make 100% profit, I'll have to report that as income and they won't pay me next pay period. If it goes to the moon I won't be able to collect unemployment for a few weeks because of how much I made.

>> No.26636965

they will adjust.

>> No.26637010

dunno but i am dropping $850 on AMC on open tomorrow. at this point $1000 into GME won't get me that much profit so have to go somewhere else

>> No.26637011

Just don't report it

>> No.26637031

Adjust to eating ramen noodles three times a day that is.

>> No.26637042

it is EASILY hitting $500 by friday.
100% guarantee

>> No.26637051

not putting anything in amc until gme done in all in on gme

>> No.26637064

fuck off with AMC kike, we do GME to 1000 first

>> No.26637086
File: 79 KB, 1024x722, 265E553D-3029-4A52-9A69-085824A98202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking idiots really don’t understand how serious this is do you? You’re causing major institutions to lose billions of dollars and might even cause the grandparent loaning bank to go under. People will lose their homes, people’s mortgages and investments will be impacted as a result. There is a loser on every trade and mark our words at the end of the day it WILL be you

Enjoy retaining a lawyer and fighting off discovery for the next five years. Was it worth ruining your life for a 10x? Good luck explaining why you’re using words like “Jew” and “nigger” to a federal judge. Enough is enough and it’s about time someone took you man children down a notch.

>> No.26637102

They'll know. And when I file taxes they'll really know.

>> No.26637141

You have to look at it from the perspective of people who don't already own GME instead of thinking with your own dick. What do they do to maximize profits? Buy GME at $200-$250 or buy AMC?

>> No.26637168



>> No.26637204

i love this pasta

>> No.26637321

cold, slimy, unappetizing pasta
(you) need to go make a fresh pot

>> No.26638150

I’m a poorfag who just heard about it today, bought 1 GME at 150 and 1 AMC at 5. It’s already almost impossible for me to make a loss on this, I’m excited to see what happens this week. I’m pretty cautious so might sell early, but others are saying to wait til after Friday?

>> No.26638267

AMC is up 76% after hours. GME is already too expensive. Get in early on AMC while its still under $10

Exactly. Sell some profits off GME to buy even more shares of AMC than one did with GME.

>> No.26638325

>won’t get me that much profit
>going from 200 to 1400 tomorrow, 3k by Friday
This is why you are poor

>> No.26638474

Sleazy kike

>> No.26638497

But won’t Gamestop rise more than AMC by the end of this all due to the media hype and memey-shit going on? Should I really sell my 2 GME and put it all into AMC?