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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26634186 No.26634186 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, it went up 800% in a month. What a gem, so amazing. Meanwhile, UNI is up 3000% since September, AAVE is up 900% since November, and SUSHI is up 1500% since November. And this is just the beginning. Do you FOOLS remember Ethereum rising over 13000% in a YEAR? YFI going up over 4400% in a two MONTHS? STONKS ARE BORING. Crypto does shit like this every fucking day.

>> No.26634311

>real irl big business = crypto memeshit
/biz/ level IQ

>> No.26634366

Coiner cope

>> No.26634387

Feel the same way anon, I got insane profits off of rubic scam (13x).... It's just a reddit invasion is all. It's their first time...they'll be gone in a week or two.

>> No.26634392

Found the crypto bagholder.

>> No.26634519

Dumb fucking indian niggers if you have no clue what you're talking about shut the fuck up and keep getting dumped on
you are so fucking nigger brained that your first assumption is that it is being bought because the price went up
the price hasnt even truly gone up but let me guess you think that's a cope right? because you don't know what the fuck this is. stick to invisible money ranjeet doo fucking jimmy neutron curry nigger

>> No.26634608

cope incel

>> No.26634713

based rubichad

"""scam""" - dyor nigger.

>> No.26634866

dense motherfucker op is. since you liek following lines:
gme is doing in a month what uni takes 5 to do
gme is doing in a month what aave takes 3 to do
gme is doing in 7 months what sushi takes 8
crypto is fucking slow, esp now with people cashing out to jump in on stocks

>> No.26635071


literally kill yourself faggot. whats happening with gamestop is a thousand times more epic than any of that. greedy hedge funds are getting blown the fuck out for 90+ billion. Wall street scum are getting blown the fuck out. The panic going on right now will be told in history books for centuries.

>> No.26635251

delusional redditnigger. neck yourself.

>> No.26635440

go on binance and get frontrun by robot chinks you fucking mong

>> No.26635508

if GME doesn't look like a big deal to you, that's ok. not everyone is smart enough to get it fren :^)

>> No.26635539

crypto is done for. Normies will see this and take it as next bitcoin rush. Nobody will buy your worthless computer coins now

>> No.26635816

>he thinks people are only excited about the gains
you will never be a woman

>> No.26635903
File: 2.88 MB, 640x360, 20210126_101325_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not about gains, it's about jewing the jews OP

>> No.26636382

The kikes are literally down 10B as of this moment, idiot. And the squeeze hasn't even begun. This is history.

>> No.26636454

Holy seething

>> No.26636683

You realize they only have 12 billion right? When they run out you're getting nothing. You'll be holding bags that no one will be buying off you. I dunno where you dummies are getting these delusions that someone will HAVE to buy your shares at crazy prices like $8000. Maybe learn the basics of how the market works. Bankruptcy will be declared this week. GME will go to $3. And you will lose everything. Balance will be restored in the universe and I'll continue laughing my ass off.