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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26634168 No.26634168 [Reply] [Original]

Good, good, go away.

>> No.26634225

Have sex, incel.

>> No.26634272

chainlink hasn't fucked over some jew hedge fund.

>> No.26634298

/biz/ got a x6 at best.

>> No.26634301


>> No.26634309

x10 in 2 days, will be another x10 by friday

meanwhile link takes a year+ to x10

>> No.26634310


Considering they like to hyperleverage, they did better than stinkers

>> No.26634369

how does it feel to be absolutely BTFO by Reddit

>> No.26634401


>> No.26634409

Yeah, R*ddit got into LINK and ETH at ICO. Sure.

>> No.26634424

kys incel

>> No.26634470

It's a bunch of kike socialists trying to ruin the economy

>> No.26634476
File: 9 KB, 238x192, 1611598886239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>actual retard
Most anons bought link under $1...

>> No.26634560

I bought 500 shares at $8. As of now it's a x26
stay poor, it was shilled here for a long time

>> No.26634601

>implying reddit isnt just wannabe jews and jews

>> No.26634640

>Blackrock owns 20% of all GME shares
>w-we did it Reddit!

I fucking hate redditors so much

>> No.26634642

Someone please post the basedjack on in the first column

>> No.26634685

they've out done them m8 wtf do you want

>> No.26634698
File: 42 KB, 871x654, 9355E0ED-4F40-4014-8E5C-F268DD712669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit is BASED, /biz/bros!

>> No.26634718

>he fell for the larp

Dumb frogposter

>> No.26634754

Zeus capital?

>> No.26634809

this thread is bleak, so many tourists

>> No.26634867

>this thread
wait til you see the catalog

>> No.26634868


>> No.26634935

yeah wait until they find out about aleph. it'll probably be 10x up already

>> No.26634951


>> No.26634987

KYS your dirty kike.

>> No.26635025

LARP? He's right though I have 10k LNK I bought for .30

>> No.26635052

You are actually retarded. It's x3 in the absolutely most ideal case.

>> No.26635323

I'm a tourist from /v/ and I've been lurking all day trying to learn what's bullshit and what's useful.
Your post helps me quite a bit, thanks.

>> No.26636203

This but unironically. If they don't get shut down by this, they will get shut down by retards from this place bringing their schizophrenic shit onto the board and making accounts like "RedditorsGetTheRope"

>> No.26636401

Bumping this

>> No.26636558
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>> No.26636603
File: 146 KB, 1000x1000, BABY TRUMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone post my OC on WSB? I'm not a faggot.

>> No.26637052
File: 359 KB, 450x359, 1606430097771.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro i was there in the IPO discord ran by /biz/ fags. they seriously bought in at sub dollar and memed the fuck out of it for the next 3 years.

Don't be jealous bro. be happy about autism.