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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26621533 No.26621533 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that China and Russia wanted something like to happen. You are all pawns and useful idiots of foreign interests if you contribute to this.

>> No.26621555

kys kike

>> No.26621563

Dont care, fuck you faggot

>> No.26621579

Glad I'm Rushin than

>> No.26621599

I give you credit for your new angle on this but I'm going to buy more GME because you made another thread like this.

>> No.26621619

Show nose.

>> No.26621621

But I'm not a burger

>> No.26621627

holy shit. your life is worthless. buy rope soon.

>> No.26621630

suck my dick Jew

>> No.26621644

Kill a traitor before the enemy. If china and russia want to skullfuck wallstreet hedgefunds, I'm with them.

>> No.26621646

Yes, get all of your talking points out before you jump, fucking parasite.

>> No.26621661

Absolutely because it exposes the American Financial system to be a total joke.

>> No.26621666

If you can prove it ill believe you

>> No.26621676

nobody cares

>> No.26621708

he aint lying though
this just is a straw on the camels back
it's fun, but our enemies are laughing too

>> No.26621711
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Sorry, but busy, dancing with Adolf

>> No.26621712

When are you going to buy back your shorts? I will sell to you for $1000 each.

>> No.26621714


As opposed to pawns and useful idiots of US interests.

>> No.26621754

Yes of course Moshe.

>> No.26621767

We're already a foreign occupied country. Burn this shit to the ground.

>> No.26621793

Reminder that you are delusional for thinking that china and russia are buying shares in a fucking game company to screw over america

>> No.26621797

Just bought another 100 shares.

>> No.26621811
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>> No.26621833


>> No.26621835

You know you scared (((them))) when they start with the Russia, China boogeyman.

>> No.26621868

We'll take them down next. For now, I'm HODL.

>> No.26621870

>As opposed to pawns and useful idiots of jewish interests.
fixed it for you

>> No.26621959

“Our” enemies? What makes them our enemies, anon? Do they steal from us every chance we get? Do they corrupt our youth into increasing levels of degeneracy and depravity? No. They do not. But big money does.

>> No.26621995

What kind of clown word would we live in if this was possible. It couldn't be right?

>> No.26622034

How would this crash the economy. What a stupid statement.

>> No.26622041

take anything you can from them guys, they'd do the same to you as they've been doing.

>> No.26622054

It doesn’t matter.

>> No.26622172

Because the hedge funds have to buy the shares on Friday at whatever price the holders set. This will liquidate the hedge funds. Then the brokers backing them up are liable. Well that might liquidate them too. Then the banks are on the hook. Then Uncle Sam has to overclock the money printer again to bail them out. Everybody loses faith in the economy. MASSIVE CRASH. We laugh. Roll credits.

>> No.26622192

lol, seethe more.

>> No.26622210

oh no those poor hedge funds

>> No.26622216
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>Gamestop will explode to 100k on Friday
>this will mean a loss of 20 trillion dollars for Melvin
>there will be no way for them to cover this
>Citadel will be taken down too in the process
>brokers will go bankrupt, they'll be unable to cover
>the banks have to jump in to cover the hedge funds
>all stocks basically become worthless
>countless boomer funds go down
>the whole fucking financial system is at stake
>FED will basically have to fucking double the all-time money supply to cover this shit
>there will be no way this is going to happen, not even close
>Euro becomes world reserve currency, Europe relatively unscathed
>China and Russia become new superpowers
>the only ones in the US that matter will be crypto bag holders
>no way to exchange any kind of currency due to all brokers being gone
>no way to globally exchange goods, especially because Binance has banned Burgerland
>DeFi to the rescue, but still no way to exchange across different chains and get your Buttcoin to Ethereum
>no way... Except one
Rubic will save the US economy. 10k by Friday evening fucking confirmed.
It's happening bros.

>> No.26622261

they wanted a video game retailer stonk to go up?

>> No.26622287

1000 each

>> No.26622342
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>> No.26622390

Not sure if troll or actual moron.
Maybe both?

>> No.26622400

>china and russia wanted me to make money on a speculative call that I can't lose from because I can write it off on my taxes if I have to sell at a loss

>> No.26622489

digits decide what happens tomorrow;
Crash and burn
Dumped down to 150 but stable

>> No.26622597

Goddamit it's like the walk the dinosaur meme but with a shitcoin.

>> No.26622698

There has already been like what, 3 crashes in the 2000s? Whats another piss in the pot?

>> No.26622716
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пoшeл нa хyй 犹

>> No.26622758
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>foreign interests

>> No.26622761

>useful idiots
This is a typical kike definition
Show nose or confirmed kike
Israel has still no right to exist

>> No.26622779
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>all these people on a business and finance board that side with communists
organic and grassroots

>> No.26622815

If America needs reckless, naked shorting hedge funds to be American, they're in the wrong. The sickness needs to be debrided out.

>> No.26622816

Our politicians were already selling America to everyone else anyway. Might as well backrupt them for it.

>> No.26622839

OP is correct but people would rather spam le funny rocketship memes or think they’re “owning the Jews” by doing this. You underage retards won’t realize the consequences of your actions until it’s too late.

>> No.26622852
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>> No.26622959

Just bought 10k more.

>> No.26623064
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this post made me commit to buying $20k worth tomorrow

>> No.26623069

personally, I'm hoping for another 6 million, for real this time

>> No.26623242

Fuck off faggot
We own the market now

>> No.26623271

Just make sure you get out before it’s dumped after the shorts are covered. Friday will be the last huge pump before the dump

>> No.26623282
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who cares? biden's america, his problem

>> No.26623320

What communists?
You're retarded and a little glowy

>> No.26623427

wallstreet stole from red blooded Americans, every firm deserves a painful end

>> No.26623554

foreign is other than Israel duh

>> No.26623576
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holy shit I love Biden's america

>> No.26623755
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foreign interest here AMA

>> No.26623813

The chinese communist party

>> No.26623848

Fuck off kike. Don't forget to sell papa's watch to your son before you jump head first off that 125th floor.

>> No.26623894

How did you know this would all happen? How many layers of chess are you on?

>> No.26624093
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lol why the fuck would they do this asshole? Actually, you know what, you are right, there were indeed some (((foreign actors))) who did this in the first place by being so greedy. Even if it is true why the fuck would I care? The economy is controlled by two groups, foreigners and (((foreigners))) why not give the Russians or the Chinese a shot? Maybe they won't steal as much as you do, Moshe

>> No.26624134
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I saw some schizo on /pol/ saying it would happen. So I trusted him.

Also I only play 7D chess up.

>> No.26624145

True but nobody even cares at this point. Accelerate! Accelerate!

>> No.26624234

Absolutely disgusting. I'll sell back to him for $999 each

>> No.26624244
File: 81 KB, 825x1024, 1601791608032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck cares? Our government is shit and would have absolutely no qualm snubbing out my life for even the smallest gain in convenience. Dont believe me? Look up Waco, the USS Liberty or Bengazi. Why should I feel obligated to defend a system that profits off my misery?
>muh china
>muh russia
Ain't no russian ever disenfranchised me. Kys, cuck.

>> No.26624419

How’s this gonna make my linkies pump?

>> No.26624463
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muh foreign interests

>> No.26624532
